2013-09-30 2 views

필자의 bison 문법에 문제가있어, 오류를 줄이거 나 옮기는 경우가 있으며, 연산자에 대한 우선 순위를 이미 정의했습니다.C와 유사한 언어의 Bison Shift/reduce 오류

나는 그것이 expr 규칙의 'expr binop expr'비트에 의한 것이라고 알고 있습니다. 여기 내 들소 파일과 출력물이 있습니다. 어떤 도움이라도 대단히 감사 할 것입니다.


%left OR_OP 
%left AND_OP 
%nonassoc '<' LEQ_OP '>' GEQ_OP EQ_OP NEQ_OP 
%left '+' '-' 
%left '/' '*' 
%right '!' 

expr  : unop expr 
      | expr binop expr 
      | ID 
      | ID '[' expr ']' 
      | ID '(' expr_list ')' 
      | ID '(' ')' 
      | '(' expr ')' 
      | INTCON 
      | FLOATCON 

expr_list : expr 
      | expr_list ',' expr 

unop  : '!' ; 

binop  : AND_OP | OR_OP | EQ_OP | NEQ_OP | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | LEQ_OP | '<' | GEQ_OP | '>' ; 

그리고 출력 파일 : 아래 RICI BY

Terminals unused in grammar 


State 25 conflicts: 12 shift/reduce 
State 31 conflicts: 12 shift/reduce 


    0 $accept: expr $end 

    1 expr: unop expr 
    2  | expr binop expr 
    3  | ID 
    4  | ID '[' expr ']' 
    5  | ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | ID '(' ')' 
    7  | '(' expr ')' 
    8  | INTCON 
    9  | FLOATCON 

    10 expr_list: expr 
    11   | expr_list ',' expr 

    12 unop: '!' 

    13 binop: AND_OP 
    14  | OR_OP 
    15  | EQ_OP 
    16  | NEQ_OP 
    17  | '+' 
    18  | '-' 
    19  | '*' 
    20  | '/' 
    21  | LEQ_OP 
    22  | '<' 
    23  | GEQ_OP 
    24  | '>' 

Terminals, with rules where they appear 

$end (0) 0 
'!' (33) 12 
'(' (40) 5 6 7 
')' (41) 5 6 7 
'*' (42) 19 
'+' (43) 17 
',' (44) 11 
'-' (45) 18 
'/' (47) 20 
'<' (60) 22 
'>' (62) 24 
'[' (91) 4 
']' (93) 4 
error (256) 
ID (258) 3 4 5 6 
KEYWORD (259) 
INTCON (260) 8 
FLOATCON (261) 9 
TYPE (262) 
STRING (263) 
IF (264) 
WHILE (265) 
FOR (266) 
VOID (267) 
RETURN (268) 
AND_OP (269) 13 
OR_OP (270) 14 
EQ_OP (271) 15 
NEQ_OP (272) 16 
LEQ_OP (273) 21 
GEQ_OP (274) 23 

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear 

$accept (32) 
    on left: 0 
expr (33) 
    on left: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, on right: 0 1 2 4 7 10 11 
expr_list (34) 
    on left: 10 11, on right: 5 11 
unop (35) 
    on left: 12, on right: 1 
binop (36) 
    on left: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24, on right: 2 

state 0 

    0 $accept: . expr $end 
    1 expr: . unop expr 
    2  | . expr binop expr 
    3  | . ID 
    4  | . ID '[' expr ']' 
    5  | . ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | . ID '(' ')' 
    7  | . '(' expr ')' 
    8  | . INTCON 
    9  | . FLOATCON 
    12 unop: . '!' 

    ID  shift, and go to state 1 
    INTCON shift, and go to state 2 
    FLOATCON shift, and go to state 3 
    '!'  shift, and go to state 4 
    '('  shift, and go to state 5 

    expr go to state 6 
    unop go to state 7 

state 1 

    3 expr: ID . [$end, AND_OP, OR_OP, EQ_OP, NEQ_OP, LEQ_OP, GEQ_OP, '<', '>', '+', '-', '/', '*', ']', ')', ','] 
    4  | ID . '[' expr ']' 
    5  | ID . '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | ID . '(' ')' 

    '(' shift, and go to state 8 
    '[' shift, and go to state 9 

    $default reduce using rule 3 (expr) 

state 2 

    8 expr: INTCON . 

