2013-08-07 3 views

VS 2012 C# WinForms 응용 프로그램에서는 누구나 DataGridView에 모든 행을 실제 프린터로 인쇄하는 쉬운 방법이 있습니까? 비트 맵을 시도했지만 기본적으로 스크린 샷 만 출력하고 모든 것을 살펴본 후 간단한 버전을 찾지 못해 모두 구식이었습니다. 좋은 사이트 또는 기타에 대한 링크는 많은 도움이 될 것입니다.전체 datagridview를 인쇄하는 쉬운 방법


프린터 인쇄 에서처럼 인쇄 하시겠습니까? –


@ NoIdeaForName 네, 프린터 인쇄와 같습니다 – Stick


정말 명확하지 않습니다. 인쇄 란 무엇입니까? 파일에 저장 하시겠습니까? 어떤 형식? 또는 프린터를 시작하여 인쇄 하시겠습니까? –



빠른 Google 검색을 수행하면이 기사가 표시됩니다. 그것은 당신을 위해 약간의 사용일지도 모른다. 그것은 "쉬운"것이 아닙니다. 스스로 기능을 구현해야합니다. 그러나 원하는 결과를 얻어야합니다. 나는 2008이 사용하고



DataGridView에는 인쇄 기능이 내장되어 있지 않으므로 DataGridView에 인쇄 단추를 놓고 그리드보기의 모든 페이지를 인쇄하는 것은 쉬운 방법이 아닙니다. 다른 도구 (즉, 마이크로 소프트 엑셀)에


차라리 다른 도구로 데이터를 내보내는 것보다 인쇄 버튼이 더 유용 할 것입니다. – Stick


다음과 같이 Visual Studio 도구 상자에있는 것 이상으로 뭔가를 사야 할 것처럼 들립니다. DevExpress 컨트롤이 트릭을 수행 할 수도 있습니다. –


가장 쉬운 방법은 DevExpress 컨트롤 또는 다른 타사 도구를 구입하는 것입니다. ->demo-export

DevExpress 컨트롤은 표준 컨트롤보다 훨씬 강력하지만이 솔루션은 탁월한 솔루션입니다.

다른 방법으로는 개발자가 솔루션을 찾고 개발 및 유지 관리 비용도 많이 듭니다.


그래, 나도 아무것도 쓰지 않을거야. – Stick


빠르고, 싸고 쉽다; 둘 중 하나를 선택하십시오. –


, 나는 소스를 기억할 수없는,하지만 난 원래 소스 코드의 거의 모든 문제를 해결했습니다. 기본적으로 컨트롤을 사용하여 비트 맵 이미지를 생성합니다.

PrintDocument에서 비롯되었으므로 양식에이 구성 요소를 추가하고 DataGrid 속성을 설정 한 다음 인쇄 버튼을 추가하고 다른 PrintDocument처럼 사용하십시오.

Imports System.ComponentModel 
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design 
Imports System.Drawing.Printing 

Namespace Windows.Forms 

    <ToolboxBitmap(GetType(PrintDocument))> _ 
    Public Class DataGridViewPrintDocument 
    Inherits PrintDocument 

#Region " ColumnInfo " 

    Private NotInheritable Class ColumnInfo 
     Public ReadOnly Left As Integer 
     Public ReadOnly Width As Integer 
     Public ReadOnly Type As Type 
     Public ReadOnly DisplayIndex As Integer 
     Public ReadOnly HeaderText As String 
     Public ReadOnly InheritedStyle As DataGridViewCellStyle 
     Public ReadOnly ColumnName As String 
     Public Sub New(ByVal left As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal column As DataGridViewColumn) 
     Me.Left = left 
     Me.Width = width 
     Me.Type = column.GetType 
     Me.DisplayIndex = column.DisplayIndex 
     Me.HeaderText = column.HeaderText 
     Me.InheritedStyle = column.InheritedStyle 
     Me.ColumnName = column.Name 
     End Sub 
    End Class 

#End Region 

#Region " Sections " 

