2012-02-06 3 views

Java에서 빠른 카드 게임 프로젝트를하고 있습니다. 카드 목록을 노드 목록으로 저장합니다. 제대로 목록에 추가 및 제거하는 데 문제가 있다고 생각합니다. 올바르게 보이지 않는 것이 보이십니까? 나는 이걸 알아 내려고 책상에서 내 머리를 치고 있었다. 편집 : 당신이 볼 수에 대한 게시 된 모든 클래스Java 목록 및 가비지 컬렉터

카드 클래스

public class Card 
    private CardType theCard; 
    private CardSuit theSuit; 
    private Card nextCard = null, previousCard = null; 
    Card(Card card) 
     * Question - If I just set "this = c", would this 
     * object be pointing to the same object c? Or will 
     * a separate object be created from Card c 
     this.theCard = card.getTheCard(); 
     this.theSuit = card.getTheSuit(); 
     this.nextCard = card.getNext(); 
     this.previousCard = card.getPrevious(); 
    Card(CardType theCard, CardSuit theSuit) 
     this.theCard = theCard; 
     this.theSuit = theSuit; 
    Card(CardType theCard, CardSuit theSuit, Card nextCard, Card previousCard) 
     this.theCard = theCard; 
     this.theSuit = theSuit; 
     this.nextCard = nextCard; 
     this.previousCard = previousCard; 
    //the suit order is spade, heart, diamond, and then club. 
    public int getTotValue() 
     return theCard.getValue() + theCard.getFaceValue() + theSuit.getValue(); 
    public int getFaceValue() 
     return theCard.getFaceValue(); 
    public int getSuitValue() 
     return theSuit.getValue(); 
    public String getFace() 
     return theSuit.getFace(); 

    public String getSuit() 
     return theSuit.getFace(); 
    public int getValue() 
     return theCard.getValue(); 
    public Card getNext() 
     return nextCard; 
    public void setNext(Card nextCard) 
     this.nextCard = nextCard; 
    public Card getPrevious() 
     return previousCard; 
    public void setPrevious(Card previousCard) 
     this.previousCard = previousCard; 
    * @return the theCard 
    public CardType getTheCard() { 
     return theCard; 
    * @param theCard the theCard to set 
    public void setTheCard(CardType theCard) { 
     this.theCard = theCard; 
    * @return the theSuit 
    public CardSuit getTheSuit() { 
     return theSuit; 
    * @param theSuit the theSuit to set 
    public void setTheSuit(CardSuit theSuit) { 
     this.theSuit = theSuit; 
    public String toString() 
     return (theCard.getFace() + " of " + theSuit.getFace()); 


public enum CardSuit 
    SPADE("Spade", 4), 
    HEART("Heart", 3), 
    DIAMOND("Diamond", 2), 
    CLUB("Club", 1); 
    private final String face; 
    private final int value; 
    CardSuit(String face, int value) 
     this.face = face; 
     this.value = value; 
    public String getFace() 
     return face; 
    public int getValue() 
     return value; 

에 cardType

public enum CardType 
      ACE("Ace", 11), 
      KING("King", 3, 10), 
      QUEEN("Queen", 2, 10), 
      JACK("Jack", 1, 10), 
      TEN("Ten", 10), 
      NINE("Nine", 9), 
      EIGHT("Eight", 8), 
      SEVEN("Seven", 7), 
      SIX("Six", 6), 
      FIVE("Five", 5), 
      FOUR("Four", 4), 
      THREE("Three", 3), 
      DEUCE("Deuce", 2); 
      private final String face; 
      private final int value; 
      private int faceValue = 0; 
      CardType(String f, int v) 
       this.face = f; 
       this.value = v; 
      CardType(String f, int fv, int v) 
       this.face = f; 
       this.faceValue = fv; 
       this.value = v; 
      public String getFace() 
       return face; 
      public int getValue() 
       return value; 
      public int getFaceValue() 
       return faceValue; 




* @author Andrew-Desktop 
public class Deck extends Pile 
    * the suit order is spade, heart, diamond, and then club. 
    public Deck() 
     for(CardType card: CardType.values()) 
      for(CardSuit suit: CardSuit.values()) 
       this.addLastCard(new Card(card, suit)); 

    * @param topCard 
    * @param bottomCard 
    public Deck(Card topCard, Card bottomCard) 
     super(topCard, bottomCard); 
     // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub 

