2016-11-04 2 views

JavaScript를 사용하여 양식을 작성하려고합니다. & JavaScript. 많은 함수를 정의했지만 그 중 하나는 함수가 정의되지 않았다는 일부 오류를 제공합니다. 내가 정의한 것이기는하지만 확실히 어딘가에 놓쳤거나 잘못 정의했을 수 있습니까? 문제가 어디에 있는지 확실히 알지 못합니다! 내가지고있어함수는 정의되지 않았지만, 나는 그것을 정의했다. 나는 무엇을 놓치고 있는가?

오류는 다음과 같습니다

이 이 이

catch되지 않은 ReferenceError가 : selectedBinding는을 정의되지 않은

이 이 이

catch되지 않은 ReferenceError가 : selectedStaples이

catch되지 않은 ReferenceError가 정의되지 않은 : selectedHoles가 정의되어 있지

아마도 당신은 할 수 있습니다. 내 코드를 확인하고 찾을 수없는 오류를 찾으십니까?

var elems = { 
    staplesSelect: document.getElementById("makingStaples"), 
    holeSelect: document.getElementById("makingHoles"), 
    bindingSelect: document.getElementById("makingBinding"), 
    amountOfSetsResults: document.getElementById("amountOfSetsResults"), 
    amountOfPagesResults: document.getElementById("amountOfPagesResults"), 
    binding: document.getElementById("binding"), 
    stapling: document.getElementById("stapling"), 
    holes: document.getElementById("holes"), 
    paperWeight: document.getElementById("paperWeight"), 
    bindingResults: document.getElementById("bindingResults"), 
    holesResults: document.getElementById("holesResults"), 
    staplingResults: document.getElementById("staplingResults"), 
    totalAmountOfPagesResults: document.getElementById("totalAmountOfPagesResults"), 
    paperWeightResults: document.getElementById("paperWeightResults"), 
    bindingMethod: document.getElementById("bindingMethod"), 
    staplingMethod: document.getElementById("staplingMethod"), 
    holesMethod: document.getElementById("holesMethod"), 
    doubleSided: document.getElementById("doubleSided"), 
    pricePaperWeightResults: document.getElementById("pricePaperWeightResults"), 
    blackAndWhite: document.getElementById("blackAndWhite"), 
    colorResults: document.getElementById("colorResults"), 
    totalPricePrints: document.getElementById("totalPricePrints"), 
    totalPrice: document.getElementById("totalPrice"), 
    pricePerPageResults: document.getElementById("pricePerPageResults"), 
    calculation: document.getElementById("calculation"), 
    calculate: document.getElementById("calculate"), 
    amountOfSetsInput: document.getElementById("amountOfSetsInput"), 
    amountOfPagesInput: document.getElementById("amountOfPagesInput") 

// Hiding calculations from page 
toggleVisibility(elems.calculation, true); 

// Defining the color prints pricelist 
var priceListColor = { 
    0: 0.8, 
    10: 0.7, 
    25: 0.6, 
    50: 0.5, 
    100: 0.4, 
    250: 0.35, 
    500: 0.3, 
    1000: 0.25, 
    2000: 0.2, 
    5000: 0.18 
// Defining the black and white pricelist 
var priceListBlackAndWhite = { 
    0: 0.1, 
    10: 0.09, 
    25: 0.08, 
    50: 0.07, 
    100: 0.06, 
    500: 0.05, 
    1000: 0.045, 
    5000: 0.04 

// Defining the pricelist for paperweight 
var priceListPaperWeight = { 
    80: 0, 
    120: 0.05, 
    160: 0.1, 
    190: 0.15, 
    210: 0.2, 
    250: 0.25, 
    280: 0.3, 
    300: 0.35, 
    350: 0.4, 
    351: 0 

// Defining the pricelist for binding 
var priceListBinding = { 
    0: 3, 
    10: 2.75, 
    25: 2.5 

// Defining the pricelist for stapling 
var priceListStaples = { 
    0: 0.15, 
    100: 0.12, 
    250: 0.10, 
    500: 0.08 

// Defining the pricelist for stapling 
var priceListHoles = { 
    0: 0.15, 
    100: 0.12, 
    250: 0.10, 
    500: 0.08 

