2014-12-16 2 views

아마존 FireTV 상자에서 다양한 유형의 비디오를 재생하는 응용 프로그램을 만들고 있습니다. 기본 Android VideoView를 사용하면 동영상이 재생됩니다. Vitamio의 VideoView를 사용하면 비디오가 재생되지 않고 dvmAbort를 호출하는 "잘못된 간접 참조 0x41fabca0 in decodeIndirectRef/VM aborting"이 발생합니다.일반 Android VideoView에서 재생할 비디오 파일을 재생할 수있는 Vitamio VideoView를 가져올 수 없습니다.

기본 안드로이드 VideoView는 멀티 캐스트 비디오 재생을 지원하기 때문에 Vitamio VideoView를 사용해야합니다.

Eclipse를 IDE로 사용하고 있습니다. Vitamio 번들을 다운로드하여 라이브러리로 만들고 내 프로젝트로 가져 왔습니다. Vitamio 빌드의 차이점은 "FullscreenActivity.java"와 "activity_fullscreen.xml"의 두 파일에 있습니다.

activity_fullscreen.xml- 실패 지점까지 Vitamio VideoView를 지켜 보면서

    android:layout_centerInParent="true" /> 

FullscreenActivity.java- 수입 Vitamio VideoView를 지켜 보면서 대신 기본의 안드로이드 VideoView를 지켜 보면서

package com.example.playvideo; 

import com.example.playvideo.util.SystemUiHider; 
import android.app.Activity; 
import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.net.*; 
import android.util.Log; 
//import android.widget.VideoView; 
import io.vov.vitamio.widget.VideoView; 

public class FullscreenActivity extends Activity {BTW, 

    VideoView vidView; 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 


     //check for Vitamio library 
     if (!io.vov.vitamio.LibsChecker.checkVitamioLibs(this)) 
      Log.i("Tag2", "NO Vitamio"); 
      Log.i("Tag2", "Found Vitamio"); 

     vidView = (VideoView)findViewById(R.id.myVideo); 

     String vidAddress = "http://www.playon.tv/online/iphone5/main.m3u8"; 

     Uri vidUri = Uri.parse(vidAddress);   
     Log.i("Tag2","onCreate complete"); 

에게 도시를 로그의 조각을 지정 이하. 간접 참조 0x41fabca0이 나타내는 객체를 확인하는 방법이 있습니까? R6와 스택 (/ dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted))에서 주소 0x41fabca0에 대한 참조를 봅니다. Vitamio 코드 구현 내에서 뭔가 빠져있는 것처럼 보이지만 무엇이 확실하지 않습니다.


