2015-01-24 3 views

JavaFX 게임의 Text 개체에 자체적으로 붙여 넣기에 문제가 있고 내가 잘못한 것을 알아낼 수 없습니다. 내 텍스트 개체는 새 개체를 추가하기 전에 제거하더라도 불구하고 붙여 넣기를 계속합니다. 오류가 내 메서드 setTextField에 있어야한다고 생각하지만, 아래의 전체 GamePane 클래스에 대한 코드를 포함하고 있습니다. 모든 도움을 주셔서 감사합니다 &! :)위로 JavaFX 텍스트 붙여 넣기

그냥 내 setTextField 방법 :

public void setTextField() { 
    Text showScore = new Text("Score: " +  String.valueOf(playerPointCounter) 
     + "\nMisses: " + String.valueOf(gameOverCounter)); 
    //Font family, weight, font size 
    showScore.setFont(Font.font("Baskerville Old Face", FontWeight.BOLD,  20)); 
} //End setTextField method 

내 전체 GamePane 등급 :

public void setTextField() { 
    Text showScore = new Text("Score: "+String.valueOf(playerPointCounter)); 


    * This method adds objects to the pane, controls all animations for adding  and 
    * moving enemies, adding and moving shots, and checking for collisions. 
    * NOTE: All methods for winning the game, losing the game, and such are to  be 
    * implemented in future versions ;) 
    package StarshipBattleDestiny; 

    import java.util.ArrayList; 
    import javafx.animation.KeyFrame; 
    import javafx.animation.Timeline; 
    import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; 
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color; 
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle; 
    import javafx.scene.text.Font; 
    import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight; 
    import javafx.scene.text.Text; 
    import javafx.util.Duration; 
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

    class GamePane extends Pane { 

    private Timeline animation; 
    ArrayList<LargeEnemy> largeList = new ArrayList<>(); 
    ArrayList<SmallEnemy> smallList = new ArrayList<>(); 
    public static ArrayList<Shot> shotList = new ArrayList<>(1); 
    static double GAME_WIDTH = 1000; 
    static double GAME_HEIGHT = 650; 
    public static int gameOverCounter = 0; 
    public static int playerPointCounter = 0; 
    int addToPlayerScore; 
    int addToMisses; 
    public static Launcher launcher; 
    Rectangle topOfGame; 
    static String playerName; 

    * This constructor for the GamePane calls the method that adds the 
    * launcher, calls the method that adds the invisible object for the top of 
    * the game, and houses the animations that control when a new enemy is 
    * added, the rate that each SmallEnemy is moved, the rate that each 
    * LargeEnemy is moved, the rate that each Shot is moved, and how often the 
    * game will check for a collision. 
    public GamePane() { 
     //Adds a launcher 

     //Animation to call new enemies every 10 seconds. 
     animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(5), e -> addEnemy())); 

     //Animation to move SmallEnemies 
     animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(5), e -> moveSmallEnemy())); 

     //Animation to move Large Enemies 
     animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(8), e -> moveLargeEnemy())); 

     //Animation to move Shots 
     animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(1), e -> moveShot())); 

     this.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url(\"file:purpleSpaceBackground.jpeg\");-fx-background-size: cover"); 
    } //End GamePane Constructor 

    * This method adds a JOptionPane window informing the player of the 
    * instructions of how to play the game. 
    public static void playerInstructionsPane() { 
     playerName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter your name:"); 
     String blankName = ""; 
     String spaceName = " "; 

     while (playerName.equalsIgnoreCase(blankName)) { 
      playerName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("You cannot leave your name blank.\n" 
        + "Please enter your name:"); 
     while (playerName.equalsIgnoreCase(spaceName)) { 
      playerName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("A space is not a valid name.\n" 
        + "Please enter your name:"); 
     while (playerName.length() < 3) { 
      playerName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Player's name must be 3 characters or more in length.\n" 
        + "Please enter your name:"); 

