ActionBarSherlock을 사용하도록 Android 앱을 변경하려고합니다. 나는 라이브러리를 추가하고 모든것을 올바르게 설정했다. 하지만 앱을 실행하려고하면 앱 자체가 아닌 ActionBarSherlock 소스로 오류가 발생합니다.ActionBarSherlock 4.2.0 빌드 할 때 많은 오류를 반환합니다.

는 여기가 무슨 말입니다 :

Information:Compilation completed with 24 errors and 13 warnings 
Information:24 errors 
Information:13 warnings 
    Warning:Warning:line (949)[deprecation] FILL_PARENT in LayoutParams has been deprecated 
    Error:Error:line (66)error: ActionBarImpl is not abstract and does not override abstract method setSecondaryProgress(int) in ActionBarSherlock 
    Error:Error:line (135)error: constructor ActionBar in class ActionBar cannot be applied to given types; 
required: Activity,int 
found: no arguments 
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length 
    Error:Error:line (147)error: constructor ActionBar in class ActionBar cannot be applied to given types; 
required: Activity,int 
found: no arguments 
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length 
    Warning:Warning:line (58)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (81)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (115)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (129)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (231)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (244)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (280)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (207)[deprecation] animationResolution in attr has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (145)[deprecation] removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(OnGlobalLayoutListener) in ViewTreeObserver has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (216)[deprecation] removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(OnGlobalLayoutListener) in ViewTreeObserver has been deprecated 
    Error:Error:line (16)error: ActionBarWrapper is not abstract and does not override abstract method startActionMode(Callback) in ActionBarSherlock 
    Error:Error:line (24)error: constructor ActionBar in class ActionBar cannot be applied to given types; 
required: Activity,int 
found: no arguments 
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length 
    Warning:Warning:line (22)[deprecation] onCreateActionView() in ActionProvider has been deprecated 
    Warning:Warning:line (86)[deprecation] setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) in View has been deprecated 
    Error:Error:line (3)error: package org.junit does not exist 
    Error:Error:line (5)error: cannot find symbol class ActionBarSherlockCompat 
    Error:Error:line (5)error: static import only from classes and interfaces 
    Error:Error:line (6)error: package org.hamcrest does not exist 
    Error:Error:line (6)error: static import only from classes and interfaces 
    Error:Error:line (7)error: package org.junit does not exist 
    Error:Error:line (7)error: static import only from classes and interfaces 
    Error:Error:line (10)error: cannot find symbol class Test 
    Error:Error:line (17)error: cannot find symbol class Test 
    Error:Error:line (24)error: cannot find symbol class Test 
    Error:Error:line (31)error: cannot find symbol class Test 
    Error:Error:line (13)error: cannot find symbol method cleanActivityName(String,String) 
    Error:Error:line (14)error: cannot find symbol method equalTo(String) 
    Error:Error:line (20)error: cannot find symbol method cleanActivityName(String,String) 
    Error:Error:line (21)error: cannot find symbol method equalTo(String) 
    Error:Error:line (27)error: cannot find symbol method cleanActivityName(String,String) 
    Error:Error:line (28)error: cannot find symbol method equalTo(String) 
    Error:Error:line (34)error: cannot find symbol method cleanActivityName(String,String) 
    Error:Error:line (35)error: cannot find symbol method equalTo(String) 

내가 정말 ActionBarSherlock의 자체 내가 한 것도 오히려 문제가 될 것 같지 않기 때문에, 잘못 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 모르겠어요. 어떻게해야합니까?

또한 IntelliJ IDEA를 사용하여 프로젝트를 만들고 빌드합니다. 프로젝트 자체는 두 가지 버전의 라이브러리 프로젝트이므로 무료 및 유료 버전의 앱을 지원할 수 있습니다.


안녕하세요! 프로젝트에서 컴파일하고있는 Android 버전을 알려주시겠습니까? – Frank


대상이 API 16이고 최소값이 API 7입니다. – NSchock



1) 프로젝트에 ActionbBarSherlock을 추가 했습니까? see Librairy

2) 프로젝트가 buid target> = Android 3.0입니까? see Project Build Target

3) 프로젝트에서 안드로이드 서포트 라이브러리를 사용하고 있습니까? 그것은 ActionBarSherlock의의 librairy에 이미 있기 때문에 그것을 제거하십시오

See Java Build Path

4) 프로젝트에 ActionBarSherlock의 1,2,3 단계를 수행해야합니다 자주하는 프로젝트를 청소 당신이 포함하려고 할 때마다 "x"와 "!" 두 프로젝트의 표시 Project -> Clean...


아쉽게도 프로젝트의 일부로 지원 라이브러리가 있었는데 모든 오류가 발생했습니다. 고침, 고마워. – NSchock


좋아! 임이 기뻤습니다. – Frank

관련 문제