고객 정보를 나타내는 FragmentActivity 클래스가 있습니다. 이 클래스 안에는 Fragment and Fragment Adapter라는 두 개의 내부 클래스가 있습니다. 다음은 내 코드입니다 : 나는 페이지가 슬쩍 때프래그먼트 활동의 IllegalStateException

public class CustomerInfoFragmentActivity extends FragmentActivity implements  OnClickListener, OnItemSelectedListener, OnCheckedChangeListener, OnSeekBarChangeListener,  OnPageChangeListener 
public static final String FORM_NAME  = "Customer Information"; 
private static final String TAG    = "CustomerInfoFragmentActivity"; 
private static final int TIME_DIALOG_ID = 0; 
private static final int DATE_DIALOG_ID = 1; 
// No. of pages to be loaded in pager; make sure this is accurate 
private static int   PAGE_COUNT  = 4; 
private ServerService  serverService; 
// Form entry date 
Calendar     formDate; 
// Layout view containing navigation bar and buttons 
LinearLayout    navigatorLayout; 
Button      firstButton; 
Button      lastButton; 
Button      formDateButton; 
Button      saveButton; 
Button      clearButton; 
SeekBar      navigationSeekbar; 
// View pager that holds all the pages generated dynamically 
ViewPager     pager; 
// Views displayed in pages, sorted w.r.t. appearance on pager 
TextView     phone1TextView; 
EditText     phone1; 
TextView     phone1OwnerTextView; 
CheckBox     phone1Owner; 
EditText     phone1OwnerName; 
TextView     phone2TextView; 
EditText     phone2; 
TextView     phone2OwnerTextView; 
CheckBox     phone2Owner; 
EditText     phone2OwnerName; 
TextView     address; 
EditText     address1; 
EditText     address2; 
EditText     landmark; 
EditText     town; 
EditText     patientId; 
Button      scanBarcode; 
// ArrayList to hold all the linear layouts - 1 for each page 
ArrayList<ViewGroup>  groups; 
View[]      views; 

class CustomerInfoFragment extends Fragment 
    int currentPage; 

    public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) 
     super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); 
     Bundle data = getArguments(); 
     currentPage = data.getInt ("current_page", 0); 

    public View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) 
     // Return a layout of views from pre-filled ArrayList of groups 
     if (currentPage != 0 && groups.size() != 0) 
      return groups.get (currentPage - 1); 
      return null; 

class CustomerInfoFragmentPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter 
    /** Constructor of the class */ 
    public CustomerInfoFragmentPagerAdapter (FragmentManager fragmentManager) 
     super (fragmentManager); 

    /** This method will be invoked when a page is requested to create */ 
    public Fragment getItem (int arg0) 
     CustomerInfoFragment fragment = new CustomerInfoFragment(); 
     Bundle data = new Bundle(); 
     data.putInt ("current_page", arg0 + 1); 
     fragment.setArguments (data); 
     return fragment; 

    /** Returns the number of pages */ 
    public int getCount() 
     return PAGE_COUNT; 

protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) 
    super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); 
    setContentView (R.layout.template); 
    serverService = new ServerService (getApplicationContext()); 
    formDate = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    createViews (this); 
    initView (views); 

public void createViews (Context context) 
    // Create fixed views 
    formDateButton = (Button) findViewById (R.template_id.formDate); 
    firstButton = (Button) findViewById (R.template_id.firstButton); 
    lastButton = (Button) findViewById (R.template_id.lastButton); 
    clearButton = (Button) findViewById (R.template_id.clearButton); 
    saveButton = (Button) findViewById (R.template_id.saveButton); 
    navigationSeekbar = (SeekBar) findViewById (R.template_id.navigationSeekbar); 
    pager = (ViewPager) findViewById (R.template_id.pager); 
    navigationSeekbar.setMax (PAGE_COUNT - 1); 
    navigatorLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById (R.template_id.navigatorLayout); 
    // If the form consists only of single page, then hide the 
    // navigatorLayout 
    if (PAGE_COUNT < 2) 
     navigatorLayout.setVisibility (LinearLayout.GONE); 
    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager(); 
    CustomerInfoFragmentPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new CustomerInfoFragmentPagerAdapter (fragmentManager); 
    pager.setAdapter (pagerAdapter); 
    // Create views for pages 
    phone1TextView = new TextView (context); 
    phone1 = new EditText (context); 
    phone1OwnerTextView = new TextView (context); 
    phone1Owner = new CheckBox (context); 
    phone1OwnerName = new EditText (context); 
    phone2TextView = new TextView (context); 
    phone2 = new EditText (context); 
    phone2OwnerTextView = new TextView (context); 
    phone2Owner = new CheckBox (context); 
    phone2OwnerName = new EditText (context); 
    address = new TextView (context); 
    address1 = new EditText (context); 
    address2 = new EditText (context); 
    landmark = new EditText (context); 
    town = new EditText (context); 
    patientId = new EditText (context); 
    scanBarcode = new Button (context); 
    phone1TextView.setText (R.string.primary_phone); 
    phone1TextView.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    phone1.setTag (R.string.primary_phone); 
    phone1.setHint (R.string.primary_phone_hint); 
    phone1.setInputType (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE); 
    phone1.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    phone1Owner.setText (R.string.self_owned); 
    phone1Owner.setChecked (true); 
    phone1OwnerName.setTag (R.string.owner_name); 
    phone1OwnerName.setHint (R.string.owner_name_hint); 
    phone1OwnerName.setVisibility (EditText.GONE); 
    phone2TextView.setText (R.string.secondary_phone); 
    phone2TextView.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    phone2.setTag (R.string.secondary_phone); 
    phone2.setHint (R.string.secondary_phone_hint); 
    phone2.setInputType (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE); 
    phone2.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    phone2Owner.setText (R.string.self_owned); 
    phone2Owner.setChecked (true); 
    phone2OwnerName.setTag (R.string.secondary_phone); 
    phone2OwnerName.setHint (R.string.owner_name_hint); 
    phone2OwnerName.setVisibility (EditText.GONE); 
    address.setText (R.string.address); 
    address.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    address1.setTag (R.string.address1); 
    address1.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    address1.setHint (R.string.address1_hint); 
    address2.setTag (R.string.address2); 
    address2.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    address2.setHint (R.string.address2_hint); 
    landmark.setTag (R.string.landmark); 
    landmark.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    landmark.setHint (R.string.landmark_hint); 
    town.setTag (R.string.town); 
    town.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    town.setHint (R.string.town_hint); 
    town.setText (App.getCity()); 
    patientId.setTag (R.string.patient_id); 
    patientId.setHint (R.string.patient_id_hint); 
    patientId.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    patientId.setInputType (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER); 
    scanBarcode.setText (R.string.scan_barcode); 
    scanBarcode.setTextAppearance (context, R.style.text); 
    scanBarcode.setCompoundDrawables (getResources().getDrawable (R.drawable.barcode), null, null, null); 
    // Create layouts and store in ArrayList 
    groups = new ArrayList<ViewGroup>(); 
    LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout (context); 
    layout.setOrientation (LinearLayout.VERTICAL); 
    layout.addView (phone1TextView); 
    layout.addView (phone1); 
    layout.addView (phone1Owner); 
    layout.addView (phone1OwnerName); 
    groups.add (layout); 

