2016-07-14 2 views

세션 변수를 사용하여 양식 값을 유지하는 응용 프로그램을 만듭니다. 양식의 일부가 동적으로 생성됩니다. 이 부분은 변수를 올바르게 유지하지 못하고 다음 오류가 발생합니다.PHP에서 정의되지 않은 변수 - 출력 에코는 괜찮습니까?

Notice: Undefined variable: childName1 in G:\PleskVhosts\insurancemidam.com\httpdocs\test\includes.php on line 639 

이제는 매우 간단 해 보입니다. 그러나, 내 세션 변수에 위해서 var_dump를 사용하여이 변수가 정의되는 것을 보여준다 :

if($_SESSION['formInput']) { 
foreach($_SESSION['formInput'] as $key => $value) { 

${$key} = $value; 


echo var_dump($_SESSION['formInput']); 

출력 :

array(124) { ["hasSpouse"]=> string(0) "" ["children"]=> string(1) "1" ["action"]=> string(6) "enroll" ["firstName"]=> string(2) "FT" ["address"]=> string(12) "R R MO 63751" ["ssn"]=> string(9) "123123123" ["lastName"]=> string(4) "TEST" ["email"]=> string(7) "[email protected]" ["gender"]=> string(6) "female" ["location"]=> string(8) "BK #5866" ["birth"]=> string(10) "1919-11-20" ["insuranceRadio"]=> string(24) "ft employee Silver 11.00" ["insuranceDisplaySelection"]=> string(0) "" ["childName1"]=> string(1) "K" ["childBirthmonth1"]=> string(2) "03" ["childBirthday1"]=> string(2) "20" ["childBirthyear1"]=> string(4) "1918" ["childSSN1"]=> string(9) "123123123" ["childGender1"]=> string(6) "female" ["step1"]=> string(9) "stepChild" ["childAddress1"]=> string(0) "" ["childCity1"]=> string(0) "" ["childState1"]=> string(0) "" ["childZip1"]=> string(0) "" ["healthSig"]=> string(1) "K" ["healthSigDate"]=> string(10) "07/14/2016" ["primaryOneFirst"]=> string(1) "L" ["primaryOneLast"]=> string(1) "M" ["primaryOneAddress"]=> string(1) "R" ["primaryOneCity"]=> string(1) "R" ["primaryOneState"]=> string(2) "MO" ["primaryOneZip"]=> string(5) "63761" ["primaryOnePercent"]=> string(3) "100" ["primaryOneSSN"]=> string(9) "123123123" ["primaryOneRelationship"]=> string(3) "SEL" ["primaryTwoFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoLast"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoAddress"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoCity"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoState"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoZip"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoPercent"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryTwoRelationship"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOneFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOneLast"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOneAddress"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOneCity"]=> string(0) "" ["contigentOneState"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOneZip"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOnePercent"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOneSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentOneRelationship"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoLast"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoAddress"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoCity"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoState"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoZip"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoPercent"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["contingentTwoRelationship"]=> string(0) "" ["lifeSig"]=> string(5) "KELLY" ["lifeSigDate"]=> string(10) "09/14/2016" ["enrollVision"]=> string(5) "false" ["visionDependentFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentTwoFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentTwoLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentTwoBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentTwoBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentTwoBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentTwoGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentTwoSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentThreeFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentThreeLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentThreeBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentThreeBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentThreeBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentThreeGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentThreeSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFourFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFourLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFourBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFourBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentFourBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentFourGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentFourSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFiveFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFiveLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFiveBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentFiveBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentFiveBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentFiveGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentFiveSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSixFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSixLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSixBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSixBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentSixBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentSixGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentSixSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSevenFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSevenLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSevenBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentSevenBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentSevenBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentSevenGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentSevenSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentEightFirst"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentEightLast"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentEightBirthmonth"]=> string(0) "" ["visionDependentEightBirthday"]=> string(2) "00" ["visionDependentEightBirthyear"]=> string(4) "1900" ["visionDependentEightGender"]=> string(4) "male" ["visionDependentEightSSN"]=> string(0) "" ["visionSig"]=> string(5) "KELLY" ["visionSigDate"]=> string(10) "09/28/1994" ["insuranceSubmit"]=> string(4) "true" }

echo "Name is $childName1";

출력 어떤 내 경우 Name is K 것이다.

나는 꽤 당황 스럽다. 나는 언젠가 이것을 위해 고투하고있는 어떤지도든지 평가할 것입니다. 필요한 경우

폼의 일부 인쇄 기능 :

public function displayChild($numberOf) { 
    $html ="<fieldset><h2 class='legend'>Eligible Children</h2><div class='message'>If you checked foster child/step child, or if your child is over the maximum age of 26 or handicapped, contact Rhonda Medlin for the necessary form</div>"; 
    $counter = 1; 
    while($counter <= $numberOf) { 

    $html .= "<div class='childField' id='child{$counter}'><h3>Child Data {$counter}</h3><div class='row'><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>Child Name: </label><input type='text' data-validation='[OPTIONAL, NAME]' data-validation-label='Field' name='childName{$counter}' value='{${'childName' . $counter}}' /></div><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>Date of Birth:<select name='childBirthmonth{$counter}'> 
        <option value=''> </option> 
        <option value='01'>January 
        <option value='02'>February 
        <option value='03'>March 
        <option value='04'>April 
        <option value='05'>May 
        <option value='06'>June 
        <option value='07'>July 
        <option value='08'>August 
        <option value='09'>September 
        <option value='10'>October 
        <option value='11'>November 
        <option value='12'>December 

