2016-09-15 3 views

Alex Graves가 PhD Thesis에서 작성한 것과 같은 체중 잡음 정규화를 구현하려고하지만 구현 방법에 몇 가지 문제가 있습니다. 알고리즘은 다음과 같아야합니다Tensorflow - Weight Noise Regularization

while stopping criteria not met do 
    Randomize training set order 
    for each example in the training set do 
    Add zero mean Gaussian Noise to weights 
    Run forward and backward pass to calculate the gradient 
    Restore original weights 
    Update weights with gradient descent algorithm 

빛을 비추는 사람이 있습니까?

# e.g: log filter bank or MFCC features 
# Has size [batch_size, max_stepsize, num_features], but the 
# batch_size and max_stepsize can vary along each step 
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, num_features]) 

# Here we use sparse_placeholder that will generate a 
# SparseTensor required by ctc_loss op. 
targets = tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.int32) 

# 1d array of size [batch_size] 
seq_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) 

# Defining the cell 
# Can be: 
# tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell 
# tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell 
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(num_hidden, state_is_tuple=True) 

# Stacking rnn cells 
stack = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * num_layers, 

# The second output is the last state and we will no use that 
outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, seq_len, dtype=tf.float32) 

shape = tf.shape(inputs) 
batch_s, max_timesteps = shape[0], shape[1] 

# Reshaping to apply the same weights over the timesteps 
outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, num_hidden]) 

# Truncated normal with mean 0 and stdev=0.1 
# Tip: Try another initialization 
# see https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.9/api_docs/python/contrib.layers.html#initializers 
W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_hidden, 
# Zero initialization 
# Tip: Is tf.zeros_initializer the same? 
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0., shape=[num_classes])) 

# Doing the affine projection 
logits = tf.matmul(outputs, W) + b 

# Reshaping back to the original shape 
logits = tf.reshape(logits, [batch_s, -1, num_classes]) 

# Time major 
logits = tf.transpose(logits, (1, 0, 2)) 

loss = tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_loss(logits, targets, seq_len) 
cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss) 

optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(initial_learning_rate, 

# Option 2: tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_beam_search_decoder 
# (it's slower but you'll get better results) 
decoded, log_prob = tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_greedy_decoder(logits, seq_len) 

# Inaccuracy: label error rate 
ler = tf.reduce_mean(tf.edit_distance(tf.cast(decoded[0], tf.int32), 

편집 09/27/16

내가 순서대로 내 최적화를 변경해야한다는 것을 깨달았 : 여기에 편집 09/16/16

내 코드입니다 소음 무게 정식기를 추가합니다. 하지만, 내 코드에 이것을 삽입하는 방법을 모르겠습니다.

variables = tf.trainable_variables() 

    with tf.variable_scope(self.name or "OptimizeLoss", [loss, global_step]): 

     update_ops = set(ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)) 

     # Make sure update ops are ran before computing loss. 
     if update_ops: 
      loss = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(list(update_ops), loss) 

     add_noise_ops = [tf.no_op()] 
     if self.weights_noise_scale is not None: 
      add_noise_ops, remove_noise_ops = self._noise_ops(variables, self.weights_noise_scale) 

      # Make sure add noise to weights before computing loss. 
      loss = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(add_noise_ops, loss) 

     # Compute gradients. 
     gradients = self._opt.compute_gradients(loss, variables, colocate_gradients_with_ops=self.colocate_gradients_with_ops) 

     # Optionally add gradient noise. 
     if self.gradient_noise_scale is not None: 
      gradients = self._add_scaled_noise_to_gradients(gradients, self.gradient_noise_scale) 

     # Optionally clip gradients by global norm. 
     if self.clip_gradients_by_global_norm is not None: 
      gradients = self._clip_gradients_by_global_norm(gradients, self.clip_gradients_by_global_norm) 

     # Optionally clip gradients by value. 
     if self.clip_gradients_by_value is not None: 
      gradients = self._clip_gradients_by_value(gradients, self.clip_gradients_by_value) 

     # Optionally clip gradients by norm. 
     if self.clip_gradients_by_norm is not None: 
      gradients = self._clip_gradients_by_norm(gradients, self.clip_gradients_by_norm) 

     self._grads = [g[0] for g in gradients] 
     self._vars = [g[1] for g in gradients] 

     # Create gradient updates. 
     # Make sure that the noise of weights will be removed before the gradient update rule 
     grad_updates = self._opt.apply_gradients(gradients, 

     # Ensure the train_tensor computes grad_updates. 
     train_tensor = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([grad_updates], loss) 

나에게 약간의 빛을 줄 수 있습니까? 감사합니다 :)


무엇이 당신의 질문입니까? 소음을 추가하는 방법을 묻고 있습니까? Tensorflow는 가우스 노이즈 함수를 제공합니다. https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.10/api_docs/python/constant_op.html#random_normal – Nate


알아요.하지만 Tensorflow에서 알고리즘을 추가하는 방법에 대한 단서가 없습니다. –


체중 잡음 정규화없이 텐서 흐름 모델을 구축하고 훈련하는 방법을 알고 있습니까? – Nate



나는 2 개의 그래프를 만들 것입니다. 하나는 훈련 용이고 다른 하나는 평가 용입니다. 후자는 잡음을 가중치에 합산하지 않습니다. 가중치에 랜덤 노이즈를 요약하면, 당신은 할 수 있습니다 :

W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_hidden, 
noise = tf.truncated_normal([num_hidden, num_classes], 
W = W + noise 

텐서 tf.truncated_normal은 무게에 랜덤 노이즈의 작은 금액을 추가합니다.