    $default reduce using rule 8 (expr) 

state 3 

    9 expr: FLOATCON . 

    $default reduce using rule 9 (expr) 

state 4 

    12 unop: '!' . 

    $default reduce using rule 12 (unop) 

state 5 

    1 expr: . unop expr 
    2  | . expr binop expr 
    3  | . ID 
    4  | . ID '[' expr ']' 
    5  | . ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | . ID '(' ')' 
    7  | . '(' expr ')' 
    7  | '(' . expr ')' 
    8  | . INTCON 
    9  | . FLOATCON 
    12 unop: . '!' 

    ID  shift, and go to state 1 
    INTCON shift, and go to state 2 
    FLOATCON shift, and go to state 3 
    '!'  shift, and go to state 4 
    '('  shift, and go to state 5 

    expr go to state 10 
    unop go to state 7 

state 6 

    0 $accept: expr . $end 
    2 expr: expr . binop expr 
    13 binop: . AND_OP 
    14  | . OR_OP 
    15  | . EQ_OP 
    16  | . NEQ_OP 
    17  | . '+' 
    18  | . '-' 
    19  | . '*' 
    20  | . '/' 
    21  | . LEQ_OP 
    22  | . '<' 
    23  | . GEQ_OP 
    24  | . '>' 

    $end shift, and go to state 11 
    AND_OP shift, and go to state 12 
    OR_OP shift, and go to state 13 
    EQ_OP shift, and go to state 14 
    NEQ_OP shift, and go to state 15 
    LEQ_OP shift, and go to state 16 
    GEQ_OP shift, and go to state 17 
    '<'  shift, and go to state 18 
    '>'  shift, and go to state 19 
    '+'  shift, and go to state 20 
    '-'  shift, and go to state 21 
    '/'  shift, and go to state 22 
    '*'  shift, and go to state 23 

    binop go to state 24 

state 7 

    1 expr: . unop expr 
    1  | unop . expr 
    2  | . expr binop expr 
    3  | . ID 
    4  | . ID '[' expr ']' 
    5  | . ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | . ID '(' ')' 
    7  | . '(' expr ')' 
    8  | . INTCON 
    9  | . FLOATCON 
    12 unop: . '!' 

    ID  shift, and go to state 1 
    INTCON shift, and go to state 2 
    FLOATCON shift, and go to state 3 
    '!'  shift, and go to state 4 
    '('  shift, and go to state 5 

    expr go to state 25 
    unop go to state 7 

state 8 

    1 expr: . unop expr 
    2  | . expr binop expr 
    3  | . ID 
    4  | . ID '[' expr ']' 
    5  | . ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    5  | ID '(' . expr_list ')' 
    6  | . ID '(' ')' 
    6  | ID '(' . ')' 
    7  | . '(' expr ')' 
    8  | . INTCON 
    9  | . FLOATCON 
    10 expr_list: . expr 
    11   | . expr_list ',' expr 
    12 unop: . '!' 

    ID  shift, and go to state 1 
    INTCON shift, and go to state 2 
    FLOATCON shift, and go to state 3 
    '!'  shift, and go to state 4 
    '('  shift, and go to state 5 
    ')'  shift, and go to state 26 

    expr  go to state 27 
    expr_list go to state 28 
    unop  go to state 7 

state 9 

    1 expr: . unop expr 
    2  | . expr binop expr 
    3  | . ID 
    4  | . ID '[' expr ']' 
    4  | ID '[' . expr ']' 
    5  | . ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | . ID '(' ')' 
    7  | . '(' expr ')' 
    8  | . INTCON 
    9  | . FLOATCON 
    12 unop: . '!' 

