2014-07-12 5 views

이상한 앱이 있습니다. PhoneGap-InAppPurchase-iOS을 사용하여 내 phonegap 애플리케이션에 구매 한 앱을 추가하려고합니다. 그러나, 아이폰에 부하에 장치는 항상 'TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'cordova.exec')라고 말하며 그것이 내 init 실행을 멈추게한다고 생각합니다.Phonegap iphone exec에서 오류가 발생했습니다.

구매를 시도 할 때 ' InAppPurchase[js]: purchase error: product needs to be loaded before purchase, call storekit.load(...) first!' 오류가 발생하지만 내 index.js는 heres입니다.이 경우 storekit.load를 먼저 실행하고 있습니다. 두 가지 문제가 연관되어 있는지, 나머지 JS 작업이 중단되는지는 모르겠습니다. 내가 볼 수 있듯이, 나는 cordova를 가동하지 않고있어 .exec?

var app = { 

    initialize: function() { 
     console.log("Attempting to init"); 
     document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady, false); 
     try { 
      FB.init({appId: "sdfsdfsdfsdfsd", nativeInterface: CDV.FB, useCachedDialogs: false}); 
      console.log("FB Ready"); 
     } catch (e) { 

     inappbilling.init(bSuccess, bError, {showLog:true}, "asdass"); 

    bindEvents: function() { 


    onDeviceReady: function() { 


      debug: true, /* Because we like to see logs on the console */ 

      purchase: function (transactionId, productId) { 
       console.log('purchased: ' + productId); 
      restore: function (transactionId, productId) { 
       console.log('restored: ' + productId); 
      restoreCompleted: function() { 
       console.log('all restore complete'); 
      restoreFailed: function (errCode) { 
       console.log('restore failed: ' + errCode); 
      error: function (errno, errtext) { 
       console.log('Failed: ' + errtext); 
      ready: function() { 
       var productIds = [ 
       window.storekit.load(productIds, function(validProducts, invalidProductIds) { 
        $.each(validProducts, function (i, val) { 
         console.log("id: " + val.id + " title: " + val.title + " val: " + val.description + " price: " + val.price); 
        if(invalidProductIds.length) { 
         console.log("Invalid Product IDs: " + JSON.stringify(invalidProductIds)); 

    tokenHandler:function(msg) { 
     localStorage.setItem("Device", "ios"); 
     console.log("Token Handler " + msg); 
     localStorage.setItem("PushID", msg) 

    errorHandler:function(error) { 
     console.log("Error Handler " + error); 
    // result contains any message sent from the plugin call 
    successHandler: function(result) { 

    // Update DOM on a Received Event 
    receivedEvent: function(id) { 
     var pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification; 

     if (device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android') { 
      pushNotification.register(this.successHandler, this.errorHandler,{"senderID":"asdasdadsasd","ecb":"app.onNotificationGCM"}); 
     else { 

     var parentElement = document.getElementById(id); 
     var listeningElement = parentElement.querySelector('.listening'); 
     var receivedElement = parentElement.querySelector('.received'); 

     listeningElement.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); 
     receivedElement.setAttribute('style', 'display:block;'); 

     console.log('Received Event: ' + id); 
    // iOS 
    onNotificationAPN: function(event) { 
     var pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification; 
     console.log("Received a notification! " + event.alert); 
     console.log("event sound " + event.sound); 
     console.log("event badge " + event.badge); 
     console.log("event " + event); 
     if (event.alert) { 


     if (event.sound) { 
      var snd = new Media(event.sound); 
    // Android 
    onNotificationGCM: function(e) { 
      case 'registered': 
       if (e.regid.length > 0) 
        console.log("Regid " + e.regid); 
        localStorage.setItem("PushID", e.regid) 


      case 'message': 
       // this is the actual push notification. its format depends on the data model 
       // of the intermediary push server which must also be reflected in GCMIntentService.java 

      case 'error': 
       alert('GCM error = '+e.msg); 

       alert('An unknown GCM event has occurred'); 

function bSuccess(result) { 
    alert("woo - initialised"); 

function bError(error) { 

function updateID() { 
    console.log("Updating ID on server"); 

    var Username = localStorage.getItem("Username"); 
    var SessionKey = localStorage.getItem("SessionID"); 
    var PushID = localStorage.getItem("PushID"); 
    $.mobile.loading('show', { theme: "b", text: "Loading", textonly: false}); 
     crossDomain: true, 
     contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
     url: "http://taasdasdasdasdgi.asdasdasdasdasd.com/Register.asmx/RegisterDevice", 
     data: { Username: Username, SessionKey: SessionKey, PushId:PushID, UUid:"moo", ProductType: localStorage.getItem("Device") }, 
     dataType: "jsonp", 
     success: onDataReceived 

    function onDataReceived(data) 

     $.mobile.loading('hide', { theme: "b", text: "", textonly: false}); 

function successHandler1 (result) { 
    var strResult = ""; 
    if(typeof result === 'object') { 
     strResult = JSON.stringify(result); 
    } else { 
     strResult = result; 

function errorHandler1 (error) { 
    alert("ERROR: \r\n"+error); 
function subscribe(){ 
    // make the purchase 
    if (device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android') { 
     inappbilling.buy(successHandler1, errorHandler1,"asdasdsa"); 
    else { 
     window.storekit.purchase("com.asdsaddas.asdasd.asdasdasd", 1); 
    console.log("Trying to buy"); 



동일한 문제가 있습니다. 이 문제는 다음 단계를 통해 해결했습니다. (1). "device ready"이벤트를 앱에 바인딩합니다. 이 코드는 주 index.js 파일에 작성해야합니다.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady , false); 

(2). 그런 다음 "onDeviceReady"함수의 코드를 index.js 파일에 넣습니다. 예 :

function onDeviceReady(){ 

     debug: true, /* Because we like to see logs on the console */ 

     purchase: function (transactionId, productId) { 
      console.log('purchased: ' + productId); 
     restore: function (transactionId, productId) { 
      console.log('restored: ' + productId); 
     restoreCompleted: function() { 
      console.log('all restore complete'); 
     restoreFailed: function (errCode) { 
      console.log('restore failed: ' + errCode); 
     error: function (errno, errtext) { 
      console.log('Failed: ' + errtext); 
     ready: function() { 
      var productIds = [ 
      window.storekit.load(productIds, function(validProducts, invalidProductIds) { 
       $.each(validProducts, function (i, val) { 
        console.log("id: " + val.id + " title: " + val.title + " val: " + val.description + " price: " + val.price); 
       if(invalidProductIds.length) { 
        console.log("Invalid Product IDs: " + JSON.stringify(invalidProductIds)); 


이것은 나를 위해 작동합니다.

관련 문제