    LinearLayout layout2 = new LinearLayout (context); 
    layout2.setOrientation (LinearLayout.VERTICAL); 
    layout2.addView (phone2TextView); 
    layout2.addView (phone2); 
    layout2.addView (phone2Owner); 
    layout2.addView (phone2OwnerName); 
    groups.add (layout2); 

    LinearLayout layout3 = new LinearLayout (context); 
    layout3.setOrientation (LinearLayout.VERTICAL); 
    layout3.addView (address); 
    layout3.addView (address1); 
    layout3.addView (address2); 
    layout3.addView (landmark); 
    layout3.addView (town); 
    groups.add (layout3); 

    LinearLayout layout4 = new LinearLayout (context); 
    layout4.setOrientation (LinearLayout.VERTICAL); 
    layout4.addView (patientId); 
    layout4.addView (scanBarcode); 
    groups.add (layout4); 

    // Set event listeners 
    formDateButton.setOnClickListener (this); 
    firstButton.setOnClickListener (this); 
    lastButton.setOnClickListener (this); 
    clearButton.setOnClickListener (this); 
    saveButton.setOnClickListener (this); 
    scanBarcode.setOnClickListener (this); 
    navigationSeekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener (this); 
    views = new View[] {phone1Owner, phone2Owner}; 
    for (View v : views) 
     if (v instanceof Spinner) 
      ((Spinner) v).setOnItemSelectedListener (this); 
     else if (v instanceof CheckBox) 
      ((CheckBox) v).setOnCheckedChangeListener (this); 
    pager.setOnPageChangeListener (this); 

public void initView (View[] views) 
    for (View v : views) 
     if (v instanceof Spinner) 
      ((Spinner) v).setSelection (0); 
     else if (v instanceof EditText) 
      ((EditText) v).setText (""); 
    gotoPage (0); 

public void updateDisplay() 
    formDateButton.setText (DateFormat.format ("dd-MMM-yyyy", formDate)); 

public void gotoFirstPage() 
    gotoPage (0); 

public void gotoLastPage() 
    gotoPage (PAGE_COUNT - 1); 

private void gotoPage (int pageNo) 
    pager.setCurrentItem (pageNo); 
    navigationSeekbar.setProgress (pageNo); 

public void onProgressChanged (SeekBar seekbar, int progress, boolean isByUser) 
    // Move to page at the index of progress 
    if (isByUser) 
     pager.setCurrentItem (progress); 

public void onPageSelected (int pageNo) 
    gotoPage (pageNo); 

문제가 나타납니다 마지막으로 첫 번째 페이지에서 갈 때, 나는 아무 문제가 없지만, 한 단계 다시 아이가 이미 부모가 있음을 시사 나에게 IllegalStateException이를 던졌습니다 . 여기에 예외 : 디버깅에

05-03 14:21:36.713: E/AndroidRuntime(944): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 
05-03 14:21:36.713: E/AndroidRuntime(944): java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first. 
05-03 14:21:36.713: E/AndroidRuntime(944): at android.view.ViewGroup.addViewInner(ViewGroup.java:1976) 
05-03 14:21:36.713: E/AndroidRuntime(944): at android.view.ViewGroup.addView(ViewGroup.java:1871) 
05-03 14:21:36.713: E/AndroidRuntime(944): at android.view.ViewGroup.addView(ViewGroup.java:1828) 
05-03 14:21:36.713: E/AndroidRuntime(944): at android.view.ViewGroup.addView(ViewGroup.java:1808) 
05-03 14:21:36.713: E/AndroidRuntime(944): at android.support.v4.app.NoSaveStateFrameLayout.wrap(NoSaveStateFrameLayout.java:40) 

, 나는 CustomerFragment에서 onCreateView(...) 방법은 처음에 두 번 호출 내가 마지막 페이지로 슬쩍 때, 전혀 아니다되고 있음을 발견했다. 나는 안드로이드 개발에서 아주 성숙하지 않아서, 내가 정말로 바보 같은 일을하고 있다면 용서해 준다. ...



Fragments와 ViewPages의 작동 방식을 자세히 살펴본 후에 문제가 마침내 해결되었다. 내 코드에 다음 줄을 추가했는데 문제가 해결되었습니다.

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