12-12 13:35:43.337 D/dalvikvm(25803): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries 
12-12 13:35:43.357 D/dalvikvm(25852): Late-enabling CheckJNI 
12-12 13:35:43.357 I/ActivityManager( 692): Start proc com.example.playvideo for activity com.example.playvideo/.FullscreenActivity: pid=25852 uid=10004 gids={ 
50004, 3003, 1028} 
12-12 13:35:43.377 W/ContextImpl(3401): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1339 android.app 
.Instrumentation.sendLifecycleEventBroadcast:1786 android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnStop:1303 android.app.Activity.performStop:5412 android.app.Activity 
12-12 13:35:43.387 D/dalvikvm(25852): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries 
12-12 13:35:43.387 W/ContextImpl(3401): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1339 android.app 
.Instrumentation.sendLifecycleEventBroadcast:1786 android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnStop:1303 android.app.Activity.performStop:5412 android.app.Activity 
12-12 13:35:43.407 E/Trace (25852): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2) 
12-12 13:35:43.417 W/ContextImpl( 692): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1353 com.amazon. 
internal.policy.impl.AmazonPhoneWindowManager$SendTopWindowChanged.run:3297 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:725 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:92 android. 
12-12 13:35:43.427 D/ProfileManager(25852): Create ProfileManager instance 
12-12 13:35:43.427 I/Activity(25852): No ActvityExender defined. Proceed with default activity behavior. 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): CPU implementer:0x51 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): Serial:0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): CPU architecture:7 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): Hardware:LAB126 BUELLER 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): CPU revision:0 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): CPU variant:0x1 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): CPU part:0x06f 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): Revision:0003 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): BogoMIPS:13.53 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): processor:3 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): Features:swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): Processor:ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l) 
12-12 13:35:43.437 W/PackageManager( 692): Launching com.amazon.dcp (32033) with AMZ_APP_GID 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): CPU architecture: 7 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): GET CPU FATURE: V5TE V6 VFP V7A VFPV3 NEON 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/dalvikvm(25852): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.example.playvideo-2/libvinit.so 0x41f4f8e0 
12-12 13:35:43.437 D/dalvikvm(25852): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.example.playvideo-2/libvinit.so 0x41f4f8e0 
12-12 13:35:43.437 I/Vitamio[Player](25852): isNativeLibsInited, APP VERSION: 1, Vitamio Library version: 1 
12-12 13:35:43.437 I/Tag2 (25852): Found Vitamio 
12-12 13:35:43.437 I/ActivityManager( 692): Start proc com.amazon.dcp for broadcast com.amazon.dcp/.framework.ServicePersistenceHelper: pid=25870 uid=32033 gid 
s={72033, 2001, 3003, 1015, 3002, 1028, 9001} 
12-12 13:35:43.477 I/Tag2 (25852): onCreate complete 
12-12 13:35:43.487 W/ContextImpl( 692): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1353 com.android 
.server.am.ActivityManagerService.activityResumed:4547 android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact:420 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact: 
1716 android.os.Binder.execTransact:351 
12-12 13:35:43.517 D/libEGL (25852): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so 
12-12 13:35:43.517 D/libEGL (25852): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so 
12-12 13:35:43.517 D/libEGL (25852): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so 
12-12 13:35:43.517 I/Adreno200-EGL(25852): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: PDAVID_AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2.[ES]_m 
sm8960_JB_2.5.4_CL3406509_release_ENGG (CL3406509) 
12-12 13:35:43.517 I/Adreno200-EGL(25852): Build Date: 01/06/14 Mon 
12-12 13:35:43.517 I/Adreno200-EGL(25852): Local Branch: master 
12-12 13:35:43.517 I/Adreno200-EGL(25852): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.4 
12-12 13:35:43.517 I/Adreno200-EGL(25852): Local Patches: 8eb510a221aaeae58c0ecdd202385ce404871588 PROFILER: Added proper handling of partially filled mipmaps 
12-12 13:35:43.517 I/Adreno200-EGL(25852):     2e6d0a734aa661addd942fe6f373d55a407591a6 PROFILER: CL3406509: Compressed texture support. 
12-12 13:35:43.517 I/Adreno200-EGL(25852):     fdfb486203fdd417c56d12d68e6997ebd0ae8726 PROFILER: Check fo 
12-12 13:35:43.557 D/OpenGLRenderer(25852): Enabling debug mode 0 
12-12 13:35:43.567 I/Vitamio[Player](25852): isNativeLibsInited, APP VERSION: 1, Vitamio Library version: 1 
12-12 13:35:43.567 I/Vitamio[Player](25852): LIB ROOT: /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/ 
12-12 13:35:43.567 D/dalvikvm(25852): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libstlport_shared.so 0x41f4f8e0 
12-12 13:35:43.567 D/dalvikvm(25852): Added shared lib /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libstlport_shared.so 0x41f4f8e0 
12-12 13:35:43.567 D/dalvikvm(25852): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libstlport_shared.so 0x41f4f8e0, skipping init 
12-12 13:35:43.567 D/dalvikvm(25852): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvplayer.so 0x41f4f8e0 
12-12 13:35:43.567 D/dalvikvm(25852): Added shared lib /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvplayer.so 0x41f4f8e0 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Copyright (c) YIXIA (http://yixia.com). 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THIS SOFTWARE (Vitamio) IS WORK OF YIXIA (http://yixia.com) 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): LOAD FFMPEG START: /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libffmpeg.so 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): LOAD FFMPEG END: /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libffmpeg.so 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): LOAD VVO START: /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvvo.9.so 
12-12 13:35:43.577 E/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): FIND_NAME_SYM vvo, render_yuv 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): LOAD VVO END: /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvvo.9.so 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): LOAD VAO START: /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvao.0.so 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): LOAD VAO END: /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvao.0.so 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): VPLAYER INIT BEGIN 
12-12 13:35:43.577 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Application package name: com.example.playvideo 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): VPLAYER INIT END 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Copyright (c) YIXIA (http://yixia.com). 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THIS SOFTWARE (Vitamio) IS WORK OF YIXIA (http://yixia.com) 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Application package name: com.example.playvideo 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Copyright (c) YIXIA (http://yixia.com). 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THIS SOFTWARE (Vitamio) IS WORK OF YIXIA (http://yixia.com) 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Application package name: com.example.playvideo 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): PREPARE SIG: 0 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THREAD PREPARE START 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THREAD PREPARE ATTACHED 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Copyright (c) YIXIA (http://yixia.com). 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THIS SOFTWARE (Vitamio) IS WORK OF YIXIA (http://yixia.com) 
12-12 13:35:43.597 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): OPEN FILE http://www.playon.tv/online/iphone5/main.m3u8 
12-12 13:35:43.677 I/ActivityManager( 692): Displayed com.example.playvideo/.FullscreenActivity: +339ms 
12-12 13:35:43.687 W/ContextImpl( 692): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1353 com.amazon. 
internal.policy.impl.AmazonPhoneWindowManager$SendTopWindowChanged.run:3297 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:725 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:92 android. 
12-12 13:35:43.948 W/ContextImpl(3401): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1339 android.app 
.Instrumentation.sendLifecycleEventBroadcast:1786 android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnStop:1303 android.app.Activity.performStop:5412 android.app.Activity 
12-12 13:35:44.708 I/ThermalDaemon( 336): Sensor[tmp105_2_pwrs] Temperature : 35.0 
12-12 13:35:44.708 I/TemperatureSensorObserver( 692): read new temperature 35000 
12-12 13:35:45.239 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): META AUDIO: 1. und. 96000!#!3. und. 256000!#!5. und. 800000!#!6. und. 64000, META SUBTITLE: 