    ID  shift, and go to state 1 
    INTCON shift, and go to state 2 
    FLOATCON shift, and go to state 3 
    '!'  shift, and go to state 4 
    '('  shift, and go to state 5 

    expr go to state 29 
    unop go to state 7 

state 10 

    2 expr: expr . binop expr 
    7  | '(' expr . ')' 
    13 binop: . AND_OP 
    14  | . OR_OP 
    15  | . EQ_OP 
    16  | . NEQ_OP 
    17  | . '+' 
    18  | . '-' 
    19  | . '*' 
    20  | . '/' 
    21  | . LEQ_OP 
    22  | . '<' 
    23  | . GEQ_OP 
    24  | . '>' 

    AND_OP shift, and go to state 12 
    OR_OP shift, and go to state 13 
    EQ_OP shift, and go to state 14 
    NEQ_OP shift, and go to state 15 
    LEQ_OP shift, and go to state 16 
    GEQ_OP shift, and go to state 17 
    '<'  shift, and go to state 18 
    '>'  shift, and go to state 19 
    '+'  shift, and go to state 20 
    '-'  shift, and go to state 21 
    '/'  shift, and go to state 22 
    '*'  shift, and go to state 23 
    ')'  shift, and go to state 30 

    binop go to state 24 

state 11 

    0 $accept: expr $end . 

    $default accept 

state 12 

    13 binop: AND_OP . 

    $default reduce using rule 13 (binop) 

state 13 

    14 binop: OR_OP . 

    $default reduce using rule 14 (binop) 

state 14 

    15 binop: EQ_OP . 

    $default reduce using rule 15 (binop) 

state 15 

    16 binop: NEQ_OP . 

    $default reduce using rule 16 (binop) 

state 16 

    21 binop: LEQ_OP . 

    $default reduce using rule 21 (binop) 

state 17 

    23 binop: GEQ_OP . 

    $default reduce using rule 23 (binop) 

state 18 

    22 binop: '<' . 

    $default reduce using rule 22 (binop) 

state 19 

    24 binop: '>' . 

    $default reduce using rule 24 (binop) 

state 20 

    17 binop: '+' . 

    $default reduce using rule 17 (binop) 

state 21 

    18 binop: '-' . 

    $default reduce using rule 18 (binop) 

state 22 

    20 binop: '/' . 

    $default reduce using rule 20 (binop) 

state 23 

    19 binop: '*' . 

    $default reduce using rule 19 (binop) 

state 24 

    1 expr: . unop expr 
    2  | . expr binop expr 
    2  | expr binop . expr 
    3  | . ID 
    4  | . ID '[' expr ']' 
    5  | . ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | . ID '(' ')' 
    7  | . '(' expr ')' 
    8  | . INTCON 
    9  | . FLOATCON 
    12 unop: . '!' 

    ID  shift, and go to state 1 
    INTCON shift, and go to state 2 
    FLOATCON shift, and go to state 3 
    '!'  shift, and go to state 4 
    '('  shift, and go to state 5 

    expr go to state 31 
    unop go to state 7 

state 25 

    1 expr: unop expr . [$end, AND_OP, OR_OP, EQ_OP, NEQ_OP, LEQ_OP, GEQ_OP, '<', '>', '+', '-', '/', '*', ']', ')', ','] 
    2  | expr . binop expr 
    13 binop: . AND_OP 
    14  | . OR_OP 
    15  | . EQ_OP 
    16  | . NEQ_OP 
    17  | . '+' 
    18  | . '-' 
    19  | . '*' 
    20  | . '/' 
    21  | . LEQ_OP 
    22  | . '<' 
    23  | . GEQ_OP 
    24  | . '>' 

    AND_OP shift, and go to state 12 
    OR_OP shift, and go to state 13 
    EQ_OP shift, and go to state 14 
    NEQ_OP shift, and go to state 15 
    LEQ_OP shift, and go to state 16 
    GEQ_OP shift, and go to state 17 
    '<'  shift, and go to state 18 
    '>'  shift, and go to state 19 
    '+'  shift, and go to state 20 
    '-'  shift, and go to state 21 
    '/'  shift, and go to state 22 
    '*'  shift, and go to state 23 

