2016-09-11 3 views

나는 tflearn처럼 tensorflow 및 일부 고급 API를 연구 중이다.tflearn (lstm -Tensorflow)을 사용하여 IMDB 데이터에 대한 감정 분석

여기서 내가하려는 것은 정서 분석을 위해 IMDB 데이터에 lstm을 사용하는 것입니다. 이 링크를이 전처리 된 데이터를 사용하지만 https://github.com/tflearn/tflearn/blob/master/examples/nlp/lstm.py

다음의 샘플 코드는,하지만 난 여기에

내가 감정 분석을 위해 업데이트 된 코드입니다 ( http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/에서 다운로드) 내 자신의 IMDB 원시 데이터를 사용 싶어 , 모든 중간 단계는 정확 해 보이지만 정확도는 안정적이지 않습니다 (아래 결과 참조). 마지막에 예측을 인쇄하면 각 클래스의 확률이 [[0.4999946355819702, 0.5000053644180298], [0.5000001192092896, 0.49999988079071045], [0.49999362230300903, 0.5000064373016357], [0.49999985098838806, 0.5000001192092896]]와 매우 비슷하다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

기차 데이터를 다시 예측하려고 시도 할 때 위와 같은 결과가 나오므로 문제가 지나치게 맞지 않는다고 생각하지 않습니다. 나는 어떤 점을 놓치고 있거나 뭔가 잘못하고 있다고 생각합니다.

어떤 도움 감사합니다, 감사

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import 

import tflearn 
from tflearn.data_utils import to_categorical, pad_sequences 
import string 
import numpy as nm 
import codecs 
import re 
import collections 
import math 
import tensorflow as tf 
import random 
import glob 

allWords = [] 
allDocuments = [] 
allLabels = [] 

def readFile(fileName, allWords): 

    file = codecs.open(fileName, encoding='utf-8') 

    for line in file: 
     line = line.lower().encode('utf-8') 
     words = line.split() 
     for word in words: 
      word = word.translate(None, string.punctuation) 
      if word != '': 


def readFileToConvertWordsToIntegers(dictionary, fileName, allDocuments, allLabels, label): 

    file = codecs.open(fileName, encoding='utf-8') 
    document = [] 
    for line in file: 
     line = line.lower().encode('utf-8') 
     words = line.split() 
     for word in words: 
      word = word.translate(None, string.punctuation) 
      if word in dictionary: 
       index = dictionary[word] 
       index = 0 # dictionary['UNK'] 


vocabulary_size = 10000 

def build_dataset(words): 
    count = [['UNK', -1]] 
    count.extend(collections.Counter(words).most_common(vocabulary_size - 1)) 
    dictionary = dict() 
    for word, _ in count: 
    dictionary[word] = len(dictionary) 
    data = list() 
    unk_count = 0 
    for word in words: 
    if word in dictionary: 
     index = dictionary[word] 
     index = 0 # dictionary['UNK'] 
     unk_count = unk_count + 1 
    count[0][1] = unk_count 
    reverse_dictionary = dict(zip(dictionary.values(), dictionary.keys())) 
    return dictionary, reverse_dictionary 

fileList = glob.glob("/Users/inanc/Desktop/aclImdb/train/neg/*.txt") 
for file in fileList: 
    readFile(file, allWords) 

fileList = glob.glob("/Users/inanc/Desktop/aclImdb/test/train/*.txt") 
for file in fileList: 
    readFile(file, allWords) 


dictionary, reverse_dictionary = build_dataset(allWords) 
del allWords # Hint to reduce memory. 


fileList = glob.glob("/Users/inanc/Desktop/aclImdb/train/neg/*.txt") 
for file in fileList: 
    readFileToConvertWordsToIntegers(dictionary, file, allDocuments, allLabels, 0) 

fileList = glob.glob("/Users/inanc/Desktop/aclImdb/train/pos/*.txt") 
for file in fileList: 
    readFileToConvertWordsToIntegers(dictionary, file, allDocuments, allLabels, 1) 


c = list(zip(allDocuments, allLabels)) # shuffle them partitioning 


allDocuments, allLabels = zip(*c) 

trainX = allDocuments[:22500] 
testX = allDocuments[22500:] 

trainY = allLabels[:22500] 
testY = allLabels[22500:] 


trainY = to_categorical(trainY, nb_classes=2) 
testY = to_categorical(testY, nb_classes=2) 

trainX = pad_sequences(trainX, maxlen=100, value=0.) 
testX = pad_sequences(testX, maxlen=100, value=0.) 
# Converting labels to binary vectors 
trainY = to_categorical(trainY, nb_classes=2) 
testY = to_categorical(testY, nb_classes=2) 

# Network building 
net = tflearn.input_data([None, 100]) 
net = tflearn.embedding(net, input_dim=vocabulary_size, output_dim=128) 
net = tflearn.lstm(net, 128, dropout=0.8) 
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 2, activation='softmax') 
net = tflearn.regression(net, optimizer='adam', learning_rate=0.001, 

# Training 
model = tflearn.DNN(net, tensorboard_verbose=0) 
model.fit(trainX, trainY, validation_set=(testX, testY), show_metric=True, 
predictions = model.predict(trainX) 

결과 :

Training Step: 704 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 704 | total loss: 1.38629: 0.4698 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 001 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.4698 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.4925 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 1408 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 1408 | total loss: 1.38629 0.8110 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 002 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.8110 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.9984 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 1620 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 2112 | total loss: 1.38629 0.8306 -- iter: 06784/22500 
Training Step: 2112 | total loss: 1.38629 0.6303 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 003 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.6303 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.7382 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 2816 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 2816 | total loss: 1.38629 0.5489 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 004 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.5489 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.2904 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 3520 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 3520 | total loss: 1.38629 0.4848 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 005 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.4848 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.7828 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 4224 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 4224 | total loss: 1.38629 0.5233 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 006 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.5233 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.9654 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 4928 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 4928 | total loss: 1.38629 0.4400 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 007 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.4400 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.6725 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 5632 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 5632 | total loss: 1.38629 0.4319 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 008 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.4319 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.5808 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 6336 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 6336 | total loss: 1.38629 0.4765 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 009 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.4765 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.4833 -- iter: 22500/22500 
Training Step: 7040 | total loss: 1.38629 
Training Step: 7040 | total loss: 1.38629 0.5203 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc:| Adam | epoch: 010 | loss: 1.38629 - acc: 0.5203 | val_loss: 1.38629 - val_acc: 0.2373 -- iter: 22500/22500 



오, 내 나쁜입니다. 나는

trainY = to_categorical(trainY, nb_classes=2) 
testY = to_categorical(testY, nb_classes=2) 

줄을 두 번 입력 했으므로 나중에 한 범주 만 존재합니다. 반복 된 선을 제거한 후에 문제가 해결되었습니다.