2011-12-14 2 views

대담한 테마에 WordPress Importer 0.5를 설치할 수 없습니다.WordPress Importer 0.5

플러그인을 설치할 때 내가 얻을 메시지는 이것이다 :

Warning: touch() [function.touch]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10736 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /var/www/vhosts/griffedecorazioni.it/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 177 

Warning: unlink() [function.unlink]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10736 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /var/www/vhosts/griffedecorazioni.it/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 489 

Download failed. Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable. 



다운로드 한 패키지가 저장되는 디렉토리를 변경해야 상수 WP_TEMP_DIR을 설정하십시오. 이와 같은 것을 다음과 같이 넣으십시오. wp_config.php :

define ('WP_TEMP_DIR', ABSPATH. 'wp-content /');

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