12-12 13:35:45.239 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): WOW: BRILLIANT C COUNT 4 
12-12 13:35:45.239 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): OPEN STREAM AUDIO BEGIN 
12-12 13:35:45.239 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Copyright (c) YIXIA (http://yixia.com). 
12-12 13:35:45.239 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THIS SOFTWARE (Vitamio) IS WORK OF YIXIA (http://yixia.com) 
12-12 13:35:45.239 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Application package name: com.example.playvideo 
12-12 13:35:45.239 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): 2, 48000, 0 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): registerClient() client 0x41eab058, binder 1105932496 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): sendIoConfigEvent() num events 1 event 0, param 0 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): thread 0x4009e008 type 0 TID 717 waking up 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): acquireWakeLock_l() AudioOut_2 status 0 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): processConfigEvents() remaining events 1 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): PlaybackThread::audioConfigChanged_l, thread 0x4009e008, event 0, param 0 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): AudioFlinger::audioConfigChanged_l: event 0 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): createTrack() sessionId: 0 
12-12 13:35:45.239 V/AudioFlinger( 329): createTrack() lSessionId: 202 
12-12 13:35:45.249 V/AudioFlinger( 329): Track constructor name 4096, calling pid 25852 
12-12 13:35:45.249 V/AudioFlinger( 329): acquiring 202 from 25852 
12-12 13:35:45.249 V/AudioFlinger( 329): added new entry for 202 
12-12 13:35:45.249 V/AudioFlinger( 329): start(4096), calling pid 25852 session 202 
12-12 13:35:45.249 V/AudioFlinger( 329): ? => ACTIVE (4096) on thread 0x400aaf38 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 329): getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 329): getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION 
12-12 13:35:45.249 V/AudioFlinger( 329): mWaitWorkCV.broadcast 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): OPEN STREAM AUDIO END 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Copyright (c) YIXIA (http://yixia.com). 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THIS SOFTWARE (Vitamio) IS WORK OF YIXIA (http://yixia.com) 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): Application package name: com.example.playvideo 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): WOW: BRILLIANT C COUNT 4 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): OPEN STREAM VIDEO BEGIN 
12-12 13:35:45.249 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): onVideoSizeChanged: (480x270) 
12-12 13:35:45.249 V/AudioFlinger( 329): anticipated start 
12-12 13:35:45.249 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): VIDEO: 480x270x1.777778, Surface: 480x270, LP: 1920x1080, Window: 1920x1080x1.777778 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): OPEN STREAM VIDEO END 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THREAD PREPARE DETTACHED, ret = 0 
12-12 13:35:45.249 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): THREAD PREPARE END 
12-12 13:35:45.259 I/Vitamio[4.2.1][Player](25852): CC: ARMYUV420 0 
12-12 13:35:45.269 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): onPrepared 
12-12 13:35:45.269 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): VIDEO: 480x270x1.777778, Surface: 480x270, LP: 1920x1080, Window: 1920x1080x1.777778 
12-12 13:35:45.279 I/Vitamio[Player](25852): Info (701, 0) 
12-12 13:35:45.289 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): onInfo: (701, 0) 
12-12 13:35:45.289 V/AudioFlinger( 329): pause(4096), calling pid 25852 
12-12 13:35:45.289 V/AudioFlinger( 329): ACTIVE/RESUMING => PAUSING (4096) on thread 0x4009e008 
12-12 13:35:45.289 I/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 329): getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION 
12-12 13:35:45.289 I/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 329): getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found for STRATEGY_SONIFICATION 
12-12 13:35:45.299 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): onVideoSizeChanged: (480x270) 
12-12 13:35:45.299 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): VIDEO: 480x270x1.777778, Surface: 480x270, LP: 1920x1080, Window: 1920x1080x1.777778 
12-12 13:35:45.309 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): onVideoSizeChanged: (480x270) 
12-12 13:35:45.309 W/dalvikvm(25852): Invalid indirect reference 0x41fabca0 in decodeIndirectRef 
12-12 13:35:45.309 E/dalvikvm(25852): VM aborting 
12-12 13:35:45.309 D/Vitamio[Player](25852): VIDEO: 480x270x1.777778, Surface: 480x270, LP: 1920x1080, Window: 1920x1080x1.777778 
12-12 13:35:45.319 F/libc (25852): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadd00d (code=1), thread 25923 (ample.playvideo) 
12-12 13:35:45.419 I/DEBUG ( 324): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
12-12 13:35:45.419 I/DEBUG ( 324): Build fingerprint: 'qcom/bueller/bueller:4.2.2/JDQ39/' 
12-12 13:35:45.419 I/DEBUG ( 324): Revision: '3' 
12-12 13:35:45.419 I/DEBUG ( 324): pid: 25852, tid: 25923, name: ample.playvideo >>> com.example.playvideo <<< 
12-12 13:35:45.419 I/DEBUG ( 324): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadd00d 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 deadd00d r3 00000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  r4 40a945a0 r5 0000020c r6 41fabca0 r7 5cf1beb8 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  r8 5ca04020 r9 00000000 sl 5ca8bb30 fp 00000015 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  ip 00004000 sp 62daec28 lr 4030c3f9 pc 40a22248 cpsr 60000030 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d0 0000000000000000 d1 0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d2 000003e800000000 d3 00000000000000dc 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d4 0000000000000000 d5 0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d6 43f000000000010e d7 000000013fe38e39 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d16 6f636564206e6920 d17 657269646e496564 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d18 571c8198571c8160 d19 571c88d8571c81d0 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d20 571c8278571c8240 d21 571c8638571c82b0 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d22 571c86a8571c8670 d23 571c8718571c86e0 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d24 0303030303030303 d25 fdfdfdfdfdfdfdfd 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d26 ffffffffffffffff d27 1010101010101111 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d28 0080008000800080 d29 0080008000800080 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  scr 6800001e 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324): 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324): backtrace: 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  #00 pc 00048248 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmAbort+75) 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  #01 pc 0004c8bf /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmDecodeIndirectRef(Thread*, _jobject*)+210) 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  #02 pc 0004f205 /system/lib/libdvm.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  #03 pc 00019158 /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvplayer.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  #04 pc 000195b8 /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvplayer.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  #05 pc 0000e438 /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+72) 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):  #06 pc 0000db24 /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+160) 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324): 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324): stack: 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daebe8 00000001 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daebec 403371b4 /system/lib/libc.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daebf0 403371b4 /system/lib/libc.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daebf4 403371b4 /system/lib/libc.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daebf8 403371b4 /system/lib/libc.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daebfc 4030c3f9 /system/lib/libc.so (__sflush_locked+36) 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec00 40337254 /system/lib/libc.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec04 403371b4 /system/lib/libc.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec08 00000000 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec0c 4030d3c9 /system/lib/libc.so (_fwalk+32) 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec10 40a945a0 /system/lib/libdvm.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec14 0000020c 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec18 41fabca0 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted) 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec1c 5cf1beb8 /data/data/com.example.playvideo/libs/libvplayer.so 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec20 df0027ad 
12-12 13:35:45.499 I/DEBUG ( 324):   62daec24 00000000 