// Getting the value for the amount of pages given in by user 
function finalAmountOfPages() { 
    var totalAmountOfSets = elems.amountOfSetsInput.value || 0; 
    var totalAmountOfPages = elems.amountOfPagesInput.value || 0; 

    // Validation process, returns true or false; if true we proceed 
    if (validateForm(totalAmountOfSets, totalAmountOfPages)) { 
    totalAmountOfPages = parseInt(totalAmountOfPages); 
    totalAmountOfSets = parseInt(totalAmountOfSets); 

    // Calculating total amount of pages 
    var finalPagesAmount = totalAmountOfPages * totalAmountOfSets; 

    // Calculating price per page 
    var pricePerColorPage = findPricePerColorPage(finalPagesAmount, 0); 
    var pricePerBlackAndWhitePage = findPricePerBlackAndWhitePage(finalPagesAmount, 0); 
    var totalPriceColorPrinting = (totalAmountOfPages * totalAmountOfSets) * pricePerColorPage; 
    var totalPriceBlackAndWhitePrinting = (totalAmountOfPages * totalAmountOfSets) * pricePerBlackAndWhitePage; 

    // Calculating price for binding 
    var bindingPrice = findBindingPrice(totalAmountOfSets, 0); 
    var totalBindingPrice = totalAmountOfSets * bindingPrice; 

    // Calculating price for paper weight 
    var paperWeightPricePerPage = findPaperWeightPrice(paperWeight, 0) 
    var totalPricePaper = (totalAmountOfSets * totalAmountOfPages) * paperWeightPricePerPage; 
    var totalPricePaperDoubleSided = (totalAmountOfSets * (totalAmountOfPages/2)) * paperWeightPricePerPage; 

    // Setting the startup costs 
    var startUpCosts = 2.95; 

    // Calculation price for stapling and making holes 
    var staplePrice = findStaplePrice(totalAmountOfSets, 0); 
    var holesPrice = findHolesPrice(totalAmountOfSets, 0); 
    var totalStaplePrice = totalAmountOfSets * staplePrice; 
    var totalHolesPrice = totalAmountOfSets * holesPrice; 

    // Calculating total price 
    var totalColorPrice = totalPriceColorPrinting + totalPricePaper + totalBindingPrice + startUpCosts || 0; 
    var totalBlackAndWhitePrice = totalPriceBlackAndWhitePrinting + totalPricePaper + totalBindingPrice + startUpCosts || 0; 


    // Calling the updateView function 
    //COMMENT 8 first see COMMENT 7. Instead of passing a list of parametres, pass an object 
    /* updateView({ 
      totalAmountOfSets : totalAmountOfSets, 
      totalAmountOfPages: totalAmountOfPages 
     totalAmountOfSets: totalAmountOfSets, 
     totalAmountOfPages: totalAmountOfPages, 
     totalColorPrice: totalColorPrice, 
     totalBlackAndWhitePrice: totalBlackAndWhitePrice, 
     pricePerColorPage: pricePerColorPage, 
     pricePerBlackAndWhitePage: pricePerBlackAndWhitePage, 
     paperWeightPricePerPage: paperWeightPricePerPage, 
     totalPricePaper: totalPricePaper, 
     totalPricePaperDoubleSided: totalPricePaperDoubleSided, 
     bindingPrice: bindingPrice, 
     totalBindingPrice: totalBindingPrice, 
     totalPriceBlackAndWhitePrinting: totalPriceBlackAndWhitePrinting, 
     totalPriceColorPrinting: totalPriceColorPrinting, 
     startUpCosts: startUpCosts, 
     totalHolesPrice: totalHolesPrice, 
     totalStaplePrice: totalStaplePrice 

    // Calling the function the show the calculation table 


//COMMENT 7 Instead of "geen" it's better to use "0". I understand that you use it as a value for the resulting offerte so let's save this thing for the next iteration. The best practice is to separate the labels from the values and keep values in an "international form", sometimes numeric. So if the user selects option with value 2, you have somewhere an object where you see that number 2 corresponds to "Color black" and then you show the words "Color black" in the offerte. So in the future we'll rewrite it this way. 

function toggleVisibility(selector, hide){ 
    var showStyle = hide ? "none" : ""; 
    selector.style.display = showStyle; 

