2014-06-10 4 views

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    type: 'application/pdf', 
    sourceHeight: this.chartHeight, 
    sourceWidth: this.chartWidth, 
    scale: 1 
    title: { 
     text: '<span style="font-weight:bold">Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment for Pinellas County in June, 2013</span><br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:9pt">Labor Force Graph</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:10px; font-weight:normal">The graph below shows the monthly not seasonally adjusted Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment data for Pinellas County in June, 2013.</span>' 
    subtitle: { 
     text: 'Source: Labor Market Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program and Online Advertised Job Data<br />Downloaded: 06/10/2014 4:20 PM' 
    legend: { 
     y: -50 
    chart: { 
     spacingLeft: 0, 
     spacingBottom: 10, 
     shadow: false, 
     height: chartMainLoc.chartHeight + 20 


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