2013-09-25 2 views

ID가 #portfolioGallery 인 Div가 있고 그 Div 안에는 .item 클래스가있는 anther Div가 있습니다. 이제 해당 div의 div 내에 이미지와 anther Div가 있습니다. 정보가 담긴 ... 기본적으로 갤러리를 만들고 있습니다. 여기에서보세요 : www.loaistudio.com 및 포트폴리오 섹션으로 스크롤하여 이미지 위로 마우스를 가져 가세요.이미지 갤러리 Chrome에서만 호버 위에 올려 놓는

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은 HTML과 CSS입니다 .... 오버 플로우가 숨겨져있는 경우에도 어떤 이유로 사업부의 .item을 넘쳐 :

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      <p id="logo-smallScreen">Spacehopper Design</p> 

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        <p>We strongly believe that everything begins with an idea, and that there is a big idea hidden in all of us.</p> 
        <p>You may have that Eureka moment, but are unsure how to develop this idea further from an upbeat, design perspective.</p> 
        <p>This is where Spacehopper Design can help. We are a fast, focused and forward-thinking conceptual agency who promise to find an intuitive solution to your design needs. And of course, we’ll have fun doing so.</p> 
        <p>With our wealth of experience in editorial design, print design and branding, we also have a deep knowledge of understanding our target audience requirements, from conceptual stage right through to the final product.</p>​ 
        <p>So make that leap and let’s work together on making your idea a visual treat and a reality!​​​​​</p> 

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       <h1 class="replace2">Check out our Work!</h1> 

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        <div class="item"> 
         <img alt="" src="assets/images/audiobullys.jpg"> 
          <p>Disruption Disruption Disruption</p> 

        <div class="item"> 
         <img alt="" src="assets/images/audiobullys.jpg"> 
          <p>Disruption Disruption Disruption</p> 

        <div class="item"> 
         <img alt="" src="assets/images/audiobullys.jpg"> 
          <p>Disruption Disruption Disruption</p> 

        <div class="item"> 
         <img alt="" src="assets/images/audiobullys.jpg"> 
          <p>Disruption Disruption Disruption</p> 

        <div class="item"> 
         <img alt="" src="assets/images/nta2.jpg"> 
          <p>Disruption Disruption Disruption</p> 

        <div class="item"> 
         <img alt="" src="assets/images/look.jpg"> 
          <p>Disruption Disruption Disruption</p> 

        <div class="item"> 
         <img alt="" src="assets/images/open-bookheat.jpg"> 
          <p>Disruption Disruption Disruption</p> 


     <div id="Endorsements" class="wrapperB"><!--Page Content--> 
      <div id="home-sectionD" class="content" > 

       <div class="home-sectionD-textbox"> 
        <h3>Reesa Amadeo Wolf: Entrepreneur MD at Fresh Young Media </h3> 
        <p>We knew Srt of the bigger vision for what we do assion for what we do assion for what we do assion for what weas a social enterprise. We will be working with Spacehopper Design for a long time!</p> 

       <div class="home-sectionD-textbox"> 
        <h3>Reesa Amadeo Wolf: Entrepreneur MD at Fresh Young Media </h3> 
        <p>We knew Srt of the bigger vision for what we do assion for what we do assion for what we do assion for what weas a social enterprise. We will be working with Spacehopper Design for a long time!</p> 

       <div class="home-sectionD-textbox"> 
        <h3>Reesa Amadeo Wolf: Entrepreneur MD at Fresh Young Media </h3> 
        <p>We knew Srt of the bigger vision for what we do assion for what we do assion for what we do assion for what weas a social enterprise. We will be working with Spacehopper Design for a long time!</p> 

       <div class="home-sectionD-textbox"> 
        <h3>Reesa Amadeo Wolf: Entrepreneur MD at Fresh Young Media </h3> 
        <p>We knew Srt of the bigger vision for what we do assion for what we do assion for what we do assion for what weas a social enterprise. We will be working with Spacehopper Design for a long time!</p> 

       <div class="home-sectionD-textbox"> 
        <h3>Reesa Amadeo Wolf: Entrepreneur MD at Fresh Young Media </h3> 
        <p>We knew Srt of the bigger vision for what we do assion for what we do assion for what we do assion for what weas a social enterprise. We will be working with Spacehopper Design for a long time!</p> 

       <div class="home-sectionD-textbox"> 
        <h3>Reesa Amadeo Wolf: Entrepreneur MD at Fresh Young Media </h3> 
        <p>We knew Srt of the bigger vision for what we do assion for what we do assion for what we do assion for what weas a social enterprise. We will be working with Spacehopper Design for a long time!</p> 

       <div class="home-sectionD-textbox"> 
        <h3>Reesa Amadeo Wolf: Entrepreneur MD at Fresh Young Media </h3> 
        <p>We knew Srt of the bigger vision for what we do assion for what we do assion for what we do assion for what weas a social enterprise. We will be working with Spacehopper Design for a long time!</p> 

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         <button id="submit" type="submit">Send</button> 

        <div id="contact-info"> 
         <p><strong>Email:</strong> [email protected]</p> 
         <p><strong>Telephone:</strong> +44 0 745326 2993</p> 
         <p><strong>Skype:</strong> Loai.Bassam</p> 
        <div class="socialbar icons"> 
         <a href="https://www.facebook.com/LOAI.Design.Studio" class="facebook" target="_blank"><span>Facebook</span></a> 
         <a href="https://twitter.com/LoaiBassam" class="twitter" target="_blank"><span>Twitter</span></a> 
         <a href="http://uk.linkedin.com/in/loaibassam" class="linkedin" target="_blank"><span>Linkedin</span></a> 

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       <p>Copyright ©2013 Spacehopper Design. All rights reserved.</p><a href="http://www.loaidesign.co.uk" target="_blank"style="padding-top: 20px;">Website Designed By<img style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; vertical-align: middle;" alt="loai design studio responsive website design" src="assets/elements/loaidesignstudio-logo.png"></a> 

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귀하 .item 요소는 display: inline-block이지만 .item img 요소는 display: block입니다.

따라서 마우스를 움직일 때 display: blockinline-block 요소를 번갈아 가며이 두 가지 디스플레이 유형이 세로 축의 중심에 다르게 표시됩니다.

이미지가 항상 inline-block인지 확인하는 CSS 규칙을 사용해보십시오.

#portfolioGallery .item img { display: inline-block; } 

그러나 이미지를 인라인 블록으로 표시하면 아래쪽 여백이 생깁니다. 그 마진을 없애려면 어떻게해야합니까? 내가 아는 유일한 방법은 블록으로 표시하는 것입니다 ... –

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