     String playerInstructionsMsg = "You are the captain of the Starship Destiny at the bottom of the screen.\n" 
       + "Fire your Forward Guns at the enemy ships above you with the Space Bar.\n" 
       + "The larger Asgard Ships are worth 10 points, while the smaller Kino Drones are worth twice that at 20 points.\n" 
       + "It takes 500 points to win but only 10 misses to lose.\n\n" 
       + "Winning the game earns you the coordinates to your enemy's base.\n\n" 
       + "You can press the P button at any time to either surrender or show your enemies mercy.\n" 
       + "This will also save your score and add it to the high scores, assuming it is one.\n" 
       + "\n" 
       + "Good Luck!"; 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, playerInstructionsMsg, "How To Play", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
    } //end playerInstructionsPane method 

    * When this method is called it begins playing the animations. 
    public void play() { 
    } //End play method 

    * When this method is called it stops playing the animations. 
    public void stop() { 
    } //End stop method 

    * When this method is called it pauses the animations that are playing. 
    public void pause() { 
    } //End pause method 

    * This method adds an invisible rectangle to the top that ends the game 
    * when it is hit 10 times... (aka: when the player misses 10 times). 
    public void addTopOfGame() { 
     topOfGame = new Rectangle(); //Set slightly above game view so shot will be offscreen before it dissapears. 
     addToMisses = 1; 
    } //End addTopOfGame methpd 

    * This method adds a new Launcher to the pane. 
    public void addLauncher() { 
     launcher = new Launcher(); 
     launcher.setX((GAME_WIDTH * 0.5) - (launcher.getWidth() * 0.5) + 10); 
     launcher.setY(GAME_HEIGHT - 100); 
    } //End addLauncher method 

    * This method adds new enemies. It has a random variable that generates a 
    * number between 0 and 100. If this random variable is less than 60 a new 
    * LargeEnemy is created and added to the pane, and if the random variable 
    * is higher than 60 it crates a new SmallEnemy and adds it to the pane. 
    * This means that there is a 60% chance of a new LargeEnemy being created 
    * and a 40% chance of a new SmallEnemy being created. 
    public void addEnemy() { 
     int random = (int) (0 + Math.random() * 100); 
     if (random < 60) { //60:40 chance LargeEnemy:SmallEnemy 
      addToPlayerScore = 10; 
      LargeEnemy newLargeEnemy = new LargeEnemy(); 
      newLargeEnemy.setY(60 + Math.random() * 200); 
     } //End boolean if statement to add a newLargeEnemy 
     else { 
      addToPlayerScore = 20; 
      SmallEnemy newSmallEnemy = new SmallEnemy(); 
      newSmallEnemy.setY(60 + Math.random() * 250); 
     } //End boolean else statemet to add a newSmallEnemy 
    } //End addEnemy method 

    * This method adds a new Shot to the screen. It is called whenever the 
    * player hits the Space Bar. 
    public void fire() { 
     if (shotList.isEmpty()) { 
      Shot newShot = new Shot(); 
      newShot.setX(GAME_WIDTH * 0.5); 
      newShot.setY(launcher.getY() - launcher.getHeight() - 30); 
     else { 
      //Don't add a new shot. 
    } //End fire method 

    * This method sets how much each SmallEnemy will be moved each time the 
    * animation timer calls the method, as well as removing the SmallEnemy if 
    * it's x-axis value is greater than or equal to the width of the game + the 
    * width of a SmallEnemy. 
    public void moveSmallEnemy() { 
     for (int i = 0; i < smallList.size(); i++) { 
      SmallEnemy moveSmall = smallList.get(i); 
      double x = moveSmall.getX(); 
      double smallDX = 1; 
      double removeSmall = GAME_WIDTH + moveSmall.getWidth(); 
      if (x >= removeSmall) { 
      } //end boolean if statement to change direction 
      x += smallDX; 
     } //end for loop 
    } //End moveSmallEnemy method 

    * This method sets how much each LargeEnemy will be moved each time the 
    * animation timer calls the method, as well as removing the LargeEnemy if 
    * it's x-axis value is greater than or equal to the width of the game + the 
    * width of a LargeEnemy. 
    public void moveLargeEnemy() { 
     for (int i = 0; i < largeList.size(); i++) { 
      LargeEnemy moveLarge = largeList.get(i); 
      double x = moveLarge.getX(); 
      double largeDX = 1; 
      double removeLarge = GAME_WIDTH + moveLarge.getWidth(); 
      if (x >= removeLarge) { 
      } //end boolean if statement to change direction 
      x += largeDX; 
     } //end for loop 
    } //End moveLargeEnemy method 