    AND_OP [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    OR_OP  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    EQ_OP  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    NEQ_OP [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    LEQ_OP [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    GEQ_OP [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    '<'  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    '>'  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    '+'  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    '-'  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    '/'  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    '*'  [reduce using rule 1 (expr)] 
    $default reduce using rule 1 (expr) 

    binop go to state 24 

state 26 

    6 expr: ID '(' ')' . 
    $default reduce using rule 6 (expr) 

state 27 

    2 expr: expr . binop expr 
    10 expr_list: expr . [')', ','] 
    13 binop: . AND_OP 
    14  | . OR_OP 
    15  | . EQ_OP 
    16  | . NEQ_OP 
    17  | . '+' 
    18  | . '-' 
    19  | . '*' 
    20  | . '/' 
    21  | . LEQ_OP 
    22  | . '<' 
    23  | . GEQ_OP 
    24  | . '>' 

    AND_OP shift, and go to state 12 
    OR_OP shift, and go to state 13 
    EQ_OP shift, and go to state 14 
    NEQ_OP shift, and go to state 15 
    LEQ_OP shift, and go to state 16 
    GEQ_OP shift, and go to state 17 
    '<'  shift, and go to state 18 
    '>'  shift, and go to state 19 
    '+'  shift, and go to state 20 
    '-'  shift, and go to state 21 
    '/'  shift, and go to state 22 
    '*'  shift, and go to state 23 

    $default reduce using rule 10 (expr_list) 

    binop go to state 24 

state 28 

    5 expr: ID '(' expr_list . ')' 
    11 expr_list: expr_list . ',' expr 

    ')' shift, and go to state 32 
    ',' shift, and go to state 33 

state 29 

    2 expr: expr . binop expr 
    4  | ID '[' expr . ']' 
    13 binop: . AND_OP 
    14  | . OR_OP 
    15  | . EQ_OP 
    16  | . NEQ_OP 
    17  | . '+' 
    18  | . '-' 
    19  | . '*' 
    20  | . '/' 
    21  | . LEQ_OP 
    22  | . '<' 
    23  | . GEQ_OP 
    24  | . '>' 

    AND_OP shift, and go to state 12 
    OR_OP shift, and go to state 13 
    EQ_OP shift, and go to state 14 
    NEQ_OP shift, and go to state 15 
    LEQ_OP shift, and go to state 16 
    GEQ_OP shift, and go to state 17 
    '<'  shift, and go to state 18 
    '>'  shift, and go to state 19 
    '+'  shift, and go to state 20 
    '-'  shift, and go to state 21 
    '/'  shift, and go to state 22 
    '*'  shift, and go to state 23 
    ']'  shift, and go to state 34 

    binop go to state 24 

state 30 

    7 expr: '(' expr ')' . 

    $default reduce using rule 7 (expr) 

state 31 

    2 expr: expr . binop expr 
    2  | expr binop expr . [$end, AND_OP, OR_OP, EQ_OP, NEQ_OP, LEQ_OP, GEQ_OP, '<', '>', '+', '-', '/', '*', ']', ')', ','] 
    13 binop: . AND_OP 
    14  | . OR_OP 
    15  | . EQ_OP 
    16  | . NEQ_OP 
    17  | . '+' 
    18  | . '-' 
    19  | . '*' 
    20  | . '/' 
    21  | . LEQ_OP 
    22  | . '<' 
    23  | . GEQ_OP 
    24  | . '>' 

    AND_OP shift, and go to state 12 
    OR_OP shift, and go to state 13 
    EQ_OP shift, and go to state 14 
    NEQ_OP shift, and go to state 15 
    LEQ_OP shift, and go to state 16 
    GEQ_OP shift, and go to state 17 
    '<'  shift, and go to state 18 
    '>'  shift, and go to state 19 
    '+'  shift, and go to state 20 
    '-'  shift, and go to state 21 
    '/'  shift, and go to state 22 
    '*'  shift, and go to state 23 

    AND_OP [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    OR_OP  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    EQ_OP  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    NEQ_OP [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    LEQ_OP [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    GEQ_OP [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    '<'  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    '>'  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    '+'  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    '-'  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    '/'  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    '*'  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] 
    $default reduce using rule 2 (expr) 

    binop go to state 24 

state 32 

    5 expr: ID '(' expr_list ')' . 

