on line 370 TI CC2650의 광고 데이터에서 'f'의 문자열을 찾는 방법이 필요합니다. 이 템플릿은 온라인에서 찾았지만 특정 광고 데이터를 찾고 있습니다. 이것을 찾으려면 어떤 문자열 배열을 봐야하는지 알려주세요. ScreenShotAndroid Studio : 블루투스 저에너지 BLE 광고

package net.jmodwyer.beacon.beaconPoC; 

import android.app.Activity; 
import android.app.AlertDialog; 
import android.app.Dialog; 
import android.app.DialogFragment; 
import android.content.DialogInterface; 
import android.content.Intent; 
import android.content.IntentSender; 
import android.content.SharedPreferences; 
import android.location.Location; 
import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.os.RemoteException; 
import android.preference.PreferenceManager; 
import android.text.util.Linkify; 
import android.view.Menu; 
import android.view.MenuInflater; 
import android.view.MenuItem; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.widget.Button; 
import android.widget.EditText; 
import android.widget.ScrollView; 
import android.widget.Toast; 

import com.google.android.gms.common.ConnectionResult; 
import com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesClient; 
import com.google.android.gms.location.LocationClient; 

import net.jmodwyer.ibeacon.ibeaconPoC.R; 

import org.altbeacon.beacon.Beacon; 
import org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconConsumer; 
import org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager; 
import org.altbeacon.beacon.RangeNotifier; 
import org.altbeacon.beacon.Region; 
import org.altbeacon.beacon.utils.UrlBeaconUrlCompressor; 

import java.util.Collection; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Iterator; 

* Adapted from original code written by D Young of Radius Networks. 
* @author dyoung, jodwyer 
public class ScanActivity extends Activity implements BeaconConsumer, 
                 GooglePlayServicesClient.OnConnectionFailedListener { 

    // Constant Declaration 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_SCANINTERVAL = "scanInterval"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_POWER = "power"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_PROXIMITY = "proximity"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_RSSI = "rssi"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_MAJORMINOR = "majorMinor"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_UUID = "uuid"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_INDEX = "index"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_LOCATION = "location"; 
    private static final String PREFERENCE_REALTIME = "realTimeLog"; 
    private static final String MODE_SCANNING = "Stop Scanning"; 
    private static final String MODE_STOPPED = "Start Scanning"; 
    protected static final String TAG = "ScanActivity"; 

    * Define a request code to send to Google Play services 
    * This code is returned in Activity.onActivityResult 
    private final static int 

    private FileHelper fileHelper; 
    private BeaconManager beaconManager; 
    private Region region; 
    private int eventNum = 1; 

    // This StringBuffer will hold the scan data for any given scan. 
    private StringBuffer logString; 

    // Preferences - will actually have a boolean value when loaded. 
    private Boolean index; 
    private Boolean location; 
    private Boolean uuid; 
    private Boolean majorMinor; 
    private Boolean rssi; 
    private Boolean proximity; 
    private Boolean power; 
    private Boolean timestamp; 
    private String scanInterval; 
    // Added following a feature request from D.Schmid. 
    private Boolean realTimeLog; 

    // LocationClient for Google Play Location Services 
    LocationClient locationClient; 

    private ScrollView scroller; 
    private EditText editText; 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
     PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.preferences, false); 
     BeaconScannerApp app = (BeaconScannerApp)this.getApplication(); 
     beaconManager = app.getBeaconManager(); 
     region = app.getRegion(); 
     locationClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this); 
     fileHelper = app.getFileHelper(); 
     scroller = (ScrollView)ScanActivity.this.findViewById(R.id.scanScrollView); 
     editText = (EditText)ScanActivity.this.findViewById(R.id.scanText); 
     // Initialise scan button. 

    public void onResume() { 

    public void onPause() { 
     // Uncommenting the following leak prevents a ServiceConnection leak when using the back 
     // arrow in the Action Bar to come out of the file list screen. Unfortunately it also kills 
     // background scanning, and as I have no workaround right now I'm settling for the lesser of 
     // two evils. 
     // beaconManager.unbind(this); 

    public String getCurrentLocation() { 
     /** Default "error" value is set for location, will be overwritten with the correct lat and 
     * long values if we're ble to connect to location services and get a reading. 
     String location = "Unavailable"; 
     if (locationClient.isConnected()) { 
      Location currentLocation = locationClient.getLastLocation(); 
      if (currentLocation != null) { 
       location = Double.toString(currentLocation.getLatitude()) + "," + 
     return location; 

