2011-01-09 5 views



글쎄, 목록 상자 대신 DataGrid를 사용하면 더 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다. 어쨌든, 직접 구현할 수도 있습니다.

가 ColumnClick 이벤트 구현 :

private void listView1_ColumnClick(object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e) 
     // Determine if clicked column is already the column that is being sorted. 
     if (e.Column == _lvwItemComparer.SortColumn) 
      // Reverse the current sort direction for this column. 
      if (_lvwItemComparer.Order == SortOrder.Ascending) 
       _lvwItemComparer.Order = SortOrder.Descending; 
       _lvwItemComparer.Order = SortOrder.Ascending; 
      // Set the column number that is to be sorted; default to ascending. 
      _lvwItemComparer.SortColumn = e.Column; 
      _lvwItemComparer.Order = SortOrder.Ascending; 

     // Perform the sort with these new sort options. 

이 mathod를 당신이 그것을 복사하여 사용할 수 있으며, 비교하기위한이 클래스를 사용합니다 :

public class ListViewItemComparer : IComparer 
    // Specifies the column to be sorted 
    private int ColumnToSort; 

    // Specifies the order in which to sort (i.e. 'Ascending'). 
    private SortOrder OrderOfSort; 

    // Case insensitive comparer object 
    private CaseInsensitiveComparer ObjectCompare; 

    // Class constructor, initializes various elements 
    public ListViewItemComparer() 
     // Initialize the column to '0' 
     ColumnToSort = 0; 

     // Initialize the sort order to 'none' 
     OrderOfSort = SortOrder.None; 

     // Initialize the CaseInsensitiveComparer object 
     ObjectCompare = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(); 

    // This method is inherited from the IComparer interface. 
    // It compares the two objects passed using a case 
    // insensitive comparison. 
    // x: First object to be compared 
    // y: Second object to be compared 
    // The result of the comparison. "0" if equal, 
    // negative if 'x' is less than 'y' and 
    // positive if 'x' is greater than 'y' 
    public int Compare(object x, object y) 
     int compareResult; 
     ListViewItem listviewX, listviewY; 

     // Cast the objects to be compared to ListViewItem objects 
     listviewX = (ListViewItem)x; 
     listviewY = (ListViewItem)y; 

     // Determine whether the type being compared is a date type. 
      // Parse the two objects passed as a parameter as a DateTime. 
      DateTime firstDate = DateTime.Parse(listviewX.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text); 
      DateTime secondDate = DateTime.Parse(listviewY.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text); 

      // Compare the two dates. 
      compareResult = DateTime.Compare(firstDate, secondDate); 

     // If neither compared object has a valid date format, 
     // perform a Case Insensitive Sort 
       int num1 = int.Parse(listviewX.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text); 
       int num2 = int.Parse(listviewY.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text); 

       // Compare the two dates. 
       compareResult = num1.CompareTo(num2); 
       // Case Insensitive Compare 
       compareResult = ObjectCompare.Compare(

     // Calculate correct return value based on object comparison 
     if (OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Ascending) 
      // Ascending sort is selected, return normal result of compare operation 
      return compareResult; 
     else if (OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Descending) 
      // Descending sort is selected, return negative result of compare operation 
      return (-compareResult); 
      // Return '0' to indicate they are equal 
      return 0; 

    // Gets or sets the number of the column to which to 
    // apply the sorting operation (Defaults to '0'). 
    public int SortColumn 
      ColumnToSort = value; 
      return ColumnToSort; 

    // Gets or sets the order of sorting to apply 
    // (for example, 'Ascending' or 'Descending'). 
    public SortOrder Order 
      OrderOfSort = value; 
      return OrderOfSort; 
여기 내가 ListView를 한 번 사용 무언가의 예입니다

this KB article에 설명 된대로 ListViewItemSorter 속성을 할당하십시오.

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