// Defining a function to hide 'makingStaples' and 'makingHoles' when binding is different from "geen" 
function toggleBinding(){ 
    if (getValue(selectedBinding) !== "geen") { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.staplesSelect, true); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, true); 
    } else { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.staplesSelect, false); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, false); 

// Defining a function to hide 'makingBinding' and 'makingHoles' when staples is different from "geen" 
function toggleStapling(){ 
    if (getValue(selectedStaples) !== "geen") { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.bindingSelect, true); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, true); 
    } else { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.bindingSelect, false); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, false); 

// Defining a function to hide 'makingStaples' and 'makingBinding' when holes is different from "geen" 
function toggleHoles(){ 
    if (getValue(selectedHoles) !== "geen") { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.staplesSelect, true); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.bindingSelect, true); 
    } else { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.staplesSelect, false); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.bindingSelect, false); 

// Function to show the calculation table after pressing the button 
function showCalculation() { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.calculation, false); 

// Defining a function to validate all fields 
function validateForm(totalAmountOfSets, totalAmountOfPages) { 
    elems.amountOfSetsResults.innerHTML = ""; 
    elems.amountOfPagesResults.innerHTML = ""; 
    // Validating the input fields 
    if (!totalAmountOfPages || isNaN(totalAmountOfPages) || totalAmountOfPages <= 0) { 
    elems.amountOfPagesResults.innerHTML = "Controleer uw invoer!"; 
    return false; //validation not passed 
    } else if (!totalAmountOfSets || isNaN(totalAmountOfSets) || totalAmountOfSets <= 0) { 
    elems.amountOfSetsResults.innerHTML = "Controleer uw invoer!"; 
    return false; //validation not passed 
    } else { 
    return true; //validation passed 

// Defining a price per page for color prints 
function findPricePerColorPage(numberOfPages, initialNumber) { 
    pricePerColorPage = initialNumber; 
    for (var amount in priceListColor) { 
    if (numberOfPages > amount) { 
     pricePerColorPage = priceListColor[amount] 
    return pricePerColorPage; 

// Defining a price per page for black and white prints 
function findPricePerBlackAndWhitePage(numberOfPages, initialNumber) { 
    pricePerBlackAndWhitePage = initialNumber; 
    for (var amount in priceListBlackAndWhite) { 
    if (numberOfPages > amount) { 
     pricePerBlackAndWhitePage = priceListBlackAndWhite[amount] 
    return pricePerBlackAndWhitePage; 

/* Getting the binding value 
function getBinding(selectedBinding) { 
    var b = elems.binding; 
    var selectedBinding = b.options[b.selectedIndex].value; 
    return selectedBinding; 

// Getting the holes value 
function getHoles(selectedHoles) { 
    var h = elems.holes; 
    var selectedHoles = h.options[h.selectedIndex].value; 
    return selectedHoles; 


// Getting the paper weight value 
function getPaperWeight(selectedPaperWeight) { 
    var pW = elems.paperWeight; 
    var selectedPaperWeight = pW.options[pW.selectedIndex].value; 
    return selectedPaperWeight; 

// Getting the text from staples, holes, binding and paperweight 
function getText(textBinding, textStapling, textHoles, textPaperWeight) { 
    var b = elems.binding; 
    var s = elems.stapling; 
    var h = elems.holes; 
    var p = elems.paperWeight; 
    var textBinding = b.options[b.selectedIndex].text; 
    var textStapling = s.options[s.selectedIndex].text; 
    var textHoles = h.options[h.selectedIndex].text; 
    var textPaperWeight = p.options[p.selectedIndex].text; 
    return textBinding, textStapling, textHoles, textPaperWeight; 

// Getting the value from staples, holes, binding and paperweight 
function getValue(selectedStapling, selectedBinding, selectedHoles, selectedPaperWeight) { 
    var b = elems.binding; 
    var s = elems.stapling; 
    var h = elems.holes; 
    var p = elems.paperWeight; 
    var selectedStapling = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; 
    var selectedBinding = b.options[b.selectedIndex].value; 
    var selectedHoles = h.options[h.selectedIndex].value; 
    var selectedPaperWeight = p.options[p.selectedIndex].value; 
    return selectedStapling, selectedBinding, selectedHoles, selectedPaperWeight; 