    * @param topCard 
    * @param bottomCard 
    * @param nCard 
    public Deck(Card topCard, Card bottomCard, int nCard) 
     super(topCard, bottomCard, nCard); 
     // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub 


import java.util.Random; 

public class Pile 
    private static final int GREATER_THAN = 1; 
    private static final int EQUAL_TO = 0; 
    private static final int LESS_THAN = -1; 
    Card topCard, bottomCard; 
    int nCard; 
    Random ran = new Random(); 
    int ranNum; 
     topCard = null; 
     bottomCard = null; 
     nCard = 0; 
    Pile(Card topCard, Card bottomCard) 
     this.topCard = topCard; 
     this.bottomCard = bottomCard; 
     this.nCard = 52; 
    Pile(Card topCard, Card bottomCard, int nCard) 
     this.topCard = topCard; 
     this.bottomCard = bottomCard; 
     this.nCard = nCard; 
    public void 
    shuffle() throws InterruptedException 
     for(int i = ran.nextInt(10000);0<i;i--) 
      Card tempCard = remove(1); 
      this.insert(tempCard, (ran.nextInt(52)+1)); 
    public boolean 
     Card travCard = topCard; 
     for(int x = 1; x<=nCard && travCard != null; x++) 
      for(int y = x+1; y<=nCard; y++) 
       if(travCard == this.getCardAtIndex(y)) 
//     System.out.println(this.getIndexOfCard(travCard) + ": " + travCard); 
        return true; 
      travCard = travCard.getNext(); 
     return false; 
    Card remove(Card c) 
     assert !isEmpty();//Don't know if this even works 
     if(c == topCard)// if topCard 
      topCard = topCard.getNext(); 
     else if(c == bottomCard) // if bottom card 
      bottomCard = bottomCard.getPrevious(); 
      Card tempCard = c.getPrevious(); 
     return null; 
// public void 
// remove(int i) 
// { 
//  assert (i>0 && i <= nCard && !isEmpty()); 
//  if(i == 1)// if topCard 
//  { 
//   topCard = topCard.getNext(); 
//   topCard.setPrevious(null); 
//  } 
//  else if(this.getCardAtIndex(i).getNext()==null) // if bottom card 
//  { 
//   bottomCard = bottomCard.getPrevious(); 
//   bottomCard.setNext(null); 
//  } 
//  else 
//  { 
//   Card cardBefore = this.getCardAtIndex(i-1); 
//   cardBefore.setNext(cardBefore.getNext().getNext()); 
//   cardBefore.getNext().setPrevious(cardBefore); 
//  } 
//  nCard--; 
// } 
    public Card remove(int givenPosition) throws InterruptedException 
     Card result = null; // return value 

     if ((givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= nCard)) 

      if (givenPosition == 1) // case 1: remove first entry 
       result = topCard; // save entry to be removed 
       topCard = topCard.getNext(); 
      else // case 2: givenPosition > 1 
       Card cardBefore = getCardAtIndex(givenPosition - 1); 
       Card cardToRemove = cardBefore.getNext(); 
       Card cardAfter = cardToRemove.getNext(); 
       cardBefore.setNext(cardAfter); // disconnect the node to be removed 
       result = cardToRemove; // save entry to be removed 
      } // end if 

     } // end if 
     if(result == null) 

     return result; 

    * <p>Precondition: index must be 0<i and i<53 or less than the number of cards 
    * <p>Postcondition: 
    * @param i - The index of the card. 
    * @return Card at that index. 
    public Card getCardAtIndex(int i) 
     Card travCard = topCard; 
     assert (i>0 && i<=nCard && !isEmpty()); 
     for(int x = 1; x<=i && travCard != null; x++) 
      travCard = travCard.getNext(); 
     return travCard; 
    public int 
    getIndexOfCard(Card c, int i) 
     Card travCard = topCard; 
     for(int x = i; x<=nCard; x++) 
      if(travCard == c) 
       return x; 
      travCard = travCard.getNext(); 
     return -1; 
    public Card 
    getCard(Card c)//don't think I'll need this method 
     Card travCard = topCard; 
     assert (!isEmpty()); 
     while(c!=travCard && null != travCard) 
      travCard = travCard.getNext(); 
     return travCard; 
    * Sorts from highest(Ace) to lowest 2 
    * the suit order is spade, heart, diamond, and then club. 
    public void 
    addLastCard(Card c) 
      topCard = c; 
      bottomCard = c; 
      bottomCard = c; 
    public void 
     quickSort(topCard, bottomCard); 
    private void 
    quickSort(Card start, Card end) 
      Card left = start;       
      Card right = end;       

      if (start != end)     
        Card pivot = start;  
        while (!(left.getNext()!=right))     
         while (compare(left, pivot) == LESS_THAN && left != end && left!=right) 
           left = left.getNext();  
         while (compare(right, pivot) == GREATER_THAN && right!=start && right!=left) 
          right = right.getPrevious();   
         if (left!=right) 
          swap(left, right);  
        swap(start, right);   
        quickSort(start, right.getPrevious()); 
        quickSort(right.getNext(), end); 
      else // if there is only one element in the partition, do not do any sorting 
        return;      // the array is sorted, so exit 
    public void 
    swap(Card one, Card two) 
     Card temp = new Card(one); 
     one = two; 
     two = temp; 
    public void 
    insert(Card theCard, int givenPosition) 
     if(givenPosition>0 && givenPosition<=nCard) 
      if(isEmpty())// if an empty list 
       topCard = theCard; 
       bottomCard = theCard; 
      else if(1==givenPosition)// if adding to the top of the pile 
       topCard = theCard; 
      else if(nCard == givenPosition) // if adding to the bottom of the pile 
       Card tempCard = getCardAtIndex(givenPosition); 
    //the suit order is spade, heart, diamond, and then club. 
    public int 
    compare(Card one, Card two) 
     if(one.getValue()<two.getValue() || (one.getValue() == two.getValue() && one.getTotValue()<two.getTotValue())) 
      return LESS_THAN; 
     else if(one.getValue() == two.getValue() && one.getTotValue() == two.getTotValue()) 
      return EQUAL_TO; 
     else if(one.getValue()>two.getValue() || (one.getValue() == two.getValue() && one.getTotValue()>two.getTotValue())) 
      return GREATER_THAN; 
     return -5; 
    public boolean 
     if(0 == nCard && null == topCard) 
      return true; 
      return false; 
    public void 
     Card travCard = topCard; 
     int i = 1; 
      System.out.println(i + ": " + travCard.toString()); 
      travCard = travCard.getNext(); 
    * @return the topCard 
    public Card 
     return topCard; 
    * @param topCard the topCard to set 
    public void 
    setTopCard(Card topCard) 
     this.topCard = topCard; 
    * @return the bottomCard 
    public Card 
     return bottomCard; 
    * @param bottomCard the bottomCard to set 
    public void 
    setBottomCard(Card bottomCard) 
     this.bottomCard = bottomCard; 
    * @return the nCard 
    public int 
     return nCard; 
    * @param nCard the nCard to set 
    public void 
    setnCard(int nCard) 
     this.nCard = nCard; 