    'DESIGN - add adornments property then print adornments 
    ' this can take care of header, footer, watermark, and anything else 
    ' adornments can be a base class with derived 
    '  page info adornment 
    '  date adornment 
    '  document title adornment 
    '  image adornment 
    '  and so on 
    ' as currently implemented, adornments are for header and footer sections 
    ' so, i changed the adornment class to the section class 

    Private NotInheritable Class Section 
     Implements IDisposable 

#Region " IDisposable Implementation " 

     Private _disposed As Boolean 

     Private Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) 
     If Not _disposed Then 
      If disposing Then 
      End If 
      _stringFormat = Nothing 
      _font = Nothing 
      _text = Nothing 
      _disposed = True 
     End If 
     End Sub 

     Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose 
     End Sub 
#End Region 

     Private _text As String 
     Private _bounds As Rectangle 
     Private _font As Font 
     Private _stringFormat As StringFormat 

     Public Sub New(ByVal type As SectionType, ByVal text As String, ByVal font As Font, ByVal bounds As Rectangle, ByVal rtl As RightToLeft) 
     _text = text 
     _font = DirectCast(font.Clone, System.Drawing.Font) 
     _bounds = bounds 
     Dim iAlignment As DataGridViewContentAlignment = CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(DataGridViewContentAlignment), type.ToString), DataGridViewContentAlignment) 
     _stringFormat = GatherStringFormat(iAlignment, DataGridViewTriState.False, rtl) 
     End Sub 

     Public Property Text() As String 
      Return _text 
     End Get 
     Set(ByVal value As String) 
      _text = value 
     End Set 
     End Property 

     Public ReadOnly Property Bounds() As Rectangle 
      Return _bounds 
     End Get 
     End Property 

     Public ReadOnly Property font() As Font 
      Return _font 
     End Get 
     End Property 

     Public ReadOnly Property StringFormat() As StringFormat 
      Return _stringFormat 
     End Get 
     End Property 

    End Class 

    Private Enum SectionType 
    End Enum 

#End Region 

#Region " IDisposable Implementation " 

    Private _disposed As Boolean 

    Private Sub PerformDispose(ByVal o As IDisposable) 
     If o IsNot Nothing Then 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) 

     If Not _disposed Then 

      If disposing Then 


      If _cachedFormats IsNot Nothing Then 
       For Each oPageInfo As Section In _cachedFormats.Values 
      End If 

      End If 

      If _columns IsNot Nothing Then 
      End If 
      _columns = Nothing 

      If _cachedFormats IsNot Nothing Then 
      End If 
      _cachedFormats = Nothing 

      _button = Nothing 
      _checkbox = Nothing 
      _picture = Nothing 
      _panel = Nothing 
      _dataGrid = Nothing 

      _disposed = True 

     End If 


     End Try 

    End Sub 

#End Region 

    Private _panel As Panel 
    Private _button As Button 
    Private _checkbox As CheckBox 
    Private _picture As New PictureBox 

    Private _columns As List(Of ColumnInfo) 
    Private _cachedFormats As Dictionary(Of SectionType, Section) 

    Private _rowPrintingIndex As Integer 
    Private _rowCount As Integer 

    Private _newPage As Boolean 
    Private _pageNo As Integer 

    Private _isPageCounting As Boolean 
    Private _pageCount As Integer 

    Private _dataGrid As DataGridView 

    Private _totalColumnsWidth As Integer 

    Public Sub New() 
     Me.New(Nothing, False) 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub New(ByVal dataGrid As DataGridView, ByVal isPageCounting As Boolean) 


     _isPageCounting = isPageCounting 
     _dataGrid = dataGrid 

     If Not Me.IsPageCounting Then 

     'using controls instead of the renderer classes 
     'this allows for painting with the correct background and transparency colors 

     _button = New Button 
     _checkbox = New CheckBox 
     _picture = New PictureBox 

     'force creation of control handles 
     ' this allows drawing transparent backgrounds 
     ' and eliminates the black borders when using 'draw to bitmap' 
     ' note, the check box does not need a parent control 

     _panel = New Panel 
     _panel.BackColor = SystemColors.Window 
     _panel.Controls.AddRange(New Control() {_button, _picture}) 