      <select name='childBirthday{$counter}'>"; for($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { 
        if($i < 10) { 
        $i = "0" . $i; 
        } $html .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; 
        } $html .= "</select> 
        <select name='childBirthyear{$counter}'>"; 

        for($i = 1900; $i <= date("Y"); $i++) { 
         $html .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; 
        } $html .= "</select></div> 


        <div class='row'><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label> SSN: </label><input type='text' placeholder='xxxxxxxxx' data-validation-message='Please enter a 9 digit SSN without dashes.' data-validation='[L==9, INTEGER]' value='{${childSSN . $counter}}'name='childSSN{$counter}' id='childSSN{$counter}' /></div><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>Gender: </label><select data-validation='[NOTEMPTY]' value='{${childGender . $counter}}' name='childGender{$counter}'><option value='male'>Male</option><option value='female'>Female</option></select></div></div> 

        <div class='row'><label>Please Check All That Apply:</label></div><ul class='checkBoxGroup' /><li>Handicapped: <input type='checkbox' name='handicap{$counter}' value='handicap' /></li><li>Full-Time Student: <input type='checkbox' name='student{$counter}' value='student' /></li><li>Step Child: <input type='checkbox' name='step{$counter}' value='stepChild' /></li><li>Foster Child: <input type='checkbox' name='foster{$counter}' value='foster' /></li><li>Different Address (than yours): <input type='checkbox' name='diff{$counter}' value='differentAddress' /></li></ul> 

        <div class='childAddressBox'><div class='row'><div id='childAddress{$counter}'><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>Address: </label><input type='text' value='{${childAddress . $counter}}'}' name='childAddress{$counter}' /></div><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>City: </label><input type='text' size=20 value='{${childCity . $counter}}' name='childCity{$counter}' /></div></div> 

        <div class='row'><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>State: </label><input type='text' size=2 value='{${childState . $counter}}' name='childState{$counter}'/></div><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>Zip</label><input type='text' size=5 value='{${childZip . $counter}}' name='childZip{$counter}' /></div></div> 
    echo $html; 

하고 호출 페이지의 일부분 (동일 하나 I는 $ _SESSION [ 'formInput'] 변수를 사용하고있다) :

elseif ($hasChildren) { // has children, but no spouse 

$pdoObject = $db->getHealthPlans($status, false, true); 
echo $printer->displayTable($status, 'health', $pdoObject); 

$pdoObject = $db->getDentalPlans($status, false, true); 
echo $printer->displayTable($status, 'dental', $pdoObject); 

$pdoObject = $db->getComboPlans($status, false, true); 
echo $printer->displayTable($status, 'combo', $pdoObject); 
echo "</div><div id='insuranceDisplayContainer'><h3>Selected Plan: </h3><h3 id='insuranceDisplay'></h3><input type='hidden' name='insuranceDisplaySelection' id='insuranceDisplaySelection' /></div>"; 

echo $printer->displayChild($children); 
echo $printer->displayAgreement('health'); 


편집 :

` $html .= "<div class='childField' id='child{$counter}'><h3>Child Data {$counter}</h3><div class='row'><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>Child Name: </label><input type='text' data-validation='[NAME]' data-validation-label='Field' name='childName{$counter}' value='{${'childName' . $counter}}' /></div><div class='formGroup colHalf'><label>Date of Birth:<select data-validation='[NOTEMPTY]' data-validation-message='Please make a selection.' name='childBirthmonth{$counter}'> 
:이 라인 639은



다음 중 639 행 중 어느 것입니까? – gladiola


또한 세션을 유지하는 방식으로 동일한 페이지를 반복해서 실행하고 있습니까?마찬가지로 변수가 이전 실행 또는 루프에서로드 될 수 있습니까? 값을 설정하지 않고도 프로그램을 여러 번 실행합니까? – gladiola


변수 변수 .... 절대 좋은 부호가 아닙니다. –



이는 응답으로 의미 : 당신은 넣어 시도 할 수 :

global ${'childName'.$counter}; 

직접 후 : 방법 displayChild()

while($counter <= $numberOf) { 

. 전역 변수 인 경우 $childName1에 액세스하는 방법입니다.

아래의 설명은 답변이 아니지만 의견에 잘 맞지 않습니다. 대신 일을


if($_SESSION['formInput']) { 
    foreach($_SESSION['formInput'] as $key => $value) { 
    ${$key} = $value; 

당신은 할 수 :

if($_SESSION['formInput']) extract($_SESSION['formInput']); 

참조 : 그것은 또한 당신의 변수 변수에 대한 주석에서 사람들을 중지 http://php.net/manual/en/function.extract.php


이름이 formInput이므로 사용자 입력에 직접 PHP 변수를 지정하게하는 것에 대해 경고해야합니다. 잘못된 생각입니다. 그러지 마. 당신이 정말로해야한다면 적어도 extract()에 접두어를 사용하십시오.


조언을 주셔서 감사합니다. 물론, (당신이 언급했듯이) 문제를 해결하지는 못하지만 코드를 개선하는 모든 포인터에 대해서는 분명히 고맙게 생각합니다. – KellyMarchewa


답변에 시도를 추가했습니다. 이 방법이 작동하는지 확신 할 수 없지만 메서드에'$ childName1'을 정의하지 않은 것 같습니다. –


그게 효과가! 진심으로 감사드립니다. – KellyMarchewa