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { 
     MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); 
     inflater.inflate(R.menu.main_activity_actions, menu); 
     return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); 

    public void onBeaconServiceConnect() {} 

    * @param view 
    public void onScanButtonClicked(View view) { 

    // Handle the user selecting "Settings" from the action bar. 
    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { 
     switch (item.getItemId()) { 
      case R.id.Settings: 
       // Show settings 
       Intent api = new Intent(this, AppPreferenceActivity.class); 
       startActivityForResult(api, 0); 
       return true; 
      case R.id.action_listfiles: 
       // Launch list files activity 
       Intent fhi = new Intent(this, FileHandlerActivity.class); 
       return true;         
       return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); 

    * Start and stop scanning, and toggle button label appropriately. 
    private void toggleScanState() { 
     Button scanButton = getScanButton(); 
     String currentState = scanButton.getText().toString(); 
     if (currentState.equals(MODE_SCANNING)) { 
     } else { 

    * start looking for beacons. 
    private void startScanning(Button scanButton) { 

     // Set UI elements to the correct state. 

     // Reset event counter 
     eventNum = 1; 
     // Get current values for logging preferences 
     SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);   
     HashMap <String, Object> prefs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 

     index = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_INDEX); 
     location = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_LOCATION); 
     uuid = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_UUID); 
     majorMinor = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_MAJORMINOR); 
     rssi = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_RSSI); 
     proximity = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_PROXIMITY); 
     power = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_POWER); 
     timestamp = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_TIMESTAMP); 
     scanInterval = (String)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_SCANINTERVAL); 
     realTimeLog = (Boolean)prefs.get(PREFERENCE_REALTIME); 

     // Get current background scan interval (if specified) 
     if (prefs.get(PREFERENCE_SCANINTERVAL) != null) { 


     // Initialise scan log 
     logString = new StringBuffer(); 

     //Start scanning again. 
     beaconManager.setRangeNotifier(new RangeNotifier() { 
      public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> beacons, Region region) { 
       if (beacons.size() > 0) { 
        Iterator <Beacon> beaconIterator = beacons.iterator(); 
        while (beaconIterator.hasNext()) { 
         Beacon beacon = beaconIterator.next(); 
         // Debug - logging a beacon - checking background logging is working. 
         System.out.println("Logging another beacon."); 

     try { 
     } catch (RemoteException e) { 
      // TODO - OK, what now then? 


    * Stop looking for beacons. 
    private void stopScanning(Button scanButton) { 
     try { 
     } catch (RemoteException e) { 
       // TODO - OK, what now then? 
     String scanData = logString.toString(); 
     if (scanData.length() > 0) { 
      // Write file 
      // Display file created message. 
        "File saved to:" + getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath(), 
     } else { 
      // We didn't get any data, so there's no point writing an empty file. 
        "No data captured during scan, output file will not be created.", 

    * @return reference to the start/stop scanning button 
    private Button getScanButton() { 
     return (Button)findViewById(R.id.scanButton); 

    * @param beacon The detected beacon 
    private void logBeaconData(Beacon beacon) { 

     StringBuilder scanString = new StringBuilder(); 

     if (index) { 

     if (beacon.getServiceUuid() == 0xfeaa) { 

      if (beacon.getBeaconTypeCode() == 0x00) { 

       scanString.append(" Eddystone-UID -> "); 
       scanString.append(" Namespace : ").append(beacon.getId1()); 
       scanString.append(" Identifier : ").append(beacon.getId2()); 

       logEddystoneTelemetry(scanString, beacon); 

      } else if (beacon.getBeaconTypeCode() == 0x10) { 

       String url = UrlBeaconUrlCompressor.uncompress(beacon.getId1().toByteArray()); 
       scanString.append(" Eddystone-URL -> " + url); 

      } else if (beacon.getBeaconTypeCode() == 0x20) { 

       scanString.append(" Eddystone-TLM -> "); 
       logEddystoneTelemetry(scanString, beacon); 


     } else { 

      // Just an old fashioned iBeacon or AltBeacon... 
      logGenericBeacon(scanString, beacon); 



     // Code added following a feature request by D.Schmid - writes a single entry to a file 
     // every time a beacon is detected, the file will only ever have one entry as it will be 
     // recreated on each call to this method. 
     // Get current background scan interval (if specified) 
     if (realTimeLog) { 
      // We're in realtime logging mode, create a new log file containing only this entry. 
      fileHelper.createFile(scanString.toString(), "realtimelog.txt"); 



    * Logs iBeacon & AltBeacon data. 
    private void logGenericBeacon(StringBuilder scanString, Beacon beacon) { 