     End If 

    End Sub 

    <DefaultValue(CType(Nothing, String))> _ 
    Public Property DataGrid() As DataGridView 
     Return _dataGrid 
     End Get 
     Set(ByVal value As DataGridView) 
     _dataGrid = value 
     End Set 
    End Property 

    <Browsable(False)> _ 
    <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _ 
    Public Property IsPageCounting() As Boolean 
     Return _isPageCounting 
     End Get 
     Set(ByVal value As Boolean) 
     _isPageCounting = value 
     End Set 
    End Property 

    Private Sub InitializeSections() 

     ' document name in top left corner 
     ' date in bottom left corner 
     ' pages in bottom right corner 

     Dim oBounds As Rectangle 
     Dim oMarginBounds As Rectangle = GatherDefaultMarginBounds(Me.DefaultPageSettings) 

     _cachedFormats = New Dictionary(Of SectionType, Section) 

     'hard-coded to half inch from edge until there is support for header margin 
     oBounds = Rectangle.FromLTRB(oMarginBounds.Left, Me.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Top + 50, oMarginBounds.Right, Me.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Top + 100) 

     _cachedFormats.Add(SectionType.TopLeft, New Section(SectionType.TopLeft, Me.DocumentName, New Font(Me.DataGrid.Font, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic), oBounds, Me.DataGrid.RightToLeft)) 

     'hard-coded to half inch from edge until there is support for header margin 
     oBounds = Rectangle.FromLTRB(oMarginBounds.Left, Me.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Bottom - 100, oMarginBounds.Right, Me.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Bottom - 50) 

     Dim sDate As String = String.Format("{0}", Now.ToLongDateString) 

     _cachedFormats.Add(SectionType.BottomLeft, New Section(SectionType.BottomLeft, sDate, Me.DataGrid.Font, oBounds, Me.DataGrid.RightToLeft)) 
     _cachedFormats.Add(SectionType.BottomRight, New Section(SectionType.BottomRight, Nothing, Me.DataGrid.Font, oBounds, Me.DataGrid.RightToLeft)) 

    End Sub 

    Protected Overrides Sub OnBeginPrint(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) 

     If Me.DataGrid Is Nothing Then 
     'nothing to do 
     e.Cancel = True 
     Exit Sub 
     End If 

     _columns = New List(Of ColumnInfo) 

     _rowPrintingIndex = 0 
     _newPage = True 
     _pageNo = 1 

     _rowCount = Me.DataGrid.RowCount 

     Dim oMarginBounds As Rectangle = GatherDefaultMarginBounds(Me.DefaultPageSettings) 
     Dim nLeft As Integer = oMarginBounds.Left 
     Dim nWidth As Integer 

     If Not Me.IsPageCounting Then 


     Using g As Graphics = Me.PrinterSettings.CreateMeasurementGraphics 

      _totalColumnsWidth = Me.DataGrid.Columns.GetColumnsWidth(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible) 

      Dim oColumn As DataGridViewColumn = Me.DataGrid.Columns.GetFirstColumn(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible) 

      Do Until oColumn Is Nothing 

      nWidth = CInt(System.Math.Floor(oMarginBounds.Width * oColumn.Width/_totalColumnsWidth)) 

      _columns.Add(New ColumnInfo(nLeft, nWidth, oColumn)) 

      nLeft += nWidth 

      oColumn = Me.DataGrid.Columns.GetNextColumn(oColumn, DataGridViewElementStates.Visible, DataGridViewElementStates.None) 


     End Using 

     End If 


    End Sub 

    Protected Overrides Sub OnPrintPage(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) 

     Dim iRowTop As Integer = e.MarginBounds.Top + Me.DataGrid.ColumnHeadersHeight 

     Dim oRow As DataGridViewRow = Me.DataGrid.Rows(_rowPrintingIndex) 

     If oRow.IsNewRow Then 
      Exit Do 
     End If 

     If iRowTop + oRow.Height >= e.MarginBounds.Bottom Then 

      'we get here when printing all pages, except the last page 
      e.HasMorePages = True 
      If Not Me.IsPageCounting Then 
      End If 
      _newPage = True 
      _pageNo += 1 

      Exit Sub 


      If Not Me.IsPageCounting Then 

      If _newPage Then 
       _newPage = False 
      End If 

      For Each oColInfo As ColumnInfo In _columns 

       Dim oCellFace As Rectangle 
       Dim oPaintEventArgs As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs 

       Dim oCell As DataGridViewCell = oRow.Cells(oColInfo.ColumnName) 

       Debug.Assert(oCell IsNot Nothing, "Fix iT! We must find the cell!") 