// Defining the price for binding 
function findBindingPrice(totalAmountOfSets, initialNumber) { 
    var bindingPrice = initialNumber; 
    if (getValue(selectedBinding) === "geen") { 
    return bindingPrice = 0; 
    } else { 
    for (var amount in priceListBinding) { 
     if (totalAmountOfSets > amount) { 
     bindingPrice = priceListBinding[amount] 
    return bindingPrice; 

// Defining the price for making staples 
function findStaplePrice(totalAmountOfSets, initialNumber) { 
    var staplePrice = initialNumber; 
    if (getValue(selectedStaples) === "geen") { 
    return staplePrice = 0; 
    } else { 
    for (var amount in priceListStaples) { 
     if (totalAmountOfSets > amount) { 
     staplePrice = priceListStaples[amount] 
    return staplePrice; 

//COMMENT 5 this function is almost identical with getStaples(). Let's remove it and modify getStaples is some way to always use it. Maybe we will pass element as the second parameter? 


// Defining the price for making holes 
function findHolesPrice(totalAmountOfSets, initialNumber) { 
    var holesPrice = initialNumber; 
    if (getValue(selectedHoles) === "geen") { 
    return holesPrice = 0; 
    } else { 
    for (var amount in priceListHoles) { 
     if (totalAmountOfSets > amount) { 
     holesPrice = priceListHoles[amount] 
    return holesPrice; 

//COMMENT 6 this function is almost identical with getStaples(). Let's remove it and modify getStaples is some way to always use it. Maybe we will pass element as the second parameter? 


// Defining a paper weight price 
function findPaperWeightPrice(paperWeight, initialNumber) { 
    paperWeightPricePerPage = initialNumber; 
    for (var amount in priceListPaperWeight) { 
    if (getValue(selectedPaperWeight) >= amount) { 
     paperWeightPricePerPage = priceListPaperWeight[amount] 
    return parseFloat(paperWeightPricePerPage); 

// Defining a function to update the price 
function updateView(amount) { 
    elems.bindingResults.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalBindingPrice.toFixed(2); 
    elems.holesResults.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalHolesPrice.toFixed(2); 
    elems.staplingResults.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalStaplePrice.toFixed(2); 
    elems.totalAmountOfPagesResults.innerHTML = amount.totalAmountOfSets * amount.totalAmountOfPages; 
    elems.paperWeightResults.innerHTML = getText(textPaperWeight) + " gr."; 
    elems.bindingMethod.innerHTML = getText(textBinding); 
    elems.staplingMethod.innerHTML = getText(textStaples); 
    elems.holesMethod.innerHTML = getText(textHoles); 
    if (elems.doubleSided.checked) { 
    elems.pricePaperWeightResults.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalPricePaperDoubleSided.toFixed(2); 
    } else { 
    elems.pricePaperWeightResults.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalPricePaper.toFixed(2); 
    // Making the decision to show black and white totalprice and price per page 
    if (elems.blackAndWhite.checked) { 
    elems.colorResults.innerHTML = "Zwart-Wit" 
    elems.totalPricePrints.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalPriceBlackAndWhitePrinting.toFixed(2); 
    elems.totalPrice.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalBlackAndWhitePrice.toFixed(2); 
    elems.pricePerPageResults.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.pricePerBlackAndWhitePage.toFixed(2); 
    // or to show the color totalprice and price per page 
    else { 
    elems.colorResults.innerHTML = "Kleur" 
    elems.totalPricePrints.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalPriceColorPrinting.toFixed(2); 
    elems.totalPrice.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.totalColorPrice.toFixed(2); 
    elems.pricePerPageResults.innerHTML = "\u20ac " + amount.pricePerColorPage.toFixed(2); 

// Defining an Event Listener with an on click function 
elems.calculate.addEventListener("click", finalAmountOfPages); 

