2013-01-15 3 views

컴퓨터를 다시 설치 한 후 제대로 작동하는 오래된 flourinefx 응용 프로그램에 문제가 있습니다.Flourinefx : 이름이 적절한 방법을 찾을 수 없습니다.

2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - Could not find a suitable method with name GetTodayView 
2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - Displaying verbose logging information 
2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - Checking GetTodayView(query(Query)) 
2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - query(Query) did not match value "Offerta.DAL.Queries.Query" (Query) 
2013-01-15 19:03:53,633 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.Messaging.Endpoints.Filter.ProcessFilter - Could not find a suitable method with name GetTodayView 
FluorineFx.Exceptions.FluorineException: Could not find a suitable method with name GetTodayView 
    at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments, Boolean exactMatch, Boolean throwException, Boolean traceError) 
    at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments, Boolean exactMatch, Boolean throwException) 
    at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments, Boolean exactMatch) 
    at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments) 
    at FluorineFx.Messaging.Endpoints.Filter.ProcessFilter.Invoke(AMFContext context) 

누구나 전에 행동의 유형을 볼 수 : 특정 함수 호출 (I 사용자 정의 개체를 포함하는 그 생각) 내가 얻을 들어



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