       'cell bounds, including border created by the grid lines 
       oCellFace = New Rectangle(_ 
       oColInfo.Left, _ 
       iRowTop, _ 
       oColInfo.Width, _ 

       'paint cell grid lines 
       oPaintEventArgs = New DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs(e.Graphics, oCellFace, oCell) 

       'cell bounds, excluding cell grid lines 
       oCellFace.Inflate(-1, -1) 

       If oColInfo.Type Is GetType(DataGridViewTextBoxColumn) Then 
       ElseIf oColInfo.Type Is GetType(DataGridViewLinkColumn) Then 
       ElseIf oColInfo.Type Is GetType(DataGridViewComboBoxColumn) Then 
       ElseIf oColInfo.Type Is GetType(DataGridViewButtonColumn) Then 
       ElseIf oColInfo.Type Is GetType(DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn) Then 
       ElseIf oColInfo.Type Is GetType(DataGridViewImageColumn) Then 
       End If 


      End If 

     End If 

     iRowTop += oRow.Height 
     _rowPrintingIndex += 1 

     Loop While (_rowPrintingIndex < _rowCount) 

     'we get here on the last page 
     If Not Me.IsPageCounting Then 
     End If 

    End Sub 

    Protected Overrides Sub OnEndPrint(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) 

     If _columns IsNot Nothing Then 
     End If 
     _columns = Nothing 

     _picture.Image = Nothing 

     If _cachedFormats IsNot Nothing Then 
     For Each oPageInfo As Section In _cachedFormats.Values 
     End If 
     _cachedFormats = Nothing 


    End Sub 

#Region " OnPaint... Implementations " 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintTextBoxCell(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 
     If Len(e.Cell.FormattedValue) > 0 Then 
     Dim oBounds As Rectangle = GatherContentBounds(e.ClipRectangle, e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Padding) 
     Using oBrush As New SolidBrush(e.Cell.InheritedStyle.ForeColor) 
      Using oStringFormat As StringFormat = GatherStringFormat(e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Alignment, e.Cell.InheritedStyle.WrapMode, Me.DataGrid.RightToLeft) 
      e.Graphics.DrawString(CStr(e.Cell.FormattedValue), e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Font, oBrush, oBounds, oStringFormat) 
      End Using 
     End Using 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintLinkCell(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 
     Dim oLinkCell As DataGridViewLinkCell = DirectCast(e.Cell, DataGridViewLinkCell) 
     If Len(e.Cell.FormattedValue) > 0 Then 
     Dim oBounds As Rectangle = GatherContentBounds(e.ClipRectangle, e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Padding) 
     Dim oLinkColor As Color = DirectCast(IIf(oLinkCell.LinkVisited, oLinkCell.VisitedLinkColor, oLinkCell.LinkColor), Color) 
     Using oBrush As New SolidBrush(oLinkColor) 
      Using oFont As New Font(e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Font, FontStyle.Underline) 
      Using oStringFormat As StringFormat = GatherStringFormat(e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Alignment, e.Cell.InheritedStyle.WrapMode, Me.DataGrid.RightToLeft) 
       e.Graphics.DrawString(CStr(e.Cell.FormattedValue), oFont, oBrush, oBounds, oStringFormat) 
      End Using 
      End Using 
     End Using 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintComboBoxCell(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 
    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintButtonCell(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 
     If Len(e.Cell.FormattedValue) > 0 Then 
     Dim oBounds As Rectangle = GatherContentBounds(e.ClipRectangle, e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Padding) 
     Dim oFace As New Rectangle(oBounds.X + 1, oBounds.Y + 1, oBounds.Width - 2, oBounds.Height - 3) 
     _button.Size = oFace.Size 
     _button.Text = CStr(e.Cell.FormattedValue) 
     Using oBitmap As New Bitmap(oFace.Width, oFace.Height) 
      _button.DrawToBitmap(oBitmap, New Rectangle(0, 0, oFace.Width, oFace.Height)) 
      e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(oBitmap, oFace) 
     End Using 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintCheckBoxCell(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 