// Defining the Event Listeners to hide or show 'makingHoles', 'makingStaples' and 'binding' 
elems.stapling.addEventListener("change", toggleStapling); 
elems.binding.addEventListener("change", toggleBinding); 
elems.holes.addEventListener("change", toggleHoles);
<h1>Bereken de kosten</h1> 
    <!-- Ask the user to enter the amount of pages --> 
    <td><p>Aantal pagina's:</p></td> 
    <td><p><input type="number" id="amountOfPagesInput"></p></td> 
    <td><p id="amountOfPagesResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Ask the user to enter the amount of sets --> 
    <td><p>Aantal sets:</p></td> 
    <td><p><input type="number" id="amountOfSetsInput"></p></td> 
    <td><p id="amountOfSetsResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Ask user for color of the print/standard selected is color --> 
    <td><p>Kleur van afdruk: </p></td> 
     <input type="radio" value="kleur" name="pickYourColor" id="color" checked="true"> Kleur 
     <input type="radio" value="zwart-wit" name="pickYourColor" id="blackAndWhite"> Zwart-Wit 
    <!-- Ask the user if he wants single or double sided prints/standard selected is single sided --> 
    <td><p>Enkel of dubbelzijdig: </p></td> 
     <input type="radio" value="enkelzijdig" name="singleOrDoubleSided" id="singleSided" checked="true"> Enkelzijdig 
     <input type="radio" value="dubbelzijdig" name="singleOrDoubleSided" id="doubleSided"> Dubbelzijdig 
    <!-- Ask the user which paperweight he wants --> 
    <td><p>Papierdikte: </p></td> 
     <select id="paperWeight"> 
      <option value="80" id="80gr">Standaard papier</option> 
      <option value="120" id="120gr">120 grams + &euro; 0,05</option> 
      <option value="160" id="160gr">160 grams + &euro; 0,10</option> 
      <option value="190" id="190gr">190 grams + &euro; 0,15</option> 
      <option value="210" id="210gr">210 grams + &euro; 0,20</option> 
      <option value="250" id="250gr">250 grams + &euro; 0,25</option> 
      <option value="280" id="280gr">280 grams + &euro; 0,30</option> 
      <option value="300" id="300gr">300 grams + &euro; 0,35</option> 
      <option value="350" id="350gr">350 grams + &euro; 0,40</option> 
    <!-- Specifing the binding --> 
    <tr id="makingBinding"> 
    <td><p>Inbinden: </p></td> 
     <select id="binding"> 
      <option value="geen" id="none">-- Niet inbinden --</option> 
      <option value="wire-o" id="wire-o">Wire-O ringband</option> 
      <option value="thermo" id="thermo">Thermo lijmstrip</option> 
    <tr id="makingStaples"> 
    <td><p>Nieten: </p></td> 
     <select id="stapling"> 
      <option value="geen" id="none">-- Niet nieten --</option> 
      <option value="1" id="1left">1 nietje links</option> 
      <option value="2" id="1right">1 nietje rechts</option> 
      <option value="3" id="1left">2 nietjes links</option> 
      <option value="4" id="foldAndStaple">vouwen + nieten</option> 
    <tr id="makingHoles"> 
    <td><p>Perforeren: </p></td> 
     <select id="holes"> 
      <option value="geen" id="none">-- Niet perforeren --</option> 
      <option value="2 gaten" id="2holes">2 gaten</option> 
      <option value="4 gaten" id="4holes">4 gaten</option> 
<input type="button" id="calculate" value="Berekenen"> 
<!-- Start calculation --> 
<table id="calculation"> 
    <td><h2>Uw Offerte:</h2></td> 
    <!-- Show the amount of pages --> 
    <td><p>Totaal aantal pagina's:</p></td> 
    <td><p id="totalAmountOfPagesResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the total price --> 
    <td><p>Prijs per zijde:</p> </td> 
    <td><p id="pricePerPageResults"></p></td> 
    <td><p>Kleur of Zwart-wit:</p></td> 
    <td><p id="colorResults"></p></td> 
    <td><p>Totaal voor printen: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="totalPricePrints"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the price for paper weight --> 
    <td><p>Papierdikte: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="paperWeightResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the total price --> 
    <td><p>Totaal voor papier: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="pricePaperWeightResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the chosen binding method --> 
    <td><p>Inbindmethode: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="bindingMethod"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the total price --> 
    <td><p>Totaal voor inbinden: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="bindingResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the chosen stapling method --> 
    <td><p>Nietjes: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="staplingMethod"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the total price --> 
    <td><p>Totaal voor nieten: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="staplingResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the chosen binding method --> 
    <td><p>Perforatie: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="holesMethod"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show the total price --> 
    <td><p>Totaal voor perforeren: </p></td> 
    <td><p id="holesResults"></p></td> 
    <!-- Show startup costs --> 
    <td><p>Opstartkosten: </p></td> 
    <td><p>€ 2,95</p></td> 
    <!-- Show the price per page --> 
    <td><h3>Totaalprijs: </h3></td> 
    <td><h3 id="totalPrice"></h3></td> 