    * This method sets how much each Shot will be moved each time the animation 
    * timer calls the method. 
    public void moveShot() { 
     if (shotList.isEmpty()) { 
     for (int i = 0; i < shotList.size(); i++) { 
      Shot shot = shotList.get(i); 
      double y = shot.getY(); 
      double dy = 0.21; 
      y -= dy; 
     } //End for loop 
    } //End moveShot method 

    * When this method is called it runs the animations to check for collisions 
    * with each SmallEnemy, each LargeEnemy, and with the invisible object at 
    * the top of the game. 
    public void collisionCheckTimeline() { 
     animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(1), e -> checkCollisionSmall())); 

     animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(1), e -> checkCollisionLarge())); 

     animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(1), e -> checkTopCollision())); 
    } //End smallCollisionTimeline method 

    * This method checks for collisions with each SmallEnemy. 
    public void checkCollisionSmall() { 
     //This segment of code checks for collisions with each SmallEnemy. 
     for (int i = 0; i < shotList.size(); i++) { 
      Shot tempShot = shotList.get(i); 
      for (int j = 0; j < smallList.size(); j++) { 
       SmallEnemy tempSmall = smallList.get(i); 
       if (tempShot.isVisible() && tempSmall.isVisible()) { 
        if (tempShot.getBoundsInLocal().intersects(tempSmall.getBoundsInLocal())) { 
        } //End inner boolean if statement 
       } //End of outer boolean if statement 
      } //End inner for loop 
     } //End outer for loop 
    } //End checkCollisionSmall method 

    * This method checks for collisions with each LargeEnemy. 
    public void checkCollisionLarge() { 
     //This segment of code checks for collisions with each LargeEnemy. 
     for (int i = 0; i < shotList.size(); i++) { 
      Shot tempShot = shotList.get(i); 
      for (int j = 0; j < largeList.size(); j++) { 
       LargeEnemy tempLarge = largeList.get(j); 
       if (tempShot.isVisible() && tempLarge.isVisible()) { 
        if (tempShot.getBoundsInParent().intersects(tempLarge.getBoundsInParent())) { 
        } //End inner boolean if statement 
       } //End outer boolean if statement 
      } //End inner for loop 
     } //End outer for loop 
    } //End checkCollisionLarge method 

    * This method checks for a collision with the invisible rectangle at the 
    * top of the screen. 
    public void checkTopCollision() {   
     //This segment of code checks for collisions with the invisible topOfGame Rectangle object. 
     for (int i = 0; i < shotList.size(); i++) { 
      Shot tempShot = shotList.get(i); 
      if (tempShot.isVisible() && topOfGame.isVisible()) { 
       if (tempShot.getBoundsInParent().intersects(topOfGame.getBoundsInParent())) { 
       } //end inner boolean if statement 
      } //end outer boolean if statement 
     } //end for loop 
    } //End checkTopCollision method 

    * This method updates the counter for the player's points. 
    public void setScore() { 
     //int pointsToWin = 500; 
     playerPointCounter += addToPlayerScore; 
     System.out.println("Score updated: " + playerPointCounter); 
     //If the player gets a point amount within the given range the winGame and stop method are called. 
     if (playerPointCounter > 499 && playerPointCounter < 511) { 
    } //End setScore method 

    * This method updates the counter for the player's misses. 
    public void setMisses() { 
     int missesToLose = 10; 
     gameOverCounter += addToMisses; 
     System.out.println("Misses Updated: " + gameOverCounter); 
     //If the player gets the number of points designated then the loseGame method is called. 
     if (gameOverCounter == missesToLose) { 
     while(gameOverCounter == missesToLose) { 
    } //End setMisses method 

    * This method updates the Text object with the new score information, removes 
    * the old TextField from the Pane, and adds the new Text object with the 
    * updated score to the pane. It is called every time a collision is 
    * detected and the player's score counter or miss counter is updated. 
    public void setTextField() { 
     Text showScore = new Text("Score: " + String.valueOf(playerPointCounter) 
      + "\nMisses: " + String.valueOf(gameOverCounter)); 
     //Font family, weight, font size 
     showScore.setFont(Font.font("Baskerville Old Face", FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); 
    } //End setTextField method 

