2012-04-02 2 views

쓰려고하는 프로그램에 약간의 문제가 있습니다. 기본적으로 나는 사용자에게 입력을 요구하고있다. 그런 다음 문자열의 공백 수를 계산하고 개수를 표시합니다. 또한 공백을 제거한 원래 문자열을 출력해야합니다.MIPS 어셈블리 문자열에서 공백 제거

내가 가지고있는 버그는 공백없이 문자열에 문자를 추가 할 때만 첫 문자 만 추가하는 것입니다. $ t2는 추가 할 문자를 보유하고있는 레지스터이며 실행 중 레지스터가 변경되었는지를 확인하기 위해 레지스터를 검사했습니다. 내가 어디에서보아야할지 모르겠다. move $t7, $t6

str:  .space 81 # buffer for input string 
strNS:  .space 81 # buffer for string w/o spaces 
prompt:  .asciiz "Enter a string up to 80 characters\n" 
head1:  .asciiz "\nOriginal String: " 
head2:  .asciiz "\nNumber of spaces: " 
head3:  .asciiz "\nWith spaces removed: " 

    #print the first prompt and get the input string from console 
    li  $v0, 4   #load syscall value to print string into $v0 
    la  $a0, prompt  #address of prompt to print 
    syscall     #print prompt to console 
    li  $v0, 8   #load syscall value to read input string 
    la  $a0, str  #addr of allocated space for input string is now in $a0 
    li  $a1, 81 

    jal  countSpace 

    addi $t1, $v0, 0  #the count of spaces is in $v0, save it into $t1 
    li  $v0, 4   #print header then the count 
    la  $a0, head1 
    la  $a0, str  #print the original string 
    la  $a0, head2  #print second header before printing count 
    li  $v0, 1  
    addi $a0, $t1, 0  #place the count in $a0 
    syscall     #print the count 

    li  $v0, 4 
    la  $a0, head3  #print the third header 
    la  $a0, strNS  #print no spaces string 

    li  $v0, 10   #load syscall value for exit 
    syscall     #exit 

    la  $s0, strNS 
    addi $sp, $sp, -12 #adjust the stack pointer for saving 
    sw  $s0, 8($sp)  #store addr of nospace string 
    sw  $ra, 4($sp)  #store return addr on the stack 
    sw  $a0, 0($sp)  #store the count on the stack 

    #Begin counting spaces 
    addi $t3, $a0, 0  #$t3 has addr of user input 
    addi $t5, $s0, 0  #$t5 has addr of string with no spaces 
    li  $t6, 0   #$t6 holds index of string with no spaces 
    li  $t0, 0   #$t0 will hold the count of spaces 
    li  $t4, 0   #$t4 holds the index of the string 
    add  $t1, $t3, $t4 #$t1 = addr of str[i] 
    lb  $t2, 0($t1)  #$t2 = character in str[i] 
    beq  $t2, $zero, exitCS #break from loop if $t2 contains null character 
    addi $a0, $t2, 0  #place value to be checked in $a0 

    #save values onto stack from temp registers to preserve them 
    addi $sp, $sp, -28 #adjust the stack pointer for 5 values 
    sw  $t6, 24($sp) #save index of string with no spaces 
    sw  $t5, 20($sp) #save addr of string with no spaces 
    sw  $t4, 16($sp) #save index of user input 
    sw  $t3, 12($sp) #save the addr of user input 
    sb  $t2, 8($sp)  #save the character in str[i] 
    sw  $t1, 4($sp)  #save the address of str[i] 
    sw  $t0, 0($sp)  #save the count of spaces 

    jal  isSpace   #result from this jump and link will be in $v0 after call 

    #pop saved values from the stack, then reset the pointer 
    lw  $t6, 24($sp) 
    lw  $t5, 20($sp) 
    lw  $t4, 16($sp) 
    lw  $t3, 12($sp) 
    lb  $t2, 8($sp) 
    lw  $t1, 4($sp) 
    lw  $t0, 0($sp) 
    addi $sp, $sp, 28 #reset stack pointer 
    beq  $v0, $zero, addTo #if not a space, continue to next character 
    addi $t0, $t0, 1  #if it is a space, increment count 
    bne  $v0, $zero, nextChar #If character is a space, branch 
    sll  $t7, $t6, 2  #index if nospaces string stores width of 4 
    add  $t7, $t7, $t5 #now $t7 points at nospaces[i] 
    sb  $t2, 0($t7)  #store the character in the nospaces string 
    addi $t6, $t6, 1  #increment the index of nospaces 


    addi $t4, $t4, 1  #increment the index value 
    j  loop   #jump back to loop and continue processing 

    addi $v0, $t0, 0  #count of spaces placed into $v0 
    addi $v1, $t5, 0 
    lw  $ra, 4($sp)  #load return addr from the stack 
    lw  $a0, 0($sp)  #load value to check from the stack 
    addi $sp, $sp, 8  #reset stack pointer 
    jr  $ra    #return 

    addi $sp, $sp, -12 #adjust stack pointer to make room 
    sw  $s0, 8($sp) 
    sw  $ra, 4($sp)  #store value of return addr onto stack 
    sw  $a0, 0($sp)  #store value to check onto stack 

    #Check to see if the character is a space 
    li  $t0, 32   #ascii value for space character loaded into $t0 
    li  $v0, 0   #Set default return to 0, or "not a space character" 
    bne  $t0, $a0, endSC#if ascii values match, character is a space 
    li  $v0, 1   #$v0 = 1 means it is a space character 

    lw  $s0, 8($sp) 
    lw  $ra, 4($sp)  #restore return address 
    lw  $a0, 0($sp)  #restore addr of str 
    addi $sp, $sp, 12 #reset the stack pointer 

end: jr $ra 



변경 sll $t7, $t6, 2. 수동으로 아무 것도 정렬 할 필요가 없습니다.

MARS debugger

여기에 입력 here's some spaces과 함께 실행 한 후 프로그램의 데이터 세그먼트입니다. 버그를보고 나면 수정해야합니다.


완벽하게 작동했습니다. 정말 고맙습니다! – user1307073