2016-12-10 2 views

React Routes에서 렌더링하는 동적 NavBar 구성 요소를 구축하려고 할 때 경로를 받으면 Navigation 구성 요소로 렌더링 할 배열을 작성하지만 HTML은 전혀 렌더링하지 않습니다빌드 된 후 React JS 렌더링 목록


내가 함수로 호출 할 필요가 그것을 발견

, 코드

import React from 'react'; 
import { Link } from 'react-router'; 

class NavBarComponent extends React.Component { 
    constructor() { 
    this.routeList = []; 
    _getDisplayName(route) { 
    let name = null; 

    if (typeof route.getDisplayName === 'function') { 
     name = route.getDisplayName(); 

    if (route.indexRoute) { 
     name = name || route.indexRoute.displayName || null; 
    } else { 
     name = name || route.displayName || null; 

    //check to see if a custom name has been applied to the route 
    if (!name && !!route.name) { 
     name = route.name; 

    //if the name exists and it's in the excludes list exclude this route 
    //if (name && this.props.excludes.some(item => item === name)) return null; 

    if (!name) { 
     name = ""; 

    return name; 

    _checkAddRoutes(route, isRoot) { 
    let name = this._getDisplayName(route); 
    let exist = this.routeList.find(y => y.path === route.path); 
    if (exist == null && name && route.path) { 
     if (!isRoot) { 
     name = '/' + name; 
     this.routeList.push({ "path": route.path, "name": name }); 
    _buildRoutes(routes) { 
    routes.forEach((_route) => { 
     let isRoot = routes[1] && !routes[1].hasOwnProperty("path"); 
     let route = Object.assign({}, _route); 
     if (typeof _route.prettifyParam === 'function') { 
     route.prettifyParam = _route.prettifyParam; 
     if (isRoot && !route.path) { 
     route.path = '/'; 
     this._checkAddRoutes(route, isRoot); 
     if (isRoot && route.childRoutes && route.childRoutes.length) { 
     let cls = this; 
     route.childRoutes.forEach(chilRoute => { 


    renderListItem(item) { 
    return <li> <Link to="/about" activeClassName="sui-active">{item.name}</Link> </li>; 
    renderList() { 
    if (this.routeList && this.routeList.length) { 
     return this.routeList.map(item => this.renderListItem(item)); 
    return []; 
    render() { 
    return (
     <ul className="sui-navbar sui-border sui-round"> 
NavBarComponent.propTypes = { 
    routes: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object).isRequired 
module.exports = NavBarComponent; 