     _checkbox.Checked = CBool(e.Cell.FormattedValue) 

     Dim iCheckBoxState As VisualStyles.CheckBoxState 

     If _checkbox.Checked Then 
     iCheckBoxState = VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal 
     iCheckBoxState = VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal 
     End If 

     Using oControlGraphics As Graphics = _checkbox.CreateGraphics 
     _checkbox.Size = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(oControlGraphics, iCheckBoxState) 
     End Using 

     Dim oBounds As Rectangle = GatherContentBounds(e.ClipRectangle, e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Padding) 

     Dim oBoundsCenteredOnCellFace As New Rectangle(_ 
     oBounds.Left + ((oBounds.Width - _checkbox.Size.Width) \ 2), _ 
     oBounds.Top + ((oBounds.Height - _checkbox.Size.Height) \ 2), _ 
     _checkbox.Width, _ 

     Using oBitmap As New Bitmap(_checkbox.Width + 1, _checkbox.Height + 1) 
     _checkbox.DrawToBitmap(oBitmap, New Rectangle(1, 1, _checkbox.Width, _checkbox.Height)) 
     e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(oBitmap, oBoundsCenteredOnCellFace) 
     End Using 

    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintImageCell(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 

     Dim oImageCell As DataGridViewImageCell = DirectCast(e.Cell, DataGridViewImageCell) 
     Dim oImage As Image = DirectCast(oImageCell.FormattedValue, Image) 

     Dim oBounds As Rectangle = GatherContentBounds(e.ClipRectangle, e.Cell.InheritedStyle.Padding) 

     Dim oFace As New Rectangle(_ 
     oBounds.X + 1, _ 
     oBounds.Y + 1, _ 
     oBounds.Width - 2, _ 
     oBounds.Height - 4) 

     _picture.Size = oFace.Size 

     Select Case oImageCell.ImageLayout 

     Case DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Stretch 
      _picture.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage 

     Case DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Normal 
      _picture.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage 

     Case DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Zoom 
      _picture.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom 

     Case Else 
      Debug.Fail("FixiT! We must support all possible image layout values.") 
     End Select 

     _picture.Image = oImage 

     Using oBitmap As New Bitmap(oFace.Width, oFace.Height) 
     _picture.DrawToBitmap(oBitmap, New Rectangle(0, 0, oFace.Width, oFace.Height)) 
     e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(oBitmap, oFace) 
     End Using 

     _picture.Image = Nothing 

    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintCustomCell(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 
    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintCellBorder(ByVal e As DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs) 
     Using oPen As New Pen(Me.DataGrid.GridColor) 
     e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(oPen, e.ClipRectangle) 
     End Using 
    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintPageHeader(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) 

     'left section 
     If _cachedFormats.ContainsKey(SectionType.TopLeft) Then 
     PaintSection(e.Graphics, _cachedFormats.Item(SectionType.TopLeft)) 
     End If 

     'center section 
     If _cachedFormats.ContainsKey(SectionType.TopCenter) Then 
     PaintSection(e.Graphics, _cachedFormats.Item(SectionType.TopCenter)) 
     End If 

     'right section 
     If _cachedFormats.ContainsKey(SectionType.TopRight) Then 
     PaintSection(e.Graphics, _cachedFormats.Item(SectionType.TopRight)) 
     End If 

    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintColumnHeaders(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) 

     For Each oColInfo As ColumnInfo In _columns 

     Dim oColumn As DataGridViewColumn = Me.DataGrid.Columns.Item(oColInfo.ColumnName) 