    * This method determines if the player loses the game. The player loses the 
    * game when they miss a target 10 times. When the game is lost a 
    * JOptionPane window displays telling them the game is over and how many 
    * points they had when they lost. This method also stops all animations. 
    public static void loseGame() {  
     String playerLosesMsg = "You Missed 10 times and Lost!\n\n" 
      + "Your Score: " + playerPointCounter; 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, playerLosesMsg, "Game Over!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
    } //End loseGame method 

    * This method determines if the player wins the game. The player wins the 
    * game when they earn 500 points. When the game is won a JOptionPane 
    * window displays telling them they won the game, how many points they 
    * had at the end, how many misses they had, and the coordinates for the 
    * final location. 
    public static void winGame() { 
     final String FINAL_COORDS = "N 39 00.000 W 084 00.000"; 
     String playerWinsMsg = "You Win!\n\n" 
      + "Your Score: " + playerPointCounter + "\n" 
      + "Misses: " + gameOverCounter + "\n\n" 
      + "Final Coordinates for GC00000:\n" 
      + FINAL_COORDS; 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, playerWinsMsg, "Congratulations!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
     //mainScoreControl(); REMOVED 
    } //End winGame method 

    * When the player presses the "P" button this method is called. 
    * It displays one of two messages based on how many points the player has 
    * at the time it is pressed. One message the player accepts their loss and 
    * for the other the game accepts their loss. Either way the player's 
    * point total and total number of misses are displayed and the 
    * mainScoreControl method is called. 
    public static void endGame() { 
     if (playerPointCounter <= 499) { 
      String surrenderMsg = "Your surrender has been accepted, Captain!\n\n" 
      + "Your Score: " + playerPointCounter + "\n" 
      + "Misses: " + gameOverCounter; 
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, surrenderMsg, "Surrender Accepted", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
     else { 
      String endGameMsg = "We accept our defeat... for now!\n\n" 
      + "Your Score: " + playerPointCounter + "\n" 
      + "Misses: " + gameOverCounter; 
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, endGameMsg, "Game Over!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
    } //End endGame method 

    * This method creates a new instance of HighScoreManager, adds the player's 
    * score to the ArrayList of high scores in the HSM Class via its addScore 
    * method, and outputs that information in a JOptionPane window. 
    public static void mainScoreControl() { 
     HighScoreManager highScoreManager = new HighScoreManager(); 

     String highScoreMsg = highScoreManager.getHighscoreStringMsg(); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, highScoreMsg, "High Scores", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
    } //End mainScoreControl method 

    * Called when Control-Alt-P is pressed so I can view the high scores without accidentally effecting anything. 
    public static void showHighScores() { 
     HighScoreManager highScoreManager = new HighScoreManager(); 
     String highScoreMsg = highScoreManager.getHighscoreStringMsg(); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, highScoreMsg, "High Scores", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
    } //End showHighScores method 

    public static void keyTest() { 
     CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(); 
     String thing = cacheManager.getCoordinateString(); 

    public static void mainCacheControl() {  
     CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(); 

     String newGcCode; 
     String newCoordinates; 
     String newAdminPassword; 

     String userEnteredPassword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please Enter Your Admin Password: "); 

     String adminPassword = cacheManager.getAdminPasswordString(); 
     if (userEnteredPassword.equals(adminPassword)) { 
      newGcCode = changeGcCode(); 
      newCoordinates = changeCoordinates(); 
      newAdminPassword = changeAdminPassword(); 
      cacheManager.addCacheInfo(newAdminPassword, newGcCode, newCoordinates); 

      String newCacheInfoMsg = "Your new GC Code is: " + newGcCode + "\n" + 
       "Your new Coordinates are: " + newCoordinates + "\n" + 
       "Your new Admin Password is: " + newAdminPassword; 
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, newCacheInfoMsg, "[ADMIN] Review New Cache Info", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
     else { 
      String incorrectAdminPasswordMsg = "You incorrectly entered the Admin Password. Terminating Program."; 
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, incorrectAdminPasswordMsg, "Incorrect Admin Password Entered", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 