     // Comment stuff out for whatever reason 

     if (location) { 
      scanString.append(" Location: ").append(getCurrentLocation()).append(" "); 

     if (uuid) { 
      scanString.append(" UUID: ").append(beacon.getId1()); 

      if (beacon.getId1().equals("ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff ")){ 
       scanString.append("WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!"); 
       scanString.append(" WE DID NOT DO IT =( "); 


      if ((beacon.getId1()).equals ("f")){ 

       scanString.append("WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!"); 

       scanString.append(" WE DID NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! "); 


     // Making if statements to test for advertising data 


     if (majorMinor) { 
      scanString.append(" Maj. Mnr.: "); 
      if (beacon.getId2() != null) { 
      if (beacon.getId3() != null) { 

     if (rssi) { 
      scanString.append(" RSSI: ").append(beacon.getRssi()); 

     if (proximity) { 
      scanString.append(" Proximity: ").append(BeaconHelper.getProximityString(beacon.getDistance())); 

     if (power) { 
      scanString.append(" Power: ").append(beacon.getTxPower()); 

     if (timestamp) { 
      scanString.append(" Timestamp: ").append(BeaconHelper.getCurrentTimeStamp()); 
     } */ 

    private void logEddystoneTelemetry(StringBuilder scanString, Beacon beacon) { 
     // Do we have telemetry data? 
     if (beacon.getExtraDataFields().size() > 0) { 
      long telemetryVersion = beacon.getExtraDataFields().get(0); 
      long batteryMilliVolts = beacon.getExtraDataFields().get(1); 
      long pduCount = beacon.getExtraDataFields().get(3); 
      long uptime = beacon.getExtraDataFields().get(4); 

      scanString.append(" Telemetry version : " + telemetryVersion); 
      scanString.append(" Uptime (sec) : " + uptime); 
      scanString.append(" Battery level (mv) " + batteryMilliVolts); 
      scanString.append(" Tx count: " + pduCount); 

    * @param line 
    private void logToDisplay(final String line) { 
     runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { 
      public void run() { 

       editText.append(line + "\n"); 

       // Temp code - don't really want to do this for every line logged, will look for a 
       // workaround. 
       Linkify.addLinks(editText, Linkify.WEB_URLS); 



    private void verifyBluetooth() { 

     try { 
      if (!BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this).checkAvailability()) { 
       final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 
       builder.setTitle("Bluetooth not enabled");   
       builder.setMessage("Please enable bluetooth in settings and restart this application."); 
       builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null); 
       builder.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { 
        public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { 
     catch (RuntimeException e) { 
      final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 
      builder.setTitle("Bluetooth LE not available");   
      builder.setMessage("Sorry, this device does not support Bluetooth LE."); 
      builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null); 
      builder.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { 

       public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { 




    /* Location services code follows */ 

    protected void onStart() { 
     // Connect the client. 

    protected void onStop() { 
     // Disconnect the client. 

    public void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) { 
     // Uncomment the following line to display the connection status. 
     // Toast.makeText(this, "Connected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 

    public void onDisconnected() { 
     // Display the connection status 
     Toast.makeText(this, "Disconnected. Please re-connect.", 

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) { 

     /* Google Play services can resolve some errors it detects. 
     * If the error has a resolution, try sending an Intent to 
     * start a Google Play services activity that can resolve 
     * error. 
     if (connectionResult.hasResolution()) { 
      try { 
       // Start an Activity that tries to resolve the error 
       * Thrown if Google Play services canceled the original 
       * PendingIntent 
      } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) { 
       // Log the error 
     } else { 
      * If no resolution is available, display a dialog to the 
      * user with the error. 
        "Location services not available, cannot track device location.", 

    // Define a DialogFragment that displays the error dialog 
    public static class ErrorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment { 
     // Global field to contain the error dialog 
     private Dialog mDialog; 
     // Default constructor. Sets the dialog field to null 
     public ErrorDialogFragment() { 
      mDialog = null; 
     // Set the dialog to display 
     public void setDialog(Dialog dialog) { 
      mDialog = dialog; 
     // Return a Dialog to the DialogFragment. 
     public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
      return mDialog; 

    * Handle results returned to the FragmentActivity 
    * by Google Play services 
    protected void onActivityResult(
      int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { 
     // Decide what to do based on the original request code 
     switch (requestCode) { 
      * If the result code is Activity.RESULT_OK, try 
      * to connect again 
      switch (resultCode) { 
       case Activity.RESULT_OK : 
        * TODO - Try the request again 





을로 .toString 문자열로 캐스팅해야하는 경우 (UUID) { scanString.append ("UUID :")으로 .Append (beacon.getId1());

 // Making if statements to look for all f's in advertising data 

     if (beacon.getId1().toString().equals(Str1)){ 
      scanString.append("\nAlarm ACTIVATED\n"); 
      scanString.append("\n Alarm NOT active\n"); 
관련 문제