2016-06-30 10 views

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내 index.html을 : 사전에

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<title>EMS WebGIS Help Center: Home</title> 
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<div class="header-wrap"> 
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     <div class="logo"><h1>Help Center</h1></div> 
     <div class="menu"> 
       <li><a href="index.html" >Home</a></li> 
       <li><a href="default_controls.html">Default & Controls</a></li> 
       <li><a href="webmaps_toc.html">Table of Contents</a></li> 
       <li><a href="identify.html">Identify</a></li> 
       <li><a href="draw.html">Draw</a></li> 
       <li><a href="measure.html">Measure</a></li> 
       <li><a href="add_file.html">Add File to Map</a></li> 
       <li><a href="print.html">Print</a></li> 
       <li><a href="bookmarks.html">Bookmarks</a></li> 
       <li><a href="overview_basemaps.html">Overview & Basemaps</a></li> 
       <li><a href="users_login.html">Users & Login</a></li> 
       <li><a href="app_launcher.html">App Launcher</a></li> 

<div class="wrap"> 
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         <li><a href="#">Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut </a></li> 
         <li><a href="#">Praesent sit amet purus ac ligula tem </a></li> 
          <li><a href="#">Nam convallis mauris id eros condiment</a></li> 
          <li><a href="#">Donec a sem sit amet neque iaculis p</a></li> 
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          <li><a href="#">Ut fringilla scelerisque enim, nec he</a></li> 
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        <img src="images/Calleguas-logo-80px.png" alt="image" /> 
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         <p>Go to the WebGIS program</p> 
         <div class="button"><a href="http://cloud.emswebmap.com/webgis/src/index.html?agency=callegaus#/homemap">Go</a></div> 

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        <img src="images/EMSLogoo.gif" alt="image" /> 
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         <p>Visit the EMS Website</p> 
         <div class="button"><a href="http://www.emsol.com/emsol/index.shtml">Go</a></div> 

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       <p> <h2>Welcome to the Help Center for the EMS WebGIS program for the Calleguas Municipal Water District. </h2> <br> 
        <h4>This Help Center provides walkthroughs and information to help users find their way in and out of the WebGIS program. 
         This page provides the basics to navigation along the map, identification of objects, and much more. 
         With the help of the EMS WebGIS Help Center, you can become comfortable with the program and its resources.</h4> 

       <p> <h4>The EMS WebGIS Help Center provides assistance in the following subjects of the program:</h4> 

     <!--Index boxes--> 
     <div class="box mar-Right"> 
      <div class="panel"> 
       <img src="images/mouse.png" alt="image" /> 
       <div class="title"> 
        <h1>Default & Controls</h1> 
       <div class="content"> 
        <p>Familiarize yourself with the program's basics in the map's layout and location of tools, zoom, pan, setting to default and other controls.</p> 
        <div class="button" align="center"><a href="default_controls.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 
     <div class="box"> 
      <div class="panel"> 
       <img src="images/table_of_contents.png" alt="image" /> 
       <div class="title"> 
        <h1>Table of Contents</h1> 
       <div class="content"> 
        <p>Learn to access the map's sliders that change appearances in bases and water lines along with toggling items' appearance on the map.</p> 
        <div class="button" align="center"><a href="webmaps_toc.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 

     <div class="box mar-Right"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/identify.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Master selection, identification, and access of specific information.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="identify.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 
       <div class="box"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/draw.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Discover addition of graphics such as lines, circles, rectangles, and text.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="draw.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 

     <div class="box mar-Right"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/measure.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Learn the controls to ascerain length, area, perimeter and more of any selected polygon, line, or circle.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="measure.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 
       <div class="box"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/add_file.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
          <h1>Add File to Map</h1> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Become an expert at knowing which files to add to the map and browsing your computer for a file to be added to the map.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="add_file.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 

     <div class="box mar-Right"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/print.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Learn customization of a capture of the map, saving the page as a pdf, and printing it. </p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="print.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 
       <div class="box"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/bookmarks.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Figure out how to create, edit, and delete custom presets of specific areas of the map.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="bookmarks.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 

     <div class="box mar-Right"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/overview_basemaps.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
          <h1>Overview & Basemaps</h1> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Discover the overview window and learn to toggle it, and customize your map to your satisfaction using basemaps.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="overview_basemaps.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 
       <div class="box"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/users_login.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
          <h1>Users & Login</h1> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Create an account or log in, customize your account, and configure account user settings.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="users_login.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 

     <div class="box mar-Right"> 
        <div class="panel"> 
         <img src="images/app_launcher.png" alt="image" /> 
         <div class="title"> 
          <h1>App Launcher</h1> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <p>Utilize the potential of the program's applications such as Screen Capture and Spreadsheet.</p> 
          <div class="button" align="center"><a href="app_launcher.html">Go</a></div> <p /> 

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       <p>Donec eros lectus, elementum quis commodo a, lobortis ut mauris. Duis leo risus, fermentum facilisis auctor tempus, elementum ut enim. Maecenas ornare tincidunt semper. Nulla facilisi. </p> 
       <p>In tristique tellus vel nisi sagittis id bibe ndum tellus varius auris conva</p> 
       <div class="button2"><a href="#">More Info</a></div> 
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감사합니다. 'didn를 - 당신의 HTML 인덱스 페이지에서


는'/'링크에 그것은 CSS의, – Li357


감사를 html로하지를 제거해야해야 문제를 해결하지 못한다. – Uhhhhhhhh


'Styles.css'를'Styles.html'이 아닌 것으로 사용하십시오. – Li357




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고마워요! 그것으로 문제가 해결되었습니다. – Uhhhhhhhh


도움의 손길 – whisk

관련 문제