    } //End mainScoreControl method 

    public static String changeGcCode() { 
     CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(); 
     String gcCode; 
     String gcChangeMsg = "Would you like to change the GC Code?"; 

     int changeGcCode = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, gcChangeMsg, "[ADMIN] GC Code Options", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); 
     if (changeGcCode == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { 
      gcCode = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please Enter the New GC Code: "); 
     else { 
      if (cacheManager.isListEmpty() == false) { 
       gcCode = cacheManager.getCacheGcCodeString(); 
      else { 
       CacheInfo cacheInfo = new CacheInfo(); 
       gcCode = cacheInfo.getGcCode(); 
     return gcCode; 
    } //End changeGcCode method 

    public static String changeCoordinates() { 
     CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(); 
     String finalCoordinates; 
     String coordChangeMsg = "Would you like to change the Coordinates?"; 

     int changeCoords = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, coordChangeMsg, "[ADMIN] Coordinate Options", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); 
     if (changeCoords == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { 
      finalCoordinates = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please Enter the New Coordinates: "); 
     else { 
      if (cacheManager.isListEmpty() == false) { 
       finalCoordinates = cacheManager.getCoordinateString(); 
      else { 
       CacheInfo cacheInfo = new CacheInfo(); 
       finalCoordinates = cacheInfo.getFinalCoordinates(); 
     return finalCoordinates; 
    } //End changeCoordinates method 

    public static String changeAdminPassword() { 
     CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(); 
     String adminPassword; 
     String coordChangeMsg = "Would you like to change the Admin Password?"; 

     int changeAdminPassword = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, coordChangeMsg, "[ADMIN] Admin Password Options", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); 
     if (changeAdminPassword == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { 
      adminPassword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please Enter the New Admin Password: "); 
     else { 
      if (cacheManager.isListEmpty() == false) { 
       adminPassword = cacheManager.getAdminPasswordString(); 
      else { 
       CacheInfo cacheInfo = new CacheInfo(); 
       adminPassword = cacheInfo.getAdminPassword(); 
     return adminPassword; 

} //End of GamePane Class 



은 이제 더 간단하게 만들어 보자, 문제가 무엇인지 표시하려면 문제는 다음과 같습니다. this.getChildren().remove(showScore);은 새 showScore 개체를 제거하려고 시도합니다. 방금 창에서 만든 것이 아니라 이전 Text 노드를 제거하지 않고 모든 호출마다 새 인스턴스를 추가하고 있습니다.

한 최초의 솔루션은 발견 된 모든 Text 인스턴스를 삭제됩니다 이것이 내가 자바 7 버전으로 가지 않을 것이다 최선의 해결책이 아니기 때문에

public void setTextField() { 
    Text showScore = new Text("Score: "+String.valueOf(playerPointCounter)); 

removeIf 자바 (8)을 필요로한다. 또한 가능한 다른 모든 텍스트를 삭제하므로 id을 텍스트로 설정하고 해당 ID가있는 노드를 삭제할 수 있습니다.

두 번째 옵션 :

final Text showScore; 
public GamePane() { 
    showScore=new Text(); 

을 지금 간단한 업데이트는 텍스트 속성입니다 : 클래스에 글로벌 Text 노드를 만들려면 호출 할 때마다 setTextfield() 당신이 컨트롤을하고 설계하는 것을

public void setTextField() { 
    showScore.setText("Score: " + String.valueOf(playerPointCounter) 
     + "\nMisses: " + String.valueOf(gameOverCounter)); 
    //Font family, weight, font size 
    showScore.setFont(Font.font("Baskerville Old Face", FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); 

주 , 이것은 생성자로 옮겨 질 수 있습니다.

세 번째 옵션 : 노드를 만들고 그 노드에 묶여있는 일부 속성을 사용하십시오. 바인딩을 만들고 노드를 레이아웃하려면 setTextField() 번만 호출하십시오. 그런 다음 필요한 경우 카운터를 증가시켜야합니다 (예 : incrementPointCounter()).

private final Text showScore=new Text(); 
private final IntegerProperty playerPointCounter=new SimpleIntegerProperty(); 
private final IntegerProperty gameOverCounter=new SimpleIntegerProperty(); 

public void setTextField() { 
    showScore.textProperty().bind(Bindings.concat("Score: ") 
     .concat("\nMisses: ").concat(gameOverCounter.asString())); 

    //Font family, weight, font size 
    showScore.setFont(Font.font("Baskerville Old Face", FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); 

public void incrementPointCounter(){ 