TwentyOne 출력은 다음과 같은 형태

public class TwentyOne 

    * @param args 
    * @throws InterruptedException 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException 
     Deck theDeck = new Deck(); 



577625: Ace of Spade 
577626: Nine of Spade 
577627: Five of Diamond 
577628: Ten of Heart 
577629: Eight of Heart 
577630: Nine of Club 
577631: Jack of Heart 
577632: Eight of Spade 
577633: Queen of Heart 
577634: Seven of Heart 
577635: Deuce of Club 
577636: Jack of Diamond 
577637: Four of Club 
577638: Five of Club 
577639: Ace of Spade 
577640: Nine of Spade 
577641: Five of Diamond 
577642: Ten of Heart 
577643: Eight of Heart 
577644: Nine of Club 
577645: Jack of Heart 
577646: Eight of Spade 
577647: Queen of Heart 
577648: Seven of Heart 
577649: Deuce of Club 
577650: Jack of Diamond 
577651: Four of Club 
577652: Five of Club 
577653: Ace of Spade 
577654: Nine of Spade 
577655: Five of Diamond 
577656: Ten of Heart 
577657: Eight of Heart 
577658: Nine of Club 
577659: Jack of Heart 
577660: Eight of Spade 
577661: Queen of Heart 
577662: Seven of Heart 
577663: Deuce of Club 
577664: Jack of Diamond 
577665: Four of Club 
577666: Five of Club 
577667: Ace of Spade 
577668: Nine of Spade 
577669: Five of Diamond 
577670: Ten of Heart 
577671: Eight of Heart 
577672: Nine of Club 
577673: Jack of Heart 
577674: Eight of Spade 
577675: Queen of Heart 
577676: Seven of Heart 
577677: Deuce of Club 
577678: Jack of Diamond 
577679: Four of Club 
577680: Five of Club 
577681: Ace of Spade 
577682: Nine of Spade 
577683: Five of Diamond 
577684: Ten of Heart 
577685: Eight of Heart 
577686: Nine of Club 
577687: Jack of Heart 
577688: Eight of Spade 
577689: Queen of Heart 
577690: Seven of Heart 
577691: Deuce of Club 
577692: Jack of Diamond 
577693: Four of Club 
577694: Five of Club 
577695: Ace of Spade 
577696: Nine of Spade 
577697: Five of Diamond 

표준 java.util.List 및 표준 java.util.Collections.shuffle()을 사용하지 않는 이유는 무엇입니까? 당신은 바퀴를 재발 명하고 있습니다. –


이 질문은 GC와 정확히 어떤 관련이 있습니까? 그리고 그것은 연결된 목록에 대한 다소 복잡한 코드입니다. – Voo


다양한 클래스와 메소드의 구현에 대해 추측 할 필요가 없다면 도움이 될 것입니다. –



사용 java.util.List가 서브 클래스 중 하나. ArrayList (아마도 당신이 선택해야한다) 또는 LinkedList (큐를 구현하는 무언가가 필요하다고 느끼는 경우를 대비하여). 그런 다음 Collections.shuffle() 메서드를 사용하여 카드를 섞습니다. 이 랜덤 액세스에 관해서



LinkedList의는 ArrayList를뿐만 아니라 수행하지 않습니다.


목록 클래스를 직접 구현해야합니다. 할당입니다. – user664509


이렇게 출력을 보면 무슨 일이 일어나는지 파악하기가 어렵습니다. 하트 오브 퀸즈가 여러 번 등장하기 때문에 잘못된 것이 있습니다. 셔플을 호출하지 않고 삽입 메소드를 테스트하고 제거하십시오. 한 번에 한 가지 방법을 테스트하면 문제를 격리하는 데 도움이됩니다.

모든 카드를 순서대로 삽입 할 수 있음을 알면 하나의 카드를 제거 할 때 어떤 일이 발생하는지 확인하십시오.

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