2016-08-02 3 views

라이브 검색을위한 플러그인을 사용하고 있습니다. 모든 것이 잘 작동하고 있습니다. 단지 아약스 요청이 시작될 때 결과에 ​​나타나지 않는 로딩 png를 추가하려고합니다. form id = "search-kb-form"클래스를 추가하기 위해 코드를 사용자 정의하고 결과가 완료되면 클래스를 제거하십시오. LiveSearch에서 로딩 PNG를 추가하고 싶습니다.

 <form id="search-kb-form" class="search-kb-form" method="get" action="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>" autocomplete="off"> 
     <div class="wrapper-kb-fields"> 
      <input type="text" id="s" name="s" placeholder="Search what you’re looking for" title="* Please enter a search term!"> 
      <input type="submit" class="submit-button-kb" value=""> 
     <div id="search-error-container"></div> 

플러그인 코드

jQuery.fn.liveSearch = function (conf) { 
var config = jQuery.extend({ 
    url:   {'jquery-live-search-result': 'search-results.php?q='}, 
    id:    'jquery-live-search', 
    duration:  400, 
    typeDelay:  200, 
    loadingClass: 'loading', 
    onSlideUp:  function() {}, 
    uptadePosition: false, 
    minLength:  0, 
    width:   null 
}, conf); 

if (typeof(config.url) == "string") { 
    config.url = { 'jquery-live-search-result': config.url } 
} else if (typeof(config.url) == "object") { 
    if (typeof(config.url.length) == "number") { 
     var urls = {} 
     for (var i = 0; i < config.url.length; i++) { 
      urls['jquery-live-search-result-' + i] = config.url[i]; 
     config.url = urls; 

var searchStatus = {}; 
var liveSearch = jQuery('#' + config.id); 
var loadingRequestCounter = 0; 

// Create live-search if it doesn't exist 
if (!liveSearch.length) { 
    liveSearch = jQuery('<div id="' + config.id + '"></div>') 

    for (key in config.url) { 
     liveSearch.append('<div id="' + key + '"></div>'); 
     searchStatus[key] = false; 

    // Close live-search when clicking outside it 
    jQuery(document.body).click(function(event) { 
     var clicked = jQuery(event.target); 

     if (!(clicked.is('#' + config.id) || clicked.parents('#' + config.id).length || clicked.is('input'))) { 
      liveSearch.slideUp(config.duration, function() { 

return this.each(function() { 
    var input       = jQuery(this).attr('autocomplete', 'off'); 
    var liveSearchPaddingBorderHoriz = parseInt(liveSearch.css('paddingLeft'), 10) + parseInt(liveSearch.css('paddingRight'), 10) + parseInt(liveSearch.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) + parseInt(liveSearch.css('borderRightWidth'), 10); 

    // Re calculates live search's position 
    var repositionLiveSearch = function() { 
     var tmpOffset = input.offset(); 
     var tmpWidth = input.outerWidth(); 
     if (config.width != null) { 
      tmpWidth = config.width; 
     var inputDim = { 
      left:  tmpOffset.left, 
      top:  tmpOffset.top, 
      width:  tmpWidth, 
      height:  input.outerHeight() 

     inputDim.topPos  = inputDim.top + inputDim.height; 
     inputDim.totalWidth = inputDim.width - liveSearchPaddingBorderHoriz; 

      position: 'absolute', 
      left:  inputDim.left + 'px', 
      top:  inputDim.topPos + 'px', 
      width:  inputDim.totalWidth + 'px' 

    var showOrHideLiveSearch = function() { 
     if (loadingRequestCounter == 0) { 
      showStatus = false; 
      for (key in config.url) { 
       if(searchStatus[key] == true) { 
        showStatus = true; 

      if (showStatus == true) { 
       for (key in config.url) { 
        if(searchStatus[key] == false) { 
         liveSearch.find('#' + key).html(''); 
      } else { 

    // Shows live-search for this input 
    var showLiveSearch = function() { 
     // Always reposition the live-search every time it is shown 
     // in case user has resized browser-window or zoomed in or whatever 

     // We need to bind a resize-event every time live search is shown 
     // so it resizes based on the correct input element 
     jQuery(window).unbind('resize', repositionLiveSearch); 
     jQuery(window).bind('resize', repositionLiveSearch); 



    // Hides live-search for this input 
    var hideLiveSearch = function() { 
     liveSearch.slideUp(config.duration, function() { 
      for (key in config.url) { 
       liveSearch.find('#' + key).html(''); 

    // On focus, if the live-search is empty, perform an new search 
    // If not, just slide it down. Only do this if there's something in the input 
     .focus(function() { 
      if (this.value.length > config.minLength) { 

     // Auto update live-search onkeyup 
     .keyup(function() { 
      // Don't update live-search if it's got the same value as last time 

      if (this.value != this.lastValue) { 

       var q = this.value; 

       // Stop previous ajax-request 
       if (this.timer) { 


       if(q.length > config.minLength) { 
        // Start a new ajax-request in X ms 

        this.timer = setTimeout(function() { 

         for (url_key in config.url) { 
          loadingRequestCounter += 1; 
           key: url_key, 
           url: config.url[url_key] + q, 
           success: function(data){ 
            if (data.length) { 
             searchStatus[this.key] = true; 
             liveSearch.find("#" + this.key).html(data); 
            } else { 
             searchStatus[this.key] = false; 
            loadingRequestCounter -= 1; 

        }, config.typeDelay); 

       else { 
        for (url_key in config.url) { 
         searchStatus[url_key] = false; 

       this.lastValue = this.value; 




은 많은 .. 당신이 내 시간을 저장 한 클래스를로드

.loading { 

나는 그것을 보지 않았다 OO ... 덕분에 배경을 추가 .. – rmarif

관련 문제