2016-09-29 2 views

에서 JSON을 얻는 방법 나는이안드로이드 - 개조

package info.androidhive.retrofit.model; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 

public class MyTransaction { 

    private String schemeName; 
    private String schId; 
    private String schemeCode; 
    private String categoryType; 
    private String trxntype; 
    private Float currentValue; 
    private String folioNo; 
    private Float units; 
    private String trnxDate; 
    private Integer currentInvest; 
    private Float gainLoss; 

    public MyTransaction(String schemeName, String schId, String schemeCode, String categoryType, String trxntype, Float currentValue, String folioNo, Float units, String trnxDate, Integer currentInvest, Float gainLoss) { 
     this.schemeName = schemeName; 
     this.schId = schId; 
     this.schemeCode = schemeCode; 
     this.categoryType = categoryType; 
     this.trxntype = trxntype; 
     this.currentValue = currentValue; 
     this.folioNo = folioNo; 
     this.units = units; 
     this.trnxDate = trnxDate; 
     this.currentInvest = currentInvest; 
     this.gainLoss = gainLoss; 

    * @return 
    * The schemeName 
    public String getSchemeName() { 
     return schemeName; 

    * @param schemeName 
    * The scheme_name 
    public void setSchemeName(String schemeName) { 
     this.schemeName = schemeName; 

    * @return 
    * The schId 
    public String getSchId() { 
     return schId; 

    * @param schId 
    * The sch_id 
    public void setSchId(String schId) { 
     this.schId = schId; 

    * @return 
    * The schemeCode 
    public String getSchemeCode() { 
     return schemeCode; 

    * @param schemeCode 
    * The scheme_code 
    public void setSchemeCode(String schemeCode) { 
     this.schemeCode = schemeCode; 

    * @return 
    * The categoryType 
    public String getCategoryType() { 
     return categoryType; 

    * @param categoryType 
    * The category_type 
    public void setCategoryType(String categoryType) { 
     this.categoryType = categoryType; 

    * @return 
    * The trxntype 
    public String getTrxntype() { 
     return trxntype; 

    * @param trxntype 
    * The trxntype 
    public void setTrxntype(String trxntype) { 
     this.trxntype = trxntype; 

    * @return 
    * The currentValue 
    public Float getCurrentValue() { 
     return currentValue; 

    * @param currentValue 
    * The current_value 
    public void setCurrentValue(Float currentValue) { 
     this.currentValue = currentValue; 

    * @return 
    * The folioNo 
    public String getFolioNo() { 
     return folioNo; 

    * @param folioNo 
    * The folio_no 
    public void setFolioNo(String folioNo) { 
     this.folioNo = folioNo; 

    * @return 
    * The units 
    public Float getUnits() { 
     return units; 

    * @param units 
    * The units 
    public void setUnits(Float units) { 
     this.units = units; 

    * @return 
    * The trnxDate 
    public String getTrnxDate() { 
     return trnxDate; 

    * @param trnxDate 
    * The trnx_date 
    public void setTrnxDate(String trnxDate) { 
     this.trnxDate = trnxDate; 

    * @return 
    * The currentInvest 
    public Integer getCurrentInvest() { 
     return currentInvest; 

    * @param currentInvest 
    * The current_invest 
    public void setCurrentInvest(Integer currentInvest) { 
     this.currentInvest = currentInvest; 

    * @return 
    * The gainLoss 
    public Float getGainLoss() { 
     return gainLoss; 

    * @param gainLoss 
    * The gainLoss 
    public void setGainLoss(Float gainLoss) { 
     this.gainLoss = gainLoss; 


