2013-06-05 4 views

이 내가 내 UNIX에서 실행 내 C++ 메이크입니다 :명령은

# This is a Makefile for the SocNetwork project 
CCC = g++ 
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -g 
OBJS = Message.o Date.o main.o SocialNetwork.o User.o 
RM enter code here= rm -f 
all: SocNetwork 
# Creating the executable (SocNetwork) 
SocNetwork: $(OBJS) 
     $(CXXLINK) -o SocNetwork $(OBJS) 
# Creating object files using default rules 
Date.o: Date.C Date.H 
main.o: main.C SocialNetwork.H User.H defs.H Date.H Message.H 
Message.o: Message.C Message.H defs.H 
SocialNetwork.o: SocialNetwork.C SocialNetwork.H User.H defs.H Date.H Message.H 
User.o: User.C User.H defs.H Date.H Message.H 
# Cleaning old files before new make 
     $(RM) SocNetwork screen_test *.o *.bak *~ "#"* core 

나는 UNIX에서 메이크 파일을 실행할 때 내가 얻을 :

./makefile: line 2: CCC: command not found 
./makefile: line 3: CXXFLAGS: command not found 
./makefile: line 4: CCC: command not found 
./makefile: line 4: CXXLINK: command not found 
./makefile: line 5: OBJS: command not found 
./makefile: line 6: RM: command not found 
./makefile: line 7: all:: command not found 
./makefile: line 9: OBJS: command not found 
./makefile: line 9: SocNetwork:: command not found 
./makefile: line 10: CXXLINK: command not found 
./makefile: line 10: OBJS: command not found 
./makefile: line 10: -o: command not found 
./makefile: line 12: Date.o:: command not found 
./makefile: line 13: main.o:: command not found 
./makefile: line 14: Message.o:: command not found 
./makefile: line 15: SocialNetwork.o:: command not found 
./makefile: line 16: User.o:: command not found 
./makefile: line 18: clean:: command not found 
./makefile: line 19: RM: command not found 
./makefile: line 19: SocNetwork: command not found 

사람은 무엇을 말해 주시겠습니까 내 메이크 파일에 문제가 있니? 탭에는 문제가 없습니다. 확인했습니다. 고맙습니다!


시도해 보려면 makefile의 줄 1에있는 shebang을 사용하십시오 :'#!/usr/bin/make -f'. –


오, 내 사랑의 신 ...... >>. << –



make 명령을 실행해야합니다.이 명령은 makefile을 집어 들고 처리합니다. makefile 자체를 실행하려고하는 것 같습니다.


신! 네가 옳아! TNX !!! – user2456678