     'header cell bounds, including border created by the grid lines 
     Dim oCellFace As Rectangle = New Rectangle(oColInfo.Left, e.MarginBounds.Top, oColInfo.Width, Me.DataGrid.ColumnHeadersHeight) 

     e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, oCellFace) 

     Using oPen As New Pen(oColInfo.InheritedStyle.ForeColor) 
      e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(oPen, oCellFace) 
      Using oStringFormat As StringFormat = GatherStringFormat(oColumn.InheritedStyle.Alignment, DataGridViewTriState.False, Me.DataGrid.RightToLeft) 
      e.Graphics.DrawString(oColInfo.HeaderText, oColInfo.InheritedStyle.Font, oPen.Brush, oCellFace, oStringFormat) 
      End Using 
     End Using 


    End Sub 

    Protected Overridable Sub OnPaintPageFooter(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) 

     'left section 
     If _cachedFormats.ContainsKey(SectionType.BottomLeft) Then 
     PaintSection(e.Graphics, _cachedFormats.Item(SectionType.BottomLeft)) 
     End If 

     'center section 
     If _cachedFormats.ContainsKey(SectionType.BottomCenter) Then 
     PaintSection(e.Graphics, _cachedFormats.Item(SectionType.BottomCenter)) 
     End If 

     'right section 
     If _cachedFormats.ContainsKey(SectionType.BottomRight) Then 
     Dim oSection As Section = _cachedFormats.Item(SectionType.BottomRight) 
     oSection.Text = String.Format("{0} of {1}", _pageNo, _pageCount) 
     PaintSection(e.Graphics, oSection) 
     End If 

    End Sub 

#End Region 

    Private Shared Sub PaintSection(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal section As Section) 
     g.DrawString(section.Text, section.font, SystemBrushes.WindowText, section.Bounds, section.StringFormat) 
    End Sub 

    Private Shared Function GatherStringFormat(ByVal alignment As DataGridViewContentAlignment, ByVal wrapMode As DataGridViewTriState, ByVal rtl As RightToLeft) As StringFormat 
     Dim oResult As StringFormat = Tools.CreateStringFormat(CType(alignment, ContentAlignment), True, False, rtl, False, False) 
     If wrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True Then 
     oResult.FormatFlags = oResult.FormatFlags Or StringFormatFlags.NoWrap 
     End If 
     Return oResult 
    End Function 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Deflates a rectangle by the specified padding. 
    ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared Function GatherContentBounds(ByVal rect As Rectangle, ByVal padding As Padding) As Rectangle 
     rect.X += padding.Left 
     rect.Y += padding.Top 
     rect.Width -= padding.Horizontal 
     rect.Height -= padding.Vertical 
     Return rect 
    End Function 

    Private Shared Function GatherDefaultMarginBounds(ByVal pageSettings As PageSettings) As Rectangle 
     Dim oMargins As Margins = pageSettings.Margins 
     Dim oPageBounds As Rectangle = pageSettings.Bounds 
     Return Rectangle.FromLTRB(oMargins.Left, oMargins.Top, oPageBounds.Right - oMargins.Right, oPageBounds.Bottom - oMargins.Bottom) 
    End Function 

    End Class 

    Public Class DataGridViewPrintDocumentPaintEventArgs 
    Inherits PaintEventArgs 
    Public ReadOnly Cell As DataGridViewCell 
    Public Sub New(ByVal graphics As Graphics, ByVal clipRect As Rectangle, ByVal cell As DataGridViewCell) 
     MyBase.New(graphics, clipRect) 
     Me.Cell = cell 
    End Sub 
    End Class 

End Namespace 

와우! 이것은'VB.NET'처럼 보입니까? OP는'C#' –


.NET에 관심이있는 것 같습니다. WinForms는 WinForms입니다. 차이점을 보이지는 않지만, 포스터는 또는 다른 변환기에서 코드를 쉽게 변환 할 수 있습니다. – AMissico


@ Stick; 언어 간 편향에 집착하지 마십시오. 현재 가지고있는 솔루션에는 19 개의 C# 프로젝트와 5 개의 VB.NET 프로젝트가 있습니다. 각 언어에는 강점과 약점이 있습니다. – AMissico

관련 문제