위 모델 클래스, JSON 얻을이다

    "scheme_name": "DSP BlackRock Tax Saver Fund (G)", 
    "sch_id": "401", 
    "scheme_code": "D110", 
    "category_type": "Equity", 
    "trxntype": "Lumpsum", 
    "current_value": 570.178, 
    "folio_no": "3417548/62", 
    "units": 14.941, 
    "trnx_date": "10-06-16", 
    "current_invest": 500, 
    "gainLoss": 70.18 
    "scheme_name": "DSP BlackRock World Mining Fund (G)", 
    "sch_id": "1278", 
    "scheme_code": "D341", 
    "category_type": "Equity", 
    "trxntype": "Lumpsum", 
    "current_value": 1999.393, 
    "folio_no": "3417548/62", 
    "units": 302.16, 
    "trnx_date": "21-07-16", 
    "current_invest": 2000, 
    "gainLoss": -0.61 
    "scheme_name": "ICICI Prudential Savings Fund (G)", 
    "sch_id": "119", 
    "scheme_code": "P1543", 
    "category_type": "Debt", 
    "trxntype": "Full Redemption", 
    "current_value": 0, 
    "folio_no": "8349201/28", 
    "units": 0, 
    "trnx_date": "19-07-16", 
    "current_invest": 0, 
    "gainLoss": 0 
    "scheme_name": "Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme (G)", 
    "sch_id": "1001", 
    "scheme_code": "K123", 
    "category_type": "Equity", 
    "trxntype": "Lumpsum", 
    "current_value": 10309.489, 
    "folio_no": "3625427/38", 
    "units": 325.796, 
    "trnx_date": "03-08-16", 
    "current_invest": 10000, 
    "gainLoss": 309.49 

, 개조와 새로운입니다. mainActivity 코드에서 API 광고 클라이언트 코드

public static final String BASE_URL = "http://www.mysiponline.com/admin-panel/AndroidApi/"; 
    private static Retrofit retrofit = null; 

    public static Retrofit getClient() { 
     if (retrofit==null) { 
      retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() 
     return retrofit; 

AIPinterfae 코드

    Call<MyTransaction> getTransaction(@Path("user_id") String id); 

MainActivity 코드

Call<MyTransaction> myTransactionCall = apiService.getTransaction("420"); 
     myTransactionCall.enqueue(new Callback<MyTransaction>() { 
      public void onResponse(Call<MyTransaction> call, Response<MyTransaction> response) { 

       Log.e(TAG, "Partners list : response.body()); 

      public void onFailure(Call<MyTransaction> call, Throwable t) { 


는 오류가. 나는 그것을 얻을 수 없다. 도와 주시고 미리 감사드립니다.

E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 
at info.androidhive.retrofit.activity.MainActivity$2.onResponse(MainActivity.java:65) 
at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall$1$1.run(ExecutorCallAdapterFactory.java:68) 
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:615) 
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) 
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137) 
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4745) 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511) 
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:786) 
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:553) 
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 

어떤 종류의 오류가 발생하고 있습니까? 시도한 코드와 함께 logcat 오류를 게시하십시오. – GrIsHu


@GrIsHu - 여기에 오류가 있습니다 .- https://gist.github.com/Sanwal13/7d09aafeb044db8a179719e7675eb382 –


또한 주 코드를 게시하도록 요청 받았습니다. 오류만으로는 문제를 더 잘 이해하지 못합니다. – GrIsHu



는 솔루션입니다. MainActivity이

Call<List<Example>> getTransaction(@Field("user_id") String user_id); 

코드에 AIPinterface의 변경 코드는

Call<List<MyTransaction>> listCall = apiService.getTransaction("420"); 
    listCall.enqueue(new Callback<List<MyTransaction>>() { 
     public void onResponse(Call<List<MyTransaction>> call, Response<List<MyTransaction>> response) { 

      List<MyTransaction> examples = response.body(); 

      Log.e(TAG, "Response : " + response.body());// Response : null 
      for (int i = 0; i < examples.size(); i++) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "examples list : " + examples.get(i).categoryType); 

     public void onFailure(Call<List<Example>> call, Throwable t) { 


해피 코딩 API 함수

를 호출합니다.


고마워요. –


당신은 하나의 객체를 호출하지만, 서버가 당신에게 개체의 목록을 반환합니다. 여기

    Call<List<MyTransaction>> getTransaction(@Path("user_id") String id); 

편집도 여기에

Call<List<MyTransaction>> myTransactionCall = apiService.getTransaction("420"); 
     myTransactionCall.enqueue(new Callback<List<MyTransaction>>() { 
      public void onResponse(Response<List<MyTransaction>> response) { 
      for(MyTransaction data: response.body){ 
       Log.e(TAG, "Partners list : response.body()); 

      public void onFailure(Throwable t) { 