vitamio를 사용하여 일반 Android 태블릿과 다른 (멀티 캐스트가 아닌) 동영상으로 동영상을 재생했는지 확인 했습니까? vitamio가 FireTV의 CPU/GPU 조합에 맞게 최적화되지 않았을 수도 있습니다 – Offbeatmammal


@tham 아래 내 대답을 확인하십시오. –



범인이 때문에 비디오가 버퍼링되지 않습니다 그 시간에이 라인 vidView.start();이며, 여기에 당신이해야 할 작업은 다음과 같습니다

다음과 같이 Vitamio 플레이어를 초기화한다 :

Uri vidUri = Uri.parse(vidAddress); 
     mVideoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(this)); 
     mVideoView.setOnPreparedListener(new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() { 
      public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) { 

그 후 다음과 같이 onInfo()을 재정의하십시오.

    public boolean onInfo(MediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra) { 
     switch (what) { 
      case io.vov.vitamio.MediaPlayer.MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START: 
       if (mVideoView.isPlaying()) { 
      case io.vov.vitamio.MediaPlayer.MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_END: 
      case io.vov.vitamio.MediaPlayer.MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_RATE_CHANGED: 
//       mDownloadRateView.setText("" + extra + "kb/s" + " "); 
     return true; 

문제가 지속되면 의견을 남기십시오.



매니페스트 파일에 네트워크 액세스 권한이 필요합니다. 아래의 권한을 내 매니페스트 파일에 추가하면 문제가 해결되었습니다.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> 
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