2011-02-11 3 views
from dionaea.core import ihandler, incident, g_dionaea 
from dionaea.util import md5file, sha512file 
from dionaea import pyev 

import logging 
import json 
import uuid 

logger = logging.getLogger('submit_http') 

class submmithttp_report: 
    def __init__(self, sha512h, md5, filepath): 
     self.sha512h, self.md5h, self.filepath = sha512h, filepath 
     self.saddr, self.sport, self.daddr, self.dport = ('',)*4 
     self.download_url = '' 

class handler(ihandler): 
    def __init__(self, path): 
     logger.debug("%s ready!" % (self.__class__.__name__)) 
     ihandler.__init__(self, path) 
     mwsconfig = g_dionaea.config()['modules']['python']['submit_http'] 
     self.backendurl = mwsconfig['url'] 
     self.email = 'email' in mwsconfig and mwsconfig['email'] or '[email protected]' 
     self.user = 'user' in mwsconfig and mwsconfig['user'] or '' 
     self.password = 'pass' in mwsconfig and mwsconfig['pass'] or '' 
     self.cookies = {} 

     # heartbeats 
     dinfo = g_dionaea.version() 
     self.software = 'dionaea {0} {1}/{2} - {3} {4}'.format(
     self.loop = pyev.default_loop() 

    def handle_incident(self, icd): 

    def handle_incident_dionaea_download_complete_unique(self, icd): 
     cookie = str(uuid.uuid4()) 

     i = incident("dionaea.upload.request") 
     i._url = self.backendurl 

     i.sha512 = sha512file(icd.file) 
     i.md5 = md5file(icd.file) 
     i.email = self.email 
     i.user = self.user 
     i.password = self.password 

     mr = submithttp_report(i.sha512, i.md5, icd.file) 

     if hasattr(icd, 'con'): 
      i.source_host = icd.con.remote.host 
      i.source_port = str(icd.con.remote.port) 
      i.target_host = icd.con.local.host 
      i.target_port = str(icd.con.local.port) 
      mr.saddr, mr.sport, mr.daddr, mr.dport = i.saddr, i.sport, i.daddr, i.dport 
     if hasattr(icd, 'url'): 
      i.download_url = icd.url 
      mr.download_url = icd.url 

     i._callback = "dionaea.modules.python.submithttp.result" 
     i._userdata = cookie 

     self.cookies[cookie] = mr 

    # handle agains in the same way 
    handle_incident_dionaea_download_complete_again = handle_incident_dionaea_download_complete_unique 

    def handle_incident_dionaea_modules_python_submithttp_result(self, icd): 
     fh = open(icd.path, mode="rb") 
     c = fh.read() 
     logger.info("submithttp result: {0}".format(c)) 

     cookie = icd._userdata 
     mr = self.cookies[cookie] 

     # does backend want us to upload? 
     if b'UNKNOWN' in c or b'S_FILEREQUEST' in c: 
      i = incident("dionaea.upload.request") 
      i._url = self.backendurl 

      i.sha512 = mr.sha512h 
      i.md5 = mr.md5h 
      i.email = self.email 
      i.user = self.user 
      i.password = self.password 

      i.set('file://data', mr.filepath) 

      i.source_host = mr.saddr 
      i.source_port = mr.sport 
      i.target_host = mr.daddr 
      i.target_port = mr.dport 
      i.download_url = mr.download_url 

      i._callback = "dionaea.modules.python.submithttp.uploadresult" 
      i._userdata = cookie 


    def handle_incident_dionaea_modules_python_submithttp_uploadresult(self, icd): 
     fh = open(icd.path, mode="rb") 
     c = fh.read() 
     logger.info("submithttp uploadresult: {0}".format(c)) 

     del self.cookies[icd._userdata] 

는 허니팟 호출이 모듈은 다음과 같은 오류 메시지가 나타납니다 때 :파이썬은 " 'X'전역 이름이 정의되지 않은"

NameError at NameError("global name 'submithttp_report' is not defined",) 
[11022011 00:27:30] python module.c:984: /opt/dionaea/lib/dionaea/python/dionaea/submit_http.py:57 in handle_incident_dionaea_download_complete_unique 
[11022011 00:27:30] python module.c:985:  mr = submithttp_report(i.sha512, i.md5, icd.file) 
[11022011 00:27:30] python module.c:984: binding.pyx:975 in dionaea.core.c_python_ihandler_cb (binding.c:8605) 

Thanck 당신들!



클래스 이름은 submmithttp_report입니다하지만 당신은


submithttp_report를 호출 (더 명시하려면. 클래스 정의의 이름이'm' 문자가) – Amber


내가 코드를 찾고 두 시간 동안 오전하지 않은 내가 오늘 본 것처럼, 수천 줄의 코드가 정상적이지 않은 것으로 나타났습니다. 사과와 감사합니다. – x13


이제이 어리석은 오류가 있습니다. 그러나 이것은 저에게 파이썬의 버그가 무엇이겠습니까? 아니면 잘못 됐나요? 오류 : ValueError의 ValueError ('압축을 풀려면 2 개 이상의 값이 필요합니다.') [11022011 00:44:53] python module.c : 984 : /opt/dionaea/lib/dionaea/python/dionaea/submit_http.py : 15 in __init__ [11022011 00:44:53] python module.c : 985 : self.sha512h, self.md5h, self.filepath = sha512h, filepath – x13