2011-05-11 2 views
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... 코드도움말 : 오류 = NullReferenceException이 사용자 코드에 의해 처리되지 않은했다

오류가 줄에서 발생하는 ... 오류까지 정상적으로 작동합니다. SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters를 ("TechID")의 DefaultValue()

Imports System.Data 

Partial Class IncidentAssignment 
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page 

    Public incidentRow As DataRowView 
    Public technicianRow As DataRowView 

    Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 

     'Check to see if a incident has been selected 

     If GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1 Then 
      Button1.CommandName = "" 
      lblmessage.Text = "You must select an incident." 

      Button1.CommandName = "NextView" 
      lblmessage.Text = "" 

     End If 
    End Sub 

    Protected Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click 

     'Check to see if a incident has been selected 

     If GridView2.SelectedIndex = -1 Then 
      Button3.CommandName = "" 
      lblmessage2.Text = "You must select a technician." 

      Button3.CommandName = "NextView" 
      lblmessage2.Text = "" 
      'Create second DataView 

      Dim techniciansTable As DataView = CType(SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) 

      'Save the selected technician data row 

      'To the DataRowView object and to session state 

      technicianRow = techniciansTable(GridView2.SelectedIndex) 

      Session("Technician") = technicianRow 

      'Create DataView 

      Dim incidentsTable As DataView = CType(SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) 

      'Save PageIndex and PageSize to variables. 

      Dim pageIndex As Integer = GridView1.PageIndex 

      Dim pageSize As Integer = GridView1.PageSize 

      'Calculate the value of the SelectedIndex 

      Dim selectedIndex As Integer = (pageIndex * pageSize) + GridView1.SelectedIndex 

      'Save the selected data row to the DataRowView 

      'object and to session state 

      incidentRow = incidentsTable(selectedIndex) 

      Session("Incident") = incidentRow 

      'Display output from the two DataRowView objects 

      Label1.Text = incidentRow("Name") 

      Label2.Text = incidentRow("ProductCode") 

      Label3.Text = technicianRow("Name") 

     End If 

    End Sub 

    Public Sub btnAssign_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAssign.Click 

     'Assign data from session state to 

     'the two DataRowView objects 

***ERROR technicianRow = CType(Session("Technician"), DataRowView) 

     incidentRow = CType(Session("Incident"), DataRowView) 

     'Update the value of the two parameters to be 

     'used to store new information about the 

     'assigned technician 

     SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters("TechID").DefaultValue() = CInt(technicianRow("TechID")) 

     SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters("IncidentID").DefaultValue() = CInt(incidentRow("IncidentID")) 

     'Trap errors 


      'Update the table. 


      'Unselect the two GridView controls 

      GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1 

      GridView2.SelectedIndex = -1 

      'Rebind the GridView controls 



      'Move to the first view 

      MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0 

     Catch ex As Exception 

      Session("Exception") = ex 

      Session("Page") = "~/Admin/IndicentAssignment.aspx" 


     End Try 

    End Sub 

    Protected Sub GridView2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView2.SelectedIndexChanged 

    End Sub 
End Class 

질문의 코딩 부분을 올바르게 편집하십시오. –



이 .DefaultValue()

당신이 PARAM이 있습니까 "에서 괄호를 제거 =에 CInt (technicianRow ("TechID은 "))


전체 VB 코드 페이지의 sqldatasource에 정의 된 eters ??

       <asp:Parameter Name="SomeName" Type="String" /> 
       <asp:Parameter Name="SomeDescription" Type="String" /> 

시도 ... 시도 ... 같은 줄에 같은 오류 ... 다른 아이디어가 있습니까? –


특정 오류가 무엇입니까? –

관련 문제