여기서 변수의 선택은 스테이플입니까? – Jigar7521


그 getValue 함수는 무엇을하고 있습니까? 그것은 4 개의 인자를 받아들입니다. 그러나 여러분은 항상 오직 하나만 채우고 다시 출력하고 4 그리고 그것들을 문자열과 비교합니까? – Prototype


다음은 함수 정의입니다. 'function getValue (selectedStapling, selectedBinding, selectedHoles, selectedPaperWeight) { var b = elems.binding; var s = elems.stapling; var h = elems.holes; var p = elems.paperWeight; var selectedStapling = s.options [s.selectedIndex] .value; var selectedBinding = b.options [b.selectedIndex] .value; var selectedHoles = h.options [h.selectedIndex] .value; var selectedPaperWeight = p.options [p.selectedIndex].값; 돌아 가기 selectedStapling, selectedBinding, selectedHoles, selectedPaperWeight; } ' –



catch되지 않은 ReferenceError가 : selectedBinding가 정의되어 있지 않습니다.

// Defining a function to hide 'makingStaples' and 'makingHoles' when binding is different from "geen" 
function toggleBinding(){ 
    if (getValue(selectedBinding) !== "geen") { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.staplesSelect, true); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, true); 
    } else { 
    toggleVisibility(elems.staplesSelect, false); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, false); 

이 기능은 selectedBinding 사용하지만이 함수를 호출하기 전에이 정의되어 있지 않습니다. 변수를 사용하기 전에 selectedBinding을 선언하십시오.

catch되지 않은 ReferenceError가 : selectedStaples 여기에 다시 같은 문제가

// Defining a function to hide 'makingBinding' and 'makingHoles' when staples is different from "geen" 
function toggleStapling(){ 
    if (getValue(selectedStaples) !== "geen") { 
     toggleVisibility(elems.bindingSelect, true); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, true); 
    } else { 
     toggleVisibility(elems.bindingSelect, false); 
    toggleVisibility(elems.holeSelect, false); 

를 정의되어 있지 않습니다. selectedStaples에 대한 선언이 없습니다.

비슷한 문제는 selectedHoles입니다.

/* Getting the binding value 
function getBinding(selectedBinding) { 
    var b = elems.binding; 
    var selectedBinding = b.options[b.selectedIndex].value; 
    return selectedBinding; 

당신이 함수 내에서 변수를 선언하면 함수에의 범위를 제한됩니다

나는 당신이 실제로 당신의 주석 코드에서 선언을하고있다 코드에서 참조하십시오. 즉,이 기능 밖에서는 사용할 수 없습니다. toggleBinding 등의 함수에서 사용할 수 있도록 이러한 변수를 선언해야하며 현재 문제가 해결됩니다.


주석이 달린 코드 대신 선언하려고했습니다. 당신은 여기에 : 'function getValue (selectedStapling, selectedBinding, selectedHoles, selectedPaperWeight) { var b = elems.binding; var s = elems.stapling; var h = elems.holes; var p = elems.paperWeight; var selectedStapling = s.options [s.selectedIndex] .value; var selectedBinding = b.options [b.selectedIndex] .value; var selectedHoles = h.options [h.selectedIndex] .value; var selectedPaperWeight = p.options [p.selectedIndex] .value; 돌아 가기 selectedStapling, selectedBinding, selectedHoles, selectedPaperWeight; }' –


이 변수는 전체 범위가 아닌 getValue 함수 내에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 네가 한 것처럼 돌아 오는 것이 옳은지 나는 확신 할 수 없다. 한 번에 하나의 함수를 작성해보십시오. 다음에 계속 진행하면 다른 js 코드로 디버깅 할 수있는 좋은 방법이 없습니다. –

관련 문제