2011-09-01 5 views

Websocket 연결을 어떻게 끊을 수 있습니까? 나는 양쪽 끝에서 연결을 닫는 것에 대해 말하는 것이 아니라 "중간에"끼어 드는 것에 대해 이야기하는 것입니다. 다시 연결 (SocketIO를 통해 처리됨)에서 발생해야하는 일부 응용 프로그램 논리를 테스트해야합니다.Websocket 연결을 어떻게 끊을 수 있습니까?

그리고 네트워크 케이블을 뽑으면 실제로 유닛 테스트에서 자동화 할 수 없기 때문에 계산에 포함되지 않습니다 .-) 게다가, 특정 연결 하나만 죽이고 나머지는 모두 죽이지 않으려합니다.


어떤 운영 체제 에서요? –


Windows, 선호. 지금은 Sysinternal의 TCPView를 사용하여 수동으로 연결을 끊지 만, 여전히 프로그래밍 방식으로이 작업을 수행 할 방법을 찾고 있습니다. 나는 쉘 스크립팅에 뛰어 들지 않고 이것을 할 수 있기를 바랬다. – n3rd



고통 스럽지만 가능합니다. 설명 here을 찾을 수 있습니다. 코드는 다음과 같습니다 :

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
/// <summary> 
/// This is a class for disconnecting TCP connections. 
/// You can get a list of all connections and close by a connection, localIP, 
/// remoteIP, localPort and remotePort. 
/// </summary> 
public class Disconnecter { 
     //Enumeration of the states 
     public enum State{ 
     //Connection info 
     private struct MIB_TCPROW{ 
       public int dwState; 
       public int dwLocalAddr; 
       public int dwLocalPort; 
       public int dwRemoteAddr; 
       public int dwRemotePort; 
     //API to get list of connections 
     private static extern int GetTcpTable(IntPtr pTcpTable,ref int pdwSize,bool bOrder); 
     //API to change status of connection 
       //private static extern int SetTcpEntry(MIB_TCPROW tcprow); 
     private static extern int SetTcpEntry(IntPtr pTcprow); 
     //Convert 16-bit value from network to host byte order 
     private static extern int ntohs(int netshort); 
     //Convert 16-bit value back again 
     private static extern int htons(int netshort); 

     //Close all connection to the remote IP 
     public static void CloseRemoteIP(string IP){ 
       MIB_TCPROW[] rows = getTcpTable(); 
       for(int i=0; i<rows.Length; i++){ 
           rows[i].dwState = (int) State.Delete_TCB; 
           IntPtr ptr = GetPtrToNewObject(rows[i]); 
           int ret = SetTcpEntry(ptr); 

     //Close all connections at current local IP 
     public static void CloseLocalIP(string IP){ 
       MIB_TCPROW[] rows = getTcpTable(); 
       for(int i=0; i<rows.Length; i++){ 
           rows[i].dwState = (int) State.Delete_TCB; 
           IntPtr ptr = GetPtrToNewObject(rows[i]); 
           int ret = SetTcpEntry(ptr); 
     //Closes all connections to the remote port 
     public static void CloseRemotePort(int port){ 
       MIB_TCPROW[] rows = getTcpTable(); 
       for(int i=0; i<rows.Length; i++){ 
           rows[i].dwState = (int) State.Delete_TCB; 
           IntPtr ptr = GetPtrToNewObject(rows[i]); 
           int ret = SetTcpEntry(ptr); 
     //Closes all connections to the local port 
     public static void CloseLocalPort(int port){ 
       MIB_TCPROW[] rows = getTcpTable(); 
       for(int i=0; i<rows.Length; i++){ 
           rows[i].dwState = (int) State.Delete_TCB; 
           IntPtr ptr = GetPtrToNewObject(rows[i]); 
           int ret = SetTcpEntry(ptr); 
     //Close a connection by returning the connectionstring 
     public static void CloseConnection(string connectionstring){ 
         //Split the string to its subparts 
         string[] parts = connectionstring.Split('-'); 
         if(parts.Length!=4) throw new Exception("Invalid connectionstring - use the one provided by Connections."); 
         string[] loc = parts[0].Split(':'); 
         string[] rem = parts[1].Split(':'); 
         string[] locaddr = loc[0].Split('.'); 
         string[] remaddr = rem[0].Split('.'); 
         //Fill structure with data 
         MIB_TCPROW row = new MIB_TCPROW(); 
         row.dwState = 12; 
         byte[] bLocAddr = new byte[]{byte.Parse(locaddr[0]),byte.Parse(locaddr[1]),byte.Parse(locaddr[2]),byte.Parse(locaddr[3])}; 
         byte[] bRemAddr = new byte[]{byte.Parse(remaddr[0]),byte.Parse(remaddr[1]),byte.Parse(remaddr[2]),byte.Parse(remaddr[3])}; 
         row.dwLocalAddr = BitConverter.ToInt32(bLocAddr,0); 
         row.dwRemoteAddr = BitConverter.ToInt32(bRemAddr,0); 
         row.dwLocalPort = htons(int.Parse(loc[1])); 
         row.dwRemotePort = htons(int.Parse(rem[1])); 
         //Make copy of the structure into memory and use the pointer to call SetTcpEntry 
         IntPtr ptr = GetPtrToNewObject(row); 
         int ret = SetTcpEntry(ptr); 
         if(ret==-1) throw new Exception("Unsuccessful"); 
         if(ret==65) throw new Exception("User has no sufficient privilege to execute this API successfully"); 
         if(ret==87) throw new Exception("Specified port is not in state to be closed down"); 
         if(ret!=0) throw new Exception("Unknown error ("+ret+")"); 
       }catch(Exception ex){ 
         throw new Exception("CloseConnection failed ("+connectionstring+")! ["+ex.GetType().ToString()+","+ex.Message+"]"); 
     //Gets all connections 
     public static string[] Connections(){ 
       return Connections(State.All); 
     //Gets a connection list of connections with a defined state 
     public static string[] Connections(State state){ 
       MIB_TCPROW[] rows = getTcpTable(); 

       ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); 

       foreach(MIB_TCPROW row in rows){ 
         if(state == State.All || state == (State)row.dwState){ 
           string localaddress = IPIntToString(row.dwLocalAddr) +":"+ ntohs(row.dwLocalPort); 
           string remoteaddress = IPIntToString(row.dwRemoteAddr) + ":" + ntohs(row.dwRemotePort); 
           arr.Add(localaddress + "-" + remoteaddress + "-" + ((State)row.dwState).ToString() + "-" + row.dwState); 

       return (string[])arr.ToArray(typeof(System.String)); 
     //The function that fills the MIB_TCPROW array with connectioninfos 
     private static MIB_TCPROW[] getTcpTable(){ 
       IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero; bool allocated=false; 
         int iBytes=0; 
         GetTcpTable(IntPtr.Zero, ref iBytes, false); //Getting size of return data 
         buffer=Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(iBytes); //allocating the datasize 

         GetTcpTable(buffer, ref iBytes, false); //Run it again to fill the memory with the data 
         int structCount=Marshal.ReadInt32(buffer); // Get the number of structures 
         IntPtr buffSubPointer = buffer; //Making a pointer that will point into the buffer 
         buffSubPointer = (IntPtr)((int)buffer + 4); //Move to the first data (ignoring dwNumEntries from the original MIB_TCPTABLE struct) 
         MIB_TCPROW[] tcpRows = new MIB_TCPROW[structCount]; //Declaring the array 
         //Get the struct size 
         MIB_TCPROW tmp = new MIB_TCPROW(); 
         int sizeOfTCPROW = Marshal.SizeOf(tmp); 
         //Fill the array 1 by 1 
         for(int i=0; i<structCount; i++){ 
           tcpRows[i] = (MIB_TCPROW)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffSubPointer, typeof(MIB_TCPROW)); //copy struct data 
           buffSubPointer = (IntPtr)((int)buffSubPointer + sizeOfTCPROW); //move to next structdata 

         return tcpRows; 
       }catch(Exception ex){ 
         throw new Exception("getTcpTable failed! ["+ex.GetType().ToString()+","+ex.Message+"]"); 
         if(allocated) Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(buffer); //Free the allocated memory 
     private static IntPtr GetPtrToNewObject(object obj){ 
       IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(obj)); 
       return ptr; 
     //Convert an IP string to the INT value 
     private static int IPStringToInt(string IP){ 
       if(IP.IndexOf(".")<0) throw new Exception("Invalid IP address"); 
       string[] addr = IP.Split('.'); 
       if(addr.Length!=4) throw new Exception("Invalid IP address"); 
       byte[] bytes = new byte[]{byte.Parse(addr[0]),byte.Parse(addr[1]),byte.Parse(addr[2]),byte.Parse(addr[3])}; 
       return BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes,0); 
     //Convert an IP integer to IP string 
     private static string IPIntToString(int IP){ 
       byte[] addr = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(IP); 
       return addr[0] +"."+addr[1] +"."+addr[2] +"."+addr[3]; 

아마도 C# 코드라고 언급해야합니다 (최소한 C#처럼 보입니다). – Philipp


브라우저 내에서 WebSocket 연결이 실행되고 있습니까? 그렇다면 JavaScript를 사용하여 WebSocket 객체 참조를 확보하고 websocketInstance.close();를 호출 할 수 있습니까? 이것은 OS 레벨을 낮추는 것보다 조금 쉬워 보입니다.

그런 다음 Selenium .NET driver과 같은 것을 사용하여 브라우저 인스턴스를 제어하고 WebSocket 연결을 닫는 JavaScript를 실행할 수 있습니다. 비슷한 종류의 라이브러리도 있습니다.

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