    5 expr: ID '(' expr_list ')' . 

    $default reduce using rule 5 (expr) 

state 33 

    1 expr: . unop expr 
    2  | . expr binop expr 
    3  | . ID 
    4  | . ID '[' expr ']' 
    5  | . ID '(' expr_list ')' 
    6  | . ID '(' ')' 
    7  | . '(' expr ')' 
    8  | . INTCON 
    9  | . FLOATCON 
    11 expr_list: expr_list ',' . expr 
    12 unop: . '!' 

    ID  shift, and go to state 1 
    INTCON shift, and go to state 2 
    FLOATCON shift, and go to state 3 
    '!'  shift, and go to state 4 
    '('  shift, and go to state 5 

    expr go to state 35 
    unop go to state 7 

state 34 

    4 expr: ID '[' expr ']' . 

    $default reduce using rule 4 (expr) 

state 35 

    2 expr: expr . binop expr 
    11 expr_list: expr_list ',' expr . [')', ','] 
    13 binop: . AND_OP 
    14  | . OR_OP 
    15  | . EQ_OP 
    16  | . NEQ_OP 
    17  | . '+' 
    18  | . '-' 
    19  | . '*' 
    20  | . '/' 
    21  | . LEQ_OP 
    22  | . '<' 
    23  | . GEQ_OP 
    24  | . '>' 

    AND_OP shift, and go to state 12 
    OR_OP shift, and go to state 13 
    EQ_OP shift, and go to state 14 
    NEQ_OP shift, and go to state 15 
    LEQ_OP shift, and go to state 16 
    GEQ_OP shift, and go to state 17 
    '<'  shift, and go to state 18 
    '>'  shift, and go to state 19 
    '+'  shift, and go to state 20 
    '-'  shift, and go to state 21 
    '/'  shift, and go to state 22 
    '*'  shift, and go to state 23 

    $default reduce using rule 11 (expr_list) 

    binop go to state 24 

FIX : #

합니다 (unop 및 binop 규칙을 제거하고, EXPR의 규칙을 열거)


%left "||" 
%left "&&" 
%nonassoc '<' "<=" '>' ">=" "==" "!=" 
%left '+' '-' 
%left '/' '*' 
%right '!' 

expr  : ID 
      | ID '[' expr ']' 
      | ID '(' expr_list ')' 
      | ID '(' ')' 
      | '(' expr ')' 
      | INTCON 
      | FLOATCON 
      | '!' expr 
      | '-' expr 
      | expr '+' expr 
      | expr '-' expr 
      | expr '/' expr 
      | expr '*' expr 
      | expr '<' expr 
      | expr '>' expr 
      | expr "<=" expr 
      | expr ">=" expr 
      | expr "==" expr 
      | expr "!=" expr 
      | expr "&&" expr 
      | expr "||" expr 

expr_list : expr 
      | expr_list ',' expr 



우선 순위는 작품에 직접 터미널이 포함 된 경우에만 작동합니다. 우선 순위 선언에 이름이 지정됩니다. 우선 순위 관계가 들소 도움이 감소 binop 비 터미널을 이동하거나 구문 분석 스택의 상단에 expr을 줄이기 위해 여부를 결정할 수 없기 때문에 당신이 expr: expr binop expr을 사용할 수 없습니다 즉

. Bison은 binop 내부의 터미널을 알고 있어야하지만 더 이상 알지 못합니다. (즉 감축 "감소"라고 이유.)

당신이 전액 밖으로 제작을 작성해야, 그것이 작동되도록하려면

expr: expr '+' expr 
    | expr '-' expr 
    | expr '*' expr 
관련 문제