2016-08-30 1 views

교육용 도움말이 필요합니다. 방금 ​​JS 학습을 시작했으며 내 지식으로는 충분하지 않습니다. 문제 : 무작위 범주로 생성되는 HTML 페이지에 대해 chooseRandomCategory() (2 단계) 함수로 전달할 수 있습니까? 해결 방법에 대해 조언 해주세요. 같은 방법으로 해결임의의 카테고리 픽업을위한 함수 호출

(function (global) { 
var dc = {}; 
var homeHtmlUrl = "snippets/home-snippet.html"; 
var allCategoriesUrl = 
var categoriesTitleHtml = "snippets/categories-title-snippet.html"; 
var categoryHtml = "snippets/category-snippet.html"; 
var menuItemsUrl = 
var menuItemsTitleHtml = "snippets/menu-items-title.html"; 
var menuItemHtml = "snippets/menu-item.html"; 

// Convenience function for inserting innerHTML for 'select' 
var insertHtml = function (selector, html) { 
    var targetElem = document.querySelector(selector); 
    targetElem.innerHTML = html; 

// Return substitute of '{{propName}}' 
// with propValue in given 'string' 
var insertProperty = function (string, propName, propValue) { 
    var propToReplace = "{{" + propName + "}}"; 
    string = string 
    .replace(new RegExp(propToReplace, "g"), propValue); 
    return string; 

// On page load (before images or CSS) 
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { 
// TODO: STEP 0: Look over the code from 
// *** start *** 
// to 
// *** finish *** 
// below. 
// We changed this code to retrieve all categories from the server instead of 
// simply requesting home HTML snippet. We now also have another function 
// called buildAndShowHomeHTML that will receive all the categories from the server 
// and process them: choose random category, retrieve home HTML snippet, insert that 
// random category into the home HTML snippet, and then insert that snippet into our 
// main page (index.html). 
// TODO: STEP 1: Substitute [...] below with the *value* of the function buildAndShowHomeHTML, 
// so it can be called when server responds with the categories data. 

// *** start *** 
// On first load, show home view 
    buildAndShowHomeHTML, // ***** <---- TODO: STEP 1: Substitute [...] ****** 
    true); // Explicitely setting the flag to get JSON from server processed into an object literal 
// *** finish ** 

// Builds HTML for the home page based on categories array 
// returned from the server. 
function buildAndShowHomeHTML (categories) { 
    // Load home snippet page 
    function (homeHtml) { 

     // TODO: STEP 2: Here, call chooseRandomCategory, passing it retrieved 'categories' 
     // Pay attention to what type of data that function returns vs what the chosenCategoryShortName 
     // variable's name implies it expects. 
     var chosenCategoryShortName = chooseRandomCategory(???); 
     // TODO: STEP 3: Substitute {{randomCategoryShortName}} in the home html snippet with the 
     // chosen category from STEP 2. Use existing insertProperty function for that purpose. 
     // Look through this code for an example of how to do use the insertProperty function. 
     // WARNING! You are inserting something that will have to result in a valid Javascript 
     // syntax because the substitution of {{randomCategoryShortName}} becomes an argument 
     // being passed into the $dc.loadMenuItems function. Think about what that argument needs 
     // to look like. For example, a valid call would look something like this: 
     // $dc.loadMenuItems('L') 
     // Hint: you need to surround the chosen category short name with something before inserting 
     // it into the home html snippet. 

     var homeHtmlToInsertIntoMainPage = insertProperty(homeHtml, "randomCategoryShortName", chosenCategoryShortName); 

     // TODO: STEP 4: Insert the the produced HTML in STEP 3 into the main page 
     // Use the existing insertHtml function for that purpose. Look through this code for an example 
     // of how to do that. 

     insertHtml("#main-content", homeHtmlToInsertIntoMainPage); 
    false); // False here because we are getting just regular HTML from the server, so no need to process JSON. 

// Given array of category objects, returns a random category object. 
function chooseRandomCategory (categories) { 
    // Choose a random index into the array (from 0 inclusively until array length (exclusively)) 
    var randomArrayIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * categories.length); 

    // return category object with that randomArrayIndex 
    return categories[randomArrayIndex]; 

global.$dc = dc; 



문제를 설명하는 데 필요한 최소 수준으로 코드를 편집하십시오. 너무 많은 코드입니다. – Amy


실례합니다. 코드 스 니펫이 축소되었지만 유용한 무언가를 잘라 내기가 두려워졌습니다. – Alex


질문에 대답을하기보다 자신의 대답을 만들어야하며, 더 좋은 대답을받지 못하면 결국 받아 들여야합니다. – StephenTG




// TODO: STEP 2: Here, call chooseRandomCategory, passing it retrieved 'categories' 
     // Pay attention to what type of data that function returns vs what the chosenCategoryShortName 
     // variable's name implies it expects. 
     var chosenCategoryShortName = chooseRandomCategory(categories); 
     // TODO: STEP 3: Substitute {{randomCategoryShortName}} in the home html snippet with the 
     // chosen category from STEP 2. Use existing insertProperty function for that purpose. 
     // Look through this code for an example of how to do use the insertProperty function. 
     // WARNING! You are inserting something that will have to result in a valid Javascript 
     // syntax because the substitution of {{randomCategoryShortName}} becomes an argument 
     // being passed into the $dc.loadMenuItems function. Think about what that argument needs 
     // to look like. For example, a valid call would look something like this: 
     // $dc.loadMenuItems('L') 
     // Hint: you need to surround the chosen category short name with something before inserting 
     // it into the home html snippet. 

     var homeHtmlToInsertIntoMainPage = insertProperty(homeHtml, "randomCategoryShortName", "'" + chosenCategoryShortName.short_name + "'");

    allCategoriesUrl, function(buildAndShowCategoriesHTML) { document.querySelector("#main-content").innerHTML = responseText; 
                               }, // ***** <---- TODO: STEP 1: Substitute [...] ****** 
    true); // Explicitely setting the flag to get JSON from server processed into an object literal 

//I think step 

1 그렇게 보일 것


Welcome to Stack 과다! 이 질문에 어떻게 대답하는지 조금 자세히 설명해 주시겠습니까? –


처음 질문에 너무 많은 코드가 있지만, – GerrardE


showLoading ("# main-content"); $ ajaxUtils.sendGetRequest ( allCategoriesUrl, buildAndShowHomeHTML, \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t // ***** <- - TODO : 1 단계 : 대체 [...] ****** ); // 명시 적으로 객체 리터럴로 처리 된 서버에서 JSON을 가져 오도록 플래그를 설정합니다. }